I slept like a baby tucked snugly beneath my favorite down comforter while Mother Nature attacked the blackened world outside with a snowy vengeance. I relived my fabulous night at the movies in my dreams with smug satisfaction. I couldn’t say what movie we’d seen. It really didn’t matter. I’d spent an incredible two hours in the darkness of the movie theater—a veritable lover’s paradise—and a bit more time in my driveway when he brought me home in the arms of the most perfect man. We alternated between the throws of deep passion and a contented cuddle. It had been the perfect night. All my prayers and dreams of meeting Mr. Right paid off. Prayers do get answered!
The world was immobilized by the time my alarm besieged my perfect slumber. It was time to get up for work. Reluctant to leave my blissful memories and fantasies, I grudgingly slapped at the off button to the alarm, but it just kept ringing. After a few more attempts it registered. It was the telephone and not the alarm clock calling the reveille that was so rudely robbing me of my pleasure filled slumber.
“Hallo,” I moaned as I put the receiver to my ear and moved my face out of the pillow enough to speak into it.
“The diner’s closed today. Go back to sleep,” whispered a voice I barely recognized as Francine’s. Was she actually less of a morning person than I was?
“Okay, thanks,” I drawled. With my eyes barely opened, I hunted around for the base of the phone. After several tries, I managed to put the receiver back in its cradle. The realization struck me. I was not going to have to abandon my warm sanctuary. The diner was closed. We must have had a wicked snow storm. I suddenly loved the snow. A contented smile resembling that of a Cheshire cat spread across my face as I snuggled back under my comforter. I was more than willing to return to my world of amorous fantasy.
* * * *
I called off my date with Geoffrey via his voice mail. It didn’t sit well with him at all. The phone rang and rang for the better part of an hour after that. Each time it was him. Thank heavens for caller I.D.
Since the diner was closed and Geoffrey couldn’t barge in on me with his demands, he somehow managed to procure my phone number. My number is unlisted and shows up as private on caller I.D, so I assumed my mother gave it to him. I’m sure my mother considered Geoffrey’s asking for my number a promising sign. She was probably already making wedding plans.
Of course I called off our date. After the night of unfulfilled passion that I’d had with Nevi, I certainly had no intention of keeping my date with Geoffrey. Sure, Geoffrey was an incredible kisser, but Nevi had my heart. I know that sounds crazy after such a short time of dating him, but it was true. Truthfully, I think he had it from the minute we met. Not to mention the fact that Nevi was just as good a kisser as Geoffrey, if not better. Plus, Nevi—for the most part—was a gentleman, which was rare in today’s times. I’d spent enough time with Nevi to prove to me he was no vampire. I was embarrassed by the fact I even remotely entertained the idea.
A vampire indeed.
“All right. I get the message,” Geoffrey’s voice barked through the answering machine, “I’ll leave you alone. I…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to go this way.”
Well, at least he had the decency to apologize for his annoying, stalker-like persistence.
Geoffrey was obviously used to getting his way with women; understandably so. Perhaps my little rejection would tone his tune down just a bit. I knew that was a little smug of me, but I was feeling quite smug. After all, me - the attractive but not so raving beauty - had managed to land a man who was handsome beyond description, courteous and gentle, incredibly passionate, generous and - from what I could tell - stinking rich. You bet was I smug.
Nevi. Now that I had him, how would I keep him?
Francine’s warning had been plaguing me since I’d risen. After all, he was…well…I was…well…me. I thought of the movie, The Way We Were. Oh gosh, Katie and Hubble. I needed to do something before I found myself saying, “She’s lovely, Hubble.”
I searched the recesses of my bathroom closet until I rooted out the gift basket of beauty supplies my mother gave me for Christmas a few years earlier. Still intact in its cellophane wrapper, it contained an array of items from body scrubs to facial masks, creams, polishes, makeup, and shampoo. I’d received it at a particularly rebellious time in my life when I managed to magnetize the least bit of critique from my mother. I perceived the gift basket as an enormous critical statement of my appearance, rather than the thoughtful gift she intended it to be. I’d tossed it carelessly in the back of the closet of my newly acquired home with as much animosity as I could muster. I suddenly felt ashamed of my immaturity and made a mental note to call her and thank her for her thoughtfulness.
I was in the middle of unpacking the basket when I heard a light tapping on my bedroom door. Frank was up. The fact that the diner had closed was a clear indication the world around me was snowbound. It made sense that Frank—who worked in the accounting department of a small hardware chain—would not have gone to work as well.
“Come in, Frank,” I called over my shoulder.
“Is Frank the surly fellow who greeted me upon my arrival?” asked a familiar voice.
