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Chapter 6

I was still feeling the effects of Geoffrey’s embrace when Nevi arrived for our date. Fortunately, Nevi’s presence was such that it demanded my full attention. I soon forgot all about my little afternoon fling.

I’d labored most of the day over Geoffrey’s insistence that Nevi was a vampire. I couldn’t shake it, even though I knew it wasn’t true. Now that I’d decided Geoffrey wasn’t crazy, how could I not justify this claim? It was a real puzzler.

The day was gray and dreary. The sun had been lucky to accomplish mastering the projection of the few rays that oozed through the sea of heavily laden clouds. It looked like early evening even at high noon. At least the snow had stopped and the snowplows were able to clear the roads in time for my date. Even so, I was relieved to see Nevi left his Jaguar home. I could only imagine how that beast drove in the snow. Instead, he arrived in a Mercedes SUV.

Practical luxury. You go, Nevi.

I was eager to leave without having to make introductions between Frank and Nevi, so I made sure I was ready to leave when Nevi arrived. His knuckles barely grazed my door in a knock before I swung it open and stepped out onto the porch, denying him the opportunity to see the interior of my home… and meet Frank. It was more meeting Frank, than my home, that I worried about. Although I did wonder what he would think when he saw my thrift store furnishings. Now that I was able to look past the thrill of the package, I was beginning to wonder if I was playing out of my league.

Since our date was a more casual one, it was absolutely freezing outside, and I’m often cold in theaters, I’d selected navy wool slacks and a cream-colored cashmere turtleneck. I chastised myself as I thought of the scarf I wore around my neck for warmth also doubled as something to protect against fangs, should the need arise. Once again, I cursed the day I met Geoffrey Jenkins. As I climbed up into the passenger’s side of the SUV, I applauded my choice in attire. I could only imagine the spectacle a skirt would have caused.

“Are you hungry?” Nevi asked after he climbed into the driver’s seat.

“A little, yes,” I replied, pleased, at last, that I was finally comfortable in the presence of this man.

“I know a great little pizzeria not far from the movie theater. I took the liberty of calling ahead, so it should be waiting for us when we arrived.”

I smiled. Nevi Sharpe clearly liked to be in control at all times. Somehow, I found this comforting.

“You do not mind?” he asked.

“Mind?” I said, a little confused.

“I ordered for you once again,” he volunteered with a teasing, self-assured grin.

“No, I actually like it.” Was I actually saying that? Me… the rebel who opposed anyone remotely trying to control her? The one who had dropped out of culinary school and taken a job in a greasy diner because the owner was gone more than he was around and I’d have a decent amount of freedom and control over my daily activities. What was becoming of me? It had to be the aftershock from the afternoon.

“Good,” he said, reaching for my wool gloved hand and gently cradled it in his own leather-adorned one.

I couldn’t stop myself from admiring the quality of the leather gloves he wore. They were nearly as soft as my woolen ones. Did he own anything that wasn’t designer and outrageously expensive?

“You look lovely tonight,” Nevi cooed. “There’s a glow about you.”

A glow. Oh no, I was glowing! Was it still from the afternoon’s kiss? How horrible to be glowing from the kiss of one man while you’re on a date with another. That was just wrong.

I scrambled to find an explanation. “It was quite hot and busy in the kitchen today. I’m probably still heated from it.”

“I can imagine,” he mused. “You looked occupied this morning. I hope my visit was not too much of a disturbance for you.”

“No. Absolutely not,” I squeaked. Oh brother, if he only knew. “It was a nice surprise to see you. It’s just…” I bit my tongue. Darn it, I’d promised myself I would keep the conversation light and witty.

He looked at me expectantly, but said nothing. I had no choice but to continue, “I wish I’d looked a little better, is all.”

A deep, seductive chuckle rumbled from somewhere below his Adam’s apple, “My dear Lizzy, I cannot imagine a time when you would ever not look ravishingly delicious.” His eyes bore into me, “You are all a woman should be.”

Holy moly was this guy good or was this guy good? If he didn’t already write romance novels, he needed to start. The statement alone was enough to make my heart flutter in wild, girlish expectation. Combined with his unbelievable sexy voice box and…oh baby…I was a goner.

I could feel my face heating up. I simply wasn’t used to this type of flattery from someone my age. For that matter, I wasn’t used to this type of flattery from anyone of any age. Father’s don’t count.

Noticing my uneasiness, Nevi patted my hand, “We’re here,” he stated smoothly, “You are about to be treated to the best pizza in the continental United States.”

“That’s a pretty bold statement,” I teased, grateful for the change in topic.

“One I fully believe to be true,” he said as he briefly rested his hand on mine before putting it on the steering wheel.

“All right then,” I said with a hint of teasing skepticism. It was nice to be, once again, at ease in his company.

We drove to a small parking lot of the freestanding building that was the home of Toni’s Famous Pizza, a Laundromat and a billiards room.

“All one owner,” Nevi volunteered, as if reading my mind.

