"I will really make you beautiful tonight!"
She grabbed my hands, and we went to a table full of makeup products. I was sitting in a swivel chair as she scanned my face. There was a grin line on her lips that proved that she was disappointed at my face. I could not blame her though because that's the usual reaction I received from anyone who had seen my face.
"You know... You're very ugly.."
I laughed at her. She was straightforward and I liked it. "Thank you for the compliment."
"Though I am not going to joke in here, okay? You are ugly but you have inner beauty."
"What are you going to do?"
"I am going to transform you into someone so gorgeous!"
Oh, God, that was very impossible. There was surely no product to hide my pimples. My eyes looked so ugly and I looked dehydrated. Pia, as expected, kept cursing while make-up-ing me, finding a nice lipstick for my lips.
"Oh, I wonder if you ever wash your face or what! There is so much dirt all around your face!"
My shoulders sagged. I may be ugly but I never forgot to follow the basic etiquette to look neat. But, sadly, my face really was naturally ugly and we could not do something about that.
Minutes after, I was kinda surprised by the achievement she caused. My face slightly brightened up, and I barely noticed my wrinkles and pimples. I was wearing a blue contact lense that covered my brown eyes. Pia was a great artist that she made me look like a human.
Though, I could not consider this as a transformation. I still felt ugly.
Pia, also, seemed not totally glad at the result.
She continued what she was doing until she announced we were finally done.
"Thank you, Pia. I am wondering if you do beautify other people, too?" I muttered as I flexed my neck, still staring at the mirror. "And hey, what are you going to do?" I attempted to grab my eyeglasses from her hands but failed. "I can't live without that thing! I need that!"
"You will look like a nerd if you wear this!" she told me as if I was the most stubborn person she had ever met. "And, come on, you don't need this because you are already wearing contact lenses!"
I pouted. "But-!"
"But, girl, you can't see someone in a bar wearing this thing unless it's a nerd."
I rolled my eyes. She signaled me to wait, and I did because it was now her turn to add some details to her face. She put skin lightening, blushes, and many more in her skin, making her look more elegant. I adored her even more, not only because Madam introduced her as her niece but also because of the unique personality she had.
"Let me guess something." She peeked a glance at me. "You're a shy type of girl, indeed, because I often see you looking at me but you look away whenever you are caught."
"I can't socialize properly that's why...."
She laughed. "If that is the thing, then do not be sorry. Whether you are an introverted person, once you're with me, you will explore the universe!"
That sounded so overstatement but I felt light at her words.
"Can you tell me the reason why you did tell earlier that I look like my mom?" I voiced out.
"I am just kidding earlier! Haha! Don't take it seriously. That is just my own way to make a great impression on someone. And it is effective, right? I make you confused."
I smiled and did believe her genuineness. Though, the hopes inside my chest were seemed to vanish. I thought I could be able to know my mother's name...
"Don't tell me, you never met your mother?" she inquired in surprise. "And your auntie is the one who's always by your side?"
"We're not blood-related but for me she is."
"I am sure you are aiming to meet your mother... Don't worry, I can help you. Do you have a picture of her as our guide in searching?"
"I do not have."
I tried to request one from auntie before but she had no one to give. She told me that she even did not know about my parents' surname.
"If that's the case, it will really be hard for us to find your parents." She nodded and smiled at her last touch. "Enough with this drama! Let's go to the party!" She even pointed out the dresses she got from her room minutes ago. All of them were revealing and no one looked formal. I bit my lip as I scanned the dresses. "Oh, please, Philie, all my dresses worth hundreds of dollars, so you should not have second thoughts in wearing them!'
"But--" I sighed.
"Stop that 'but's'! So... I think this suits you the best." She presented the black dress that had a long slit. I gulped. Looked like someone could see my underwear because of this dress. "This red one also looks great!" She held the red dress that had an apple-like design in the chest part. I again swallowed hard. In the end, Pia did not buy my reasons -- she really made me wear the red dress. Even though it looked good to be paired with my chopsticks legs, I still felt like I was carrying the whole world!
"Wow, you're amazing!"
"I don't think I can go out wearing this--"
"Let's go!" She did not mind my complaints.
"We should talk to Madam Maricris, first," I insisted as we walked down the stairs, our steps creating a gracious sound. "I mean, we can invite her since she seems like a party woman."
We both laughed.
"Okay, for you, we will talk to her. But trust me, she is gonna let us have fun! Yey!"
I let out a sigh, readying myself. Tonight, I was gonna be surrounded by people again. And for the very first time in my life, I was wearing heavy makeup and too revealing dress. I snapped out of my thoughts as Madam's face welcomed me. Her jaw was dropped while staring at us, surely thinking where the hell we were going. Her eyes remained on me, as though proving something to herself that she was not hallucinating or something.
"You two look so good!" she exclaimed, her voice full of adoration. "And Philie, that kind of dress suits your body. You should learn to wear that every day."
I smiled shyly and waited for Pia to the first move. "Madam, we would like to tell you that we want to go to a bar tonight. I can see that Philie is kinda bored that is why I want her to socialize with others." She sounded so fluent at hiding our main goal -- to find hot men. "I wonder if that's okay with you "
"Of course, girls, I understand." She chuckled. "But then, go back after five hours. Good luck, okay?"
"Madam..." I hesitated. "What if Xlyde knows what I am doing? Do you think he will get mad? We are going to be married and it's not good in somebody's eyes if I hang out like this?"
Pia swatted my arms as if I sounded so stupid. "Of course, Xlyde would never know! For sure he's already resting or what!"
Madam agreed. "Yes, she's right, Philie, so worry nothing. And if needed, I can explain to him why you go out."