My body froze in disbelief. Please tell me Nevi wasn’t standing behind me in my cluttered bedroom. Please tell me he wasn’t seeing me in my ratty Mickey Mouse pajamas, hair yet to be combed, not a drop of makeup on, and unpacking a basket of beauty supplies. This couldn’t be happening.
I took a deep breath, forced a smile, and turned to greet him as calmly as I could. “This is an unexpected pleasure.”
“Indeed, it is,” he cooed as he drank me in from head to toe with his rich brown eyes.
I couldn’t control myself any longer and ran as fast as I could to dive under my covers like a young child hiding from the boogie man.
“What’s this?” Nevi chuckled as he followed me to the bed.
“I look awful!” I complained childishly.
“You never looked more beautiful,” he soothed as he gently tugged the covers from my face. “I am totally serious, Lizzy. At this moment, I can honestly say I’ve never seen you lovelier than you are now.” Cupping my chin with his fingers he continued, “Sexy too, I might add. I’m suddenly a devoted fan of Mickey Mouse.”
I couldn’t help giggling. Whether they were fact or fiction, Nevi’s words had the right effect and I relaxed enough to come out of hiding.
Nevi inched closer on the bed and pulled me to him. I felt the same electrifying intensity of bodily needs when our lips met as I had the night before. Maybe even more so.
“I want you.” His lips tickled my earlobe as he whispered gently in my ear.
“Okay,” I moaned, barely attached to reality.
Nevi gave me a gentle push so that we were once again separated and stood up. “I have come to invite you to go on a tour of our winter wonderland with me.”
“So, they’ve plowed the roads? I didn’t hear them come by,” I stated as I worked to regain my composure.
It was genuinely odd for the plows, or any vehicle for that matter, to go unnoticed. I lived at the end of a wooded and relatively secluded public road. Any vehicles venturing my way had to turn around in the cul-de-sac my driveway fed into.
“No, they have not plowed.” He smiled. “I have come via special transportation. Get dressed. I will wait in the living room. It will give me an opportunity to get to know your, err… roommate?”
I smiled meekly, feeling suddenly guilty for not telling Nevi that Frank lived with me. I watched him close the door behind him and leapt out of bed. I had no desire to allow Frank any more time alone with Nevi than necessary. I’d just pulled my Mickey Mouse nightshirt over my head when Nevi popped his head back into the room to inform me to be sure to dress in warm, comfortable clothes. Stunned, with bare breasts a glow, I nodded dumbly. Nevi simply smiled his approval and left to join Frank.
The mumbling of their voices was absolutely tortuous. I rushed around the room pulling on wool socks, long underwear, wool pants, and a heavy cable knit sweater. I was suffering from the heat long before I finished putting my hair in a loose braid and applying a light layer of makeup. I put an extra dose of deodorant on for good measure, squirted a light spray of Samsara in the air to walk into and scooted out of my room to intervene between Nevi and Frank. I prayed the damage done by their time alone would be slight.
To my surprise and relief, Frank and Nevi were getting along quite well. Frank looked as tussled as I had when Nevi arrived but he didn’t care. His coloring was still very gray and his cheeks looked even more sallow than before but his mood was decent enough. He managed to pull on the social graces he’d impressed me with on more than one occasion. I knew he was doing it for my sake. I smiled my thanks and blew him a kiss. He acknowledged my gestures with a curt nod.
Frank’s father was a lobbyist and Frank had been exposed to a world most people only dreamed about. It was one of the things we had in common. Not that I came from a family that was overly political, but both of us had been exposed to the finer things in life during our formative years. Plus, both of us had turned our backs on that lifestyle for whatever reason. Even so, Frank could pull on his training and be a most delightful host when occasion dictated it. Better than me, as he was so aptly demonstrating.
Nevi had his back to me when I entered the room. This gave me an opportunity to mouth my thanks to Frank before Nevi was aware of my presence. As I entered the room, Frank shrugged and excused himself. I noticed he had a slight limp. I needed to take the time to spend with him to see what was happening. He was fading fast and I had no idea what was wrong. It hurt that he hadn’t come to me and talked to me about it. I’d always considered us close. I thought we could talk about anything.
My thoughts were interrupted when Nevi held my down parka out for me to slide my arms into. I hesitated to put on a warmer piece of clothing. I was already sweltering. He assured me I’d need all the warmth I could possibly manage. When I stepped outside and saw his magnificent snow mobile, I understood why.
I was as delighted as a child going on a joy ride. I climbed behind Nevi and wrapped my arms around his waist. Even through the layers of clothing I could feel the solidness of his body. I noted he was wearing significantly less covering than I was and wondered if he’d be all right. He assured me that he weathered the cold much more efficiently than most and I wasn’t to worry.
So, I didn’t.