He leapt out of the SUV and jogged gracefully across the snow-crusted macadam to open my door and help me out. “Watch your step, it’s a bit slippery in patches,” he warned.

When he held my hand and arm in a steady, supportive grip, my mind flashed briefly to Geoffrey’s passionate vice grip that afternoon.

My body reacted involuntarily to the memory of the afternoon’s embrace and I lost my footing. Fortunately, Nevi was quick and pulled me to him. Because he was considerably taller than my five feet, four inches, my cheek rested flat against his chest. My nearness must have had an effect on him because his heart was pounding in a most erratic way against my cheek as he held me close for what seemed longer than necessary.

He pulled away just enough to cup my chin and raise my face to look at him. One look into his deep, dark eyes and I completely forgot about the rest of the world. I forgot we were standing in a half empty, snow-laden parking lot. I forgot the temperature was near freezing. I forgot I’d been brazenly kissing Geoffrey Jenkins in the kitchen of the diner just hours earlier. I forgot about it all. My mind focused on one thing and one thing only. I wanted Nevi. I wanted him in a way I could have only imagined. Since I hadn’t yet allowed my body to explore the sexuality of couples, all I could do was imagine. At that moment…right then and there…I wanted to be with him more than I wanted to do anything else.

When he lowered his mouth to meet mine, I thought I was ready for the sweetness of his lips. Not! I doubted anything could have prepared me for the kiss I received—not even the amazing one I’d experienced just this afternoon. My entire body—feet, hands, arms, legs, butt, stomach, chest, neck, and head—all of it… curled. Needless to say, Nevi had to literally hold me up. Ticklish goose bumps traveled from the nape of my neck down to my groin and back up again like an electrical current set loose. Instead of being an all-consuming, mind numbing, lose control of your body kiss like the one I’d recently received from Geoffrey, this was more of a ‘let-your-body-melt-and-feel-the-sexiness-within-you-and-go-with-it’ kiss.

The kiss ended all too soon for me. I did my best to disguise my disappointment. It took a moment for me to regain my composure. Nevi—ever the gentleman—supported me until he was certain my body regained its footing. When he stepped away from me and curled my arm in his, I felt somehow abandoned. The cold that I’d completely forgotten about practically slapped me back into reality. I shuddered against it and pulled the collar of my cashmere pant coat up in an attempt to rescue my ears. I’d foregone wearing a hat for vanity’s sake—something I now regretted.

Nevi guided me quickly into the pizzeria. I reveled in the sheer delight as the heat cocooned me almost as soon as we closed the door behind us. Maybe it was because the place was empty—we looked to be the only ones brave enough to venture out after such an intense snow storm—or perhaps it was because Nevi knew the owner, that we received such V.I.P. treatment. Whatever the reason, it was nice.

The little pizzeria was larger than it looked. We were escorted past the take-out counter that faced the parking lot to a large dining area. There were archways on either side of the sizable room. One led to the laundromat and the other to the billiards room. Both were empty. We had the place to ourselves.

Although beer and wine were on the menu, I opted to forgo alcohol for the night and ordered a Pepsi. Nevi ordered a Jamaican Red Stripe lager. This choice of beer reminded me he was more than likely of Island heritage.

Our pizza was simply a cheese pizza. Nothing fancy, which was fine with me. I willingly agreed with Nevi. It was the best pizza I’d ever had. I gave him koodles for his discovery.

Through the course of our table conversation, I learned my date was a vegetarian. This explained his choices of cuisine. He was also born and raised on a small Polynesian island that had a heavy European influence. He’d been in the United States for less than two years.

So, the mystery of his mannerisms and accent was solved.

Once again, Geoffrey’s outrageous accusations flitted through my mind. The man’s drinking beer and eating pizza, Geoffrey. No blood here. So much for your vampire theory.

I was getting aggravated with myself for my inability to snuff Geoffrey’s incredulous claims out of my mind. Why they kept cropping up was something I couldn’t explain.

Dinner went smoothly and we were soon on our way to the theater. It was only around the corner. Had it been a starry summer’s evening we might have enjoyed the short walk but the frigid temperature demanded we drive. I was grateful to have Nevi at my side while we made our way from the public parking ramp to the movie theater. The night had a creepy feeling to it. I assumed it was because of the intense darkness the thick black clouded sky created. Whatever the reason, it felt creepy.

We sat in the back of the theater where lovers generally sat. As we settled into our seats, I took a moment to scope out the other half dozen attendees who were brave enough to venture out on such a night. I couldn’t believe it when my eyes rested on Frank. He was seated with a blonde woman. I’d never seen her before, nor had he mentioned her. They were about five rows in front of us to the far left of the theater. He was so preoccupied with something she was saying that I doubt he’d have noticed me if we’d sat directly next to him.

Nevi excused himself to go get us some popcorn and drinks. As he stood up, he followed my gaze, hesitated, scowled, and then continued with his task. Did he know this woman? I got the impression he just might. From what I could see, she was a looker. A twinge of jealousy flitted through me.

