Elaine shuffled on the bed and opened her eyes slowly to the feeling of a wet towel pressing against her face. The first rays of morning light pierced through the open windows and lit up their bedroom in a beautiful way.
She watched as Alexander dipped the towel in a bowl of water and squeezed it. When he turned back to put it on her face, Elaine opened her eyes fully and pushed herself up to a sitting position even though her arms were still shaky and weak….
"Hey, take it easy" Alexander tossed the towel to the ground and leaned toward Elaine, wrapping his arms around her. He pulled her up to sitting position and plopped a few pillows behind her so she could rest comfortably.
Elaine smiled warmly when he placed a light kiss on her forehead and hugged her. "Awww, you must have missed me so much"
He chuckled, a sweet sound to Elaine's ears. He pulled back and looked at her. "Yes, I did. I missed you so much. You can only imagine my shock coming home to meet you in that condition yesterday. How do you feel?"
"I feel better. Not very strong yet but better" She answered as she gently tucked her dark blonde hair behind her ears.
The room got quiet for a moment, both of them not saying anything. Elaine glanced at Alexander's face, she could see the conflicting emotions he was feeling.
"What really happened yesterday?"
"Well…." Elaine wrapped her hands around herself. "....I suppose your mother got bored and decided to take it out on me. She insisted I was a gold digger and not good enough for you. You know, all those 'normal' things she has been saying ever since we got married"
Elaine watched as Alexander frowned when she said the word 'gold digger'. "How did you respond to her?"
Elaine shrugged and looked away. "What else? I had to defend myself. So I told her that if I am a gold digger just because I'm poor and you are rich then isn't she a bigger gold digger considering how poor she was before your father married her?"
Alexander blinked and just stared at her.
Elaine eyed him, an 'unrepentant' expression on her face. "Don't try to make me feel like I did something wrong. She started it first"
"I know. I know. I'm just surprised, I didn't know you could be that bold towards her. I'm usually the one that defends you." He winked at her.
Elaine smiled. "Of course I am. I can endure anything but I can also go crazy. We all have our limit."
Alexander moved closer and cupped her face in his hands. "Elaine, I finally realised yesterday that I have not been doing a good job at protecting you. I'm really sorry you had to go through all of that. I'm really sorry."
Elaine looked into his eyes and gave a sad smile. "I don't think I can take another apology on this issue. I have reached my limit. It has been six months. Six whole months. If you don't take me away from here soon, I'm going to go crazy."
Alexander smoothed his hand softly over her cheeks. "I know you are tired. I already ordered my secretary to go house hunting for the type of mansion we discussed about the last time. Soon we w—"
"How soon? I know it's your family tradition for newlyweds to live in the family house for one year before moving out." Elaine blinked back the tears that gathered in her eyes. "But I can't imagine staying here for another six months. I don't think I'll survive it. I don't care how big or small our new house is. Alex, I just want some peace and quiet. Please"
Alexander reached for the glass cup of water beside him and passed it to her. "You must be thirsty, I have told the maids to make your favourite breakfast, banana bread and milkshake….."
He smiled at her and continued. "...We should be ready to move out in a months time a—"
"Are you for real?" Elaine covered her mouth, her eyes reflecting the surprise she felt. "Are you pulling my legs?"
"Have I ever lied to you?"
"No. No. No!" Elaine squealed, placed the cup on a table, lifted herself off the bed and threw her arms around him. She leaned forward, her nightwear covered breasts pressing against his bare chest and kissed all around his face and neck happily.
Alexander felt the softness of her warm breasts and chuckled. "Look at that. Now you're distracting and tempting me. It's a welcome invitation anyway"
Elaine caught a glimpse as he leaned forward to sear her lips with a hot kiss and pulled back from him, blocking his kiss with her finger.
Alexander blinked and frowned at her. "Is there a problem? Mrs Elaine?"
"Yes Mr Alex. There is" She played along.
Elaine sat down on the bed and held his hand. "We had a deal. You said you wouldn't stop me from pursuing my career to become an orthopedic surgeon. But since we married, you never brought it up. You're not expecting me to be a housewife, are you?...."
She cleared her throat and continued ".... actually, there's nothing wrong about being a housewife. But you know I don't want to be one. I want to be the best bone doctor ever, I want to work hard and make a name for myself."
"I am not stopping you." Alexander muttered as he rubbed a finger on her lips "I didn't talk about it cause we just got married and it hasn't even been up to a year. I want us to spend some time together in our new home when we move out from here"
Elaine sighed in relief and smiled. For a moment, she had been scared about his answer would be. Everything was alright now.
"Don't tell me you actually thought I would force you to abandon your own life goals and desires?" Alexander frowned at her.
"Of course not. I was just confused. I guess all the fights and challenges with your mother was affecting my mental health making me exhausted and anxious about our marriage. But I understand now"
Alexander did a fake pout. "But you doubted me for a moment. I'm hurt, you need to calm me down"
"How do I do that?"
Alexander tapped his lips. "Come here and give me a sweet kiss"
Elaine gave a low laugh. Of course she knew what he would ask for. This man!
"You better appreciate my kindness towards you….." He pointed at the rising bulge under his trouser and smirked. ".....if not, you will have to calm me down in a 'better' way"
Elaine slid her hands around his neck and brushed her lips lightly against his lips. "I think I prefer calming you down the 'better' way. What do you think?"
Alexander needed no further words. He grabbed her tightly till her soft breasts were heated up against his chest and slammed his lips on hers….
They would continue their conversation later. This was more important right now.
To him. To her. And to the 'angry man' between his legs.