Instead, I embraced the experience of soaring down the unplowed roads, through the woods, and across open fields. We did exactly what Nevi invited me to do. We toured a winter wonderland. Even though it was yet another gloomy day with minimal sunlight, it was one of the most magnificent days of my life.
Nevi insisted I wear a helmet that sported and full-face visor. I was immediately grateful for it. It protected my face from being stung by flying snow while we traveled at break neck speed. I had no idea snowmobiles could move so fast. It was exhilarating.
We finally stopped outside an enormous and grand Victorian style mansion. It was in immaculate condition. Stately double doors dominated the portico in an inviting sort of way. Nevi pulled up to the bottom step leading to the front entrance and turned off the engine.
“Welcome to my home,” he said, matter-of-factly.
Of course, it was. What else would a man like Nevi live in? I peered around the edge of the porch and followed the driveway to an old carriage house. It looked like it had been converted into a six-car garage.
I was a little intimidated by the splendor as I accepted his hand and continued to hold it. I tested my legs to see if they’d allow me to stand after spending the majority of the day straddling the seat behind him. They were resistant at first, but soon succumbed to my will. Still holding his hand, I allowed my prince charming to guide me onto the porch and waited while he found the key in his pocket and unlocked the door.
Before I knew what was happening, Nevi scooped me into his arms and marched through the door with so much ease that you would have thought he was carrying a small bag of groceries instead of a slightly fluffy twenty-four-year-old woman. I had no idea what the occasion for enacting yet another scene from a romance novel was, but I was certainly impressed by his display of manly strength. I’ll admit I was swept away by the romance of it all.
I was definitely hooked on Nevi.
Between the fact that the sun was barely able—once again—to penetrate clouds black with the burden of so much snow ready to be released at any moment, and the fact it was late in the day and all the blinds were shut, the house was incredibly dark. Even so, I was able to focus my eyes enough while Nevi took the stairs two at a time. I was amazed at the splendor of the ancient dwelling’s decorum.
I couldn’t stop my mind from expounding on his romantic, outdated behavior. If the snow clung to our clothes and fell like dusty powder onto the carpet with every step that Nevi took was removed and the lighting stayed as it was, and we dressed in smoking jackets and flowing robes, we could have passed for Rhett Butler and Scarlet O’Hara. He’d swept her up the stairs in an unforgettable scene in Gone with the Wind in a manner similar to the way Nevi carried me now. Did Nevi watch the movie? Is it where he got the idea?
My honey was an incurable romantic and I loved it.
No one would believe this.
Nevi wasn’t even winded when we reached the top of the stairway and headed down the broad landing to a room near the far end of the expansive upper level. I thought it was at the back of the house, but my equilibrium was jumbled from the unforgettable experience so I couldn’t be sure.
He pushed the large, solid mahogany door open and glided across the room toward an enormous four-poster bed. The mattress was set high off the floor and required someone of average height to use a step stool to get on it. Its height made it so that Nevi hadn’t far to go to lower my eager and trembling body onto the neatly made bed.
Although the house was toasty in comparison to the outdoors, it was still cooler than the temperature I maintained in my home. I was reluctant to remove my outerwear. I was even more reluctant to break the mood by complaining to Nevi about it. Fortunately, he must have guessed because—after one long, delicious kiss—he moved to the fireplace and ignited the elaborately decorated gas insert that had been placed in it. It was a touch of modern convenience that in no way detracted from the original old-world charm of the room.
I was amazed at how quickly the room heated up. In only a matter of minutes it was as warm—if not warmer—than my cozy little cottage ever proved to be. Now, instead of shivering from the cold, I was shivering from anticipation. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that if Nevi wanted my virginity I would give it to him willingly. This was it. I’d found my man and I wanted to be with him completely. It didn’t matter that we’d only met a few weeks ago and this was only our fourth date - I considered our day together a date. I rationalized how I knew plenty of couples who slept together on their first date.
I shook my head. Stop trying to justify your feelings and actions, Lizzy. Do you want to spoil the mood?
Rhett, I mean Nevi, assisted me in removing my coat and sweater in slow, tortuous movements. It didn’t matter what occurred in the darkness of the movie theater the night before or that he’d caught a bird’s eye view of my breasts that morning. I felt incredibly vulnerable and exposed under the scrutiny of his dark, penetrating eyes in a bedroom dimly lit by the rich glow of firelight. I lay, shy and self-conscious, against a thick pile of down filled pillows and watched Nevi free his upper torso of clothing before stretching his lengthy body out on the bed next to mine. I was on fire with a mixture of passion, fear, desire, embarrassment, and insecurity. His lips were refreshingly cool against my burning flesh as he laid light, tiny kisses along my neck and shoulders.