Madam Maricris recommended her bodyguard for us, but Pia insisted. Using her fancy car, we reached our destination. I was shy to admit this but this was the first time I went to a bar. I only saw this place every time I was reading novels but now here I was being in a front of a place that doubled my panic. My heart was pounding and my hands were trembling as I followed suit, Pia.
"Hi!" she greeted the securities. And we successfully entered the place. I almost lost my balance as I saw how crowded this place was, not to mention many were drinking liquors and smoking cigarettes.
"So, this is our table," Pia said as she led the way. "We should rest for a while before we proceed to our goal--" she stopped. "Hey, what's happening to you? Are you not feeling well?" Before she could overreact more, I answered.
"I am just not comfortable in this dress. People around me are all wild and... I am not used to being in this place." I pouted. Looked like Pia had no plan to tolerate me that was why I did not plan to invite her in going home. "Are we meeting your friends here? From the novels I read, friends meet in this place."
She laughed and caressed her hair. "Oh, don't mention fiction in here. But, anyway, You're right, friends meet here, so do lovers." She winked at me meaningfully. "For your information, Xlyde used to be in here, too, to have flings."
I didn't know but I gritted my teeth instinctively. "Good for him. Rich men like him should be in this place to hang out with girls."
Something in what I said made her laugh but I just let it past because the music embracing the place became more hype and many started to dance.
"Hey, what are you doing?" I was panicking as Pia grabbed my hands. No! I was not going to dance! I would just embarrass myself if ever! I did not want to be in a crowded people!
"Hush, Philie! This is for your own good. Nothing will happen if you stay in the mansion until you get married!" She laughed and joined in the crowd. She's dancing by swaying her sexy butt side by side, yet my knees were trembling as a girl looked at me. I was not confident enough to look back.
Pia sighed.
"You know, you should straighten your back and imagine you are free! No one is gonna judge you here!"
But that did not help me at all. Me being an introverted person thought many were watching me using their judgemental eyes. I felt like someone was gonna judge my way of dancing. I shook my head. I actually agreed to Pia that I should loosen up a bit but I did not think I could get out from my own shell fast. I was born this way -- to be unconfident.
"Hey, are you okay?" Pia asked me. "If you don't want to dance, then we should go back to our table. I am sorry if I forced you too much. I should have known my limits--"
"It's okay." I smiled. "You should stay here to continue dancing. I will just go to the powder room first."
"Are you sure? Okay, I will wait for you in here."
I pressed my lips tightly and became problematic to find the location of the powder room. Good thing there's a guide posted on the walls.
I looked at myself in the mirror. Again, even though the foundation was filtering the dark spots of my face, everyone could still recognize my face. I still looked like the Philie Amber they knew and used to be named "witch".
"Is that her?" I heard a voice. And I pretended I did not hear her.
"Yes, she's Philie Amber, a poor girl who's so lucky to marry a Brooks!"
I gasped as I acted not affected by their conversation.
"I don't know her much but many say she's a witch. All the boys that confessed their feelings towards that girl were bewitched! One died and the rest got ill. Seemed like she's having a dark ritual for all boys who like her!"
That's not true. Some of my ex suitors did not like my rejection that was why they ruined my name! That was their way to set revenge.
"Then, don't tell me Xlyde Brooks is in danger?" another woman joined the scene. So, they were three in total. "My Mom is right! Maricris Brooks is becoming crazy for accepting that kind of girl! I mean, look at her, she's so cheap. For sure her clothes came from Brooks' money because she had charmed them for purpose."
"That is not true." I looked at them, and they threw an irritated look at me. "I was not even aware of our marriage. Madam Maricris is also unstoppable and no matter how I want to go back to my old life, she is still stopping to do so."
"Liar," they chorused and left my mouth hanging open.
"Hey, you're engaged with a Brooks, right?" someone greeted me when I was already near the dancefloor. "You really are familiar. I have seen you with Pia earlier that's why I am curious about you."
"I am just... her friend." I gulped.
"Oh, no don't be shy. I don't eat. Anyway, enjoy this night." She smiled and left. I silently hope everyone would treat me just the way that woman treated me.
"Where are you going? Are you okay?" Pia worriedly scanned me from head to foot. "You were gone for almost twenty minutes. I wonder what happened to you!"
Truth was, after those girls I met in the powder room left me, I found myself staring at nothingness for minutes, disappointed in myself.
"Nothing happened. I was just lost in finding the room," I lied.
"You should have asked me!"
"No, it's really okay." I looked at the people around her. "Are you already done dancing?"
Another music was enveloping the place. It's rock music, hence, many raised their hands in a rhythm. "Hey, Philie, I have good news! I have met two men and they are all interested to talk to us!"
"Pia!" I shook my head.
"What? I thought you wanted this? Come on, we would just talk, that's all!"
But... I was worried about him.
"Do not think about your Xlyde."
Slowly, I nodded.
At our table, we met two men. The one who's beside Pia was a French. The one who was looking at me was an American. They were good-looking but I could not deny the fact that Xlyde Brooks was the most attractive.
"So you two are single?" the man beside Pia asked.
"Yes, we are!" Pia answered.
I gasped that she lied.
"Then, that's good to hear," the American smiled at me. His hand was resting near my shoulder, making me feel awkward.
Goodness, all of my life, this was all the first time that I felt like I was cheating even though I did not have a boyfriend to be loyal to! "Hey, you're so pretty. Your name is Philie, right?" he whispered once again.
"Yes." I closed my eyes.
"Philip is beautiful, right?" Pia. "She's a shy type and she is not used to being with boys that's why she speaks less right now."
I shifted in my seat. "Yes..."
"I understand. Be yourself," the American.
I am sorry, Xlyde, my mind spoke up.