"What on earth did you think you were doing, Margaret?!" Alexander heard his father, Frederick Rogers shout angrily in the sitting room.
"What do you mean? I didn't do anything!" Margaret yelled back at him.
The door to the sitting room opened and Alexander walked in, glaring at his mother. He moved closer till he was right in front of her and stared down at her petite frame angrily. "Did you hit my wife?"
Margaret looked away, keeping her eyes low and remained silent.
"I'm asking you a question!..." He yelled in her face, causing Margaret to jump in shock. He had never raised his voice at her, ever. "...I said did you hit my wife?!"
"Has the doctor attended to her?" Mr Frederick asked, worried about Elaine.
"Yes" Alexander replied sharply, getting angrier as he remembered what he saw when he carried Elaine into their bedroom.
The redness of her cheeks with a faint mark of a hand…..
How high her fever was….
Plus, the doctor had said Elaine was under a lot of shock and emotional stimulation before she collapsed….
"Are you really going to believe what your wife tells you over what I say?" Margaret asked, sniffing as pretentious tears gathered in her eyes.
"Make sure you sniff those tears back into your eyes. I'm not having your fake pitiful attitude today"
"Alex, you're my son. How can you say that to your mother? Do you really think I would hurt my own daughter-in-law?" Margaret pointed a finger at the door "You can ask the maid, Priscilla about what really happened. Ask her to tell you the real truth"
"Just stop it, mom! We all know that Priscilla is under your control. You've probably threatened her behind my back. Do you think I'm so stupid to figure that out?"
"You should be ashamed of yourself, Margaret." Frederick voiced out as he scratched his slightly grey hair. "What did Elaine ever do to you? Do you have to hate her so much when you have been in a similar position like her before?"
Margaret riled up instantly as she heard those words. She yelled at her husband, the pitch of her voice getting higher by the minute "And so what?! Are you going to use my past to attack me now? If you think about it clearly, Frederick, you will remember that I never agreed for her to marry Alexander b—"
"It doesn't make any sense no matter how much I think about it. Even if you don't like her as my wife, you don't have to make her life here so miserable. Are you trying to push her to the limit where she has no other choice but to leave?" Alexander glared at the woman in front of him.
The one he had called 'mother' for years….
He sighed, completely exhausted from the stress of work plus coming home to meet something like this.
All of this was his fault.
He should have listened to Elaine when she told him it would be better if he buys another house for them to move in to after their court wedding…..
But he had refused, at that moment. He thought that allowing her to live in his family villa would be an opportunity for his mother and her to become closer and get to know each other.
He had been aware of his mother's disapproval of her but he thought that as his mother spent time with Elaine, she would see things clearly and get to know the 'real' Elaine, the kind and sweet woman he had fallen in love with.
But standing right here, looking at the angry frown and determination on his mother's face, he knew that Elaine would suffer a lot if he didn't take her away from here.
Margaret hissed. "Wouldn't it be better if she leaves? She has brought nothing but disgrace to you and this family anyway!"
"Margaret! Mind what you say!" Frederick thundered and raised a finger, pointing at her. "Don't you have any shame? You are supposed to be the most welcoming person to Elaine considering the fact that you've walked the same path as her a—"
"Give me a break, Frederick!" Margaret eyed him and hissed, folding her hands under her breasts. "Is that enough reason to pick her as Alexander's wife? Just because I came from a poor background—"
"Poorer…." Alexander chipped in, his eyes fixed on his mother, daring her to deny the truth.
Margaret lost it. Her nostrils flared up in rage. "Yes! Yes, alright! A poorer background! And so what?! Every mother wants their son to have a 'better' wife. Can't you see I am doing this for you?"
Alexander rolled his eyes. "Here we go again….."
"You went against my plan for you and got engaged to Elaine, of all people. What were you even thinking?! Her family has absolutely nothing! Not wealth, not power, not fame. You deserve way better—"
"And by better, you mean?" He asked, irritated by her stubbornness.
"Who else?" Margaret said. "Of course, it's Suzy Bernard! She's a far better choice than the woman you brought here. She is kind, sweet, warm and presentable!"
"Elaine is all of those things and even more. You can't change my mind. I am staying with her and we will build our own family together. I'm glad that at least father can see what I see and he likes Elaine more than Suzy." Alexander replied calmly, acknowledging his father's presence.
Margaret fisted her hand. "Don't you get what I'm saying? Suzy's background is perfect for you. You won't face any uncomfortable situation in public having her as your wife. Besides, she's also in love with you. It's a win-win situation."
"She's not in love. She's obsessed in a toxic way…."
"Alexander!" Margaret yelled, her jaw tightening in frustration.
"Mom!" He returned her rage. "Don't you get it too?! You can't just grow deep feelings for someone in a day. I spent time with both of them and I know who is better with me. It's Elaine!"
"Margaret, it is time for you to stop all these nonsense…." Frederick muttered firmly, worn out from his wife's endless nagging .
"It's all your fault, Frederick. You supported Alexander! Don't you know the dangers of marrying someone from a poor background? Especially among our elite friends and colleagues?"
"I survived despite all of that. Alexander will make it through too."
Margaret glared at her husband, her face turned red like someone had slapped her. Truly, that felt like a slap to her face. "How can you say that to me, Frederick?"
"You're missing the point, mother. Father is simply saying th—"
"You have a guest, Mr Frederick…." The Head housemaid, Priscilla echoed outside the sitting room.
Alexander frowned and glanced at the huge clock above him on the wall. 10:20pm…. Who could it be by this time?
To their surprise, Suzy Bernard walked in wearing a corporate light blue gown that clung to her slender figure with a bit of her full cleavage exposed. She smiled, holding a sleek black packaged box in her hands.
"Suzy?" Margaret beamed, her eyes lighting up. She walked closer and stretched out her hand to the young lady. "This is unexpected but you're very welcome. What brings you here?"
Suzy glanced at Alexander and gave him her sweetest smile. Her smile disappeared when Alexander frowned and looked away.
"Good evening Mr Frederick, Mrs Margaret…." She moved her gaze to Alexander again. ".....and you, Alex"
"Welcome Suzy. Have a seat" Mr Frederick replied, pointing at one of the sofa armchair.
"Have a seat for what?" Alexander blurted out, a deep frown on his face.
Margaret gasped as she sat beside Suzy and covered the young lady's hand with hers. "Is that how you'll welcome your guest?"
"She is not a guest at this moment. No guest comes to a person's house this late at night. We need to rest. She knows this!" Alexander glanced at Suzy and almost spat in disgust when he saw the familiar look of fake innocence on her face, acting like she didn't know what she was doing, when she actually did.
"....What are you doing here by this time? Aren't you tired from working all day? Don't you have a family? We're not even family friends, so what are you doing here? Since when did our bond become so strong that you now come to visit us at almost 11