“Relax, my Lizzy, I will not hurt you. I will never hurt you,” he whispered.
I knew men used lines like this one to get women into bed, but I didn’t think this was a line for him. I detected sincerity in his voice. He wouldn’t hurt me—not intentionally anyway.
“I know you won’t,” I replied, barely above a whisper.
I lost all track of time after. In fact, I believe I lost touch with reality as well. Never, in my wildest dreams, could I ever have imagined that making love could be such a phenomenally glorious act. There was no pain to speak of after his initial thrust at my virginity. That is, unless you wanted to count the pain of enduring the sheer torture of Nevi’s teasing lips and hands while he kept me just on the brink of a type of ecstasy that bordered on insanity. Somewhere in the recesses of my mind I heard myself begging him for the release that was so near and yet so far.
It was the wee hours of the morning when I rolled over in the enormous bed to discover myself naked and alone. The gas fireplace had been turned down to keep the room at a tolerable temperature. The low flames offered enough light to illuminate the room with an effect similar to a night-light. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and inspected the room thoroughly. There was no sign of Nevi. There was a door leading to an adjacent bathroom. Could he be using the john? I listened, but heard nothing.
Climbing out of bed, I shivered at the loss of my cozy coverings and grabbed my parka to cover my nakedness. It reached mid-thigh, leaving my bare legs and feet exposed to the coolness of the night. No matter. I only planned on being out of bed long enough to locate Nevi. After which, I fully intended on resuming my snuggling, cocooned in the warmth of the cozy coverlet and his body.
As I moved away from the bed, I noted that—not only did I feel unclean—I was sore in places I didn’t know existed. I half scooted, half hobbled into the bathroom and searched the medicine cabinet for some type of pain reliever. Nothing. Disappointed, I turned on the shower, hung my parka on a nearby hook, and hopped in. My sore muscles were greedy for release under the onslaught of hot water. It was incredibly therapeutic. I would have loved to have stayed in there longer, but I felt a little brazen helping myself to the comforts of his home as it was. I washed away the remnants of our love making and reluctantly hopped out of the shower. The bathroom was supplied with enormous, plush bath towels. I dried my body in no time.
Re-covering my nakedness with the warmth of my parka, I peeked out into the dark hallway. The hall was eerily dark. The drapes were drawn tight against the winter’s cold and there was no night light in the hall. It was difficult to see more than a few feet in front of me. Where was Nevi?
I was beginning to feel abandoned and uncomfortable.
I was debating what to do when my cell phone rang. It was four in the morning. Maybe it was because it was such an ungodly hour or maybe it was because I was alone in an enormous dark and somewhat scary house, but the ringing of my phone set every nerve in my body on edge. It also sounded incredibly loud.
It was Geoffrey! I couldn’t believe he was calling me at this hour. Was he kidding me? Anger soared through my veins as I quickly jerked the phone to my ear.
“You’re joking, right?” I growled in a voice just above a whisper.
“I know where you are.” He sounded almost desperate.
“And?” I said impatiently.
“Has he bit you yet?” he asked.
“What?” I couldn’t believe my ears. This whack job was actually calling me at four in the morning to ask if my boyfriend…the vampire…had bitten me. “Go away!”
I crammed the phone back into my coat pocket, but not before I put the ringer on vibrate only. I was so engrossed in the frustration of what to do about my crazy stalker that I hadn’t noticed Nevi until he was standing next to me. Already on edge from finding myself alone in a strange, dark house and receiving an annoying phone call from the nut job stalker, I wasn’t surprised when I involuntarily jumped and squealed at the discovery of his presence.
“You’re up,” he said, coolly.
“Where were you?” I asked accusingly. My annoyance at Geoffrey was still in my voice.
“This is an odd hour to receive a telephone call,” he mused, “is everything all right?”
No, everything was not all right. You abandoned me after making love to me in this enormously dark and scary house…I’m standing here with only a parka on my naked body…and my crazy stalker just asked me if you bit me yet.
“I was a little shaken to find myself alone,” I replied, deliberately avoiding the topic of my phone call.
Nevi looked a little chagrined. “Please forgive me. I received a call from the convenience store. Something came up that required I go there. You were sleeping so peacefully I did not want to disturb you. I was gone only a short time, which was why I was so surprised to discover you out of bed when I returned. Had I realized you were not in a deep sleep and might awaken, I would have left a note for you.”
He grabbed my hand and pulled me gently back into the bedroom. I allowed him to strip me of my parka and lift me onto the bed. I expected him to join me as he’d done before. Instead he knelt on the floor, wrapped my legs around his neck, buried his face deep into my tender parts, and mumbled something about how I shouldn’t have removed his presence before proceeding to take me to the heights of ecstasy once again.