There I was, left alone, in a primarily empty theater that was still lit enough for the movie-goers to find their seats with two choices of viewing. Frank and his date or the snack commercials and movie trivia on the screen. I couldn’t help snooping at the couple.

Frank still looked pretty pale and sickly. He should have been home in bed. His date was blonde and also pale looking. I couldn’t decide if she was older than him. I think she might have been by a few years. It wasn’t her looks that led me to this conclusion. It was her eyes. They were eyes that had seen a lot of the world; far more than Frank’s mere twenty-six years would have allowed. Something felt familiar about her. I decided she had probably been in the diner on an occasion or two.

I made a mental note to check on my house mate over the next few days. Yes, our schedules differed greatly, but there were times when we found ourselves at home at the same time—like tonight when I avoided introducing him to Nevi. I was determined to make it a point of being there for him. He looked like he needed someone to care for him. It was clear he wasn’t going to get the care he needed from this woman. Either his well-being meant nothing to her or she was oblivious to how Frank should be when at his best.

It wasn’t that I was ashamed of living with Frank. That’s not why I didn’t want to introduce him to Nevi. Not really. It was just that Frank had already adopted an opinion of Nevi being a bad influence on me. I wasn’t sure what might come out of his mouth. Plus, Nevi—being old world in thought and mannerisms—might not have understood a man and woman who were not related living platonically under the same roof. The occasional longing looks and vibes of wanting more that Frank sent out also worried me. Nevi seemed quite astute when it came to reading people and picking up on vibes. What if he picked up on Frank’s feelings? Of course, there was also the fact that I wouldn’t have put it past Frank to deliberately try to sabotage my relationship with Nevi for his own benefit. I’ve no doubt he would have justified his actions by believing he was doing it for my own good.


Nevi returned with an enormous box of popcorn and two equally large plastic containers of soda. Giggling, I forgot all about Frank and his date and settled down into the cozy seats that allowed our bodies to touch.

The lights dimmed to almost nothing and the movie began. I set my drink in the built-in cup holder on the arm of the empty chair next to me. Nevi did the same. He wrapped his strong arm around my shoulder and pulled me close.

Our lips pressed together in a long gentle kiss that rapidly grew more and more urgent. I could feel a pull in my abdomen. It was similar to the one I’d experienced during Geoffrey’s passionate kiss in the kitchen of the diner. Wow. There I was thinking of Geoffrey again while being kissed by Nevi. This just wouldn’t do.

Forcing Geoffrey out of my mind, I returned Nevi’s kiss with a passion I didn’t know I was capable of. His hand briefly cradled my waist before moving up to cup my breast. My breath caught in my throat as a shock raked over my body. The tension in my abdomen was matched only by that in my breast. My nipple hardened under his touch. His thumb expertly teased it through the thickness of my sweater and bra.

Before I realized what was happening, he’d slipped his hand under my sweater and pulled my nipple free from its enclosure. His lips continued to consume mine while he worked and kneaded the most sensitive parts of my breast. I was in heaven and hell at the same time. It didn’t matter that there were other people in the theater who might have better night vision than I did. My body reveled in the bliss of it all. My mind screamed We’re in a public place. Stop this now!, but my body had solid control and refused to allow my mind even an inch of leeway.

I have no idea how long we remained locked in the throes of passion, but at some point, Nevi regained his senses and pulled back. His hand shook as it tucked my breast back into my bra cup as best he could. I struggled to assist him with hands that were no steadier. I’d been kissed and I’d fooled around on dates, but never in a movie theater and never had it affected me in such a way as this. It was as if I’d moved from kindergarten to the pro-league with no in between.

“Forgive me,” he whispered into my ear in a barely audible, incredibly sexy tone. “I am not sure what came over me. You are so lovely. I cannot control myself when we are this close.”

What was there for me to say in response to such a statement? “Ditto” might have worked had I been able to speak. Instead, I just struggled to breathe while I stared at the screen.

Had I just allowed him to openly grope my bare breast in public? I justified my weakness by observing that there were only a few couples in the entire theater and we were seated in the back of the theater and were spaced well apart from the other movie goers. We were also in an incredibly darkened room with a film on the screen that had a plot which took place in the pitch of night as well. This meant minimal light offered to the audience from the big screen.

In short, it was the perfect location for groping bare body parts. We could have probably gotten away with doing a whole lot more had Nevi not come to his senses.

“Please excuse me. I will return in a few moments.” Nevi’s voice was hoarse with emotion.

All I could do was nod my head -as if he could see me in the pitch black- and marvel over how he thought he would be able to maneuver his way down the aisle to the door without bumping into everything and anything. It wasn’t until I saw a thin stream of light flit briefly as he passed through the door and out into the hall that I relaxed enough to cover my face with my hands and shake my head in wonder.

Holy cow! Holy cow! Holy cow!

It was a little longer than a few minutes before my date returned to his seat. When he did, he had the scent of outdoors all about him. He must have gone outside to cool off. The cold shower theory. He settled in next to me and once again put his arm around my shoulder. He made no other move. Nevi the gentleman had returned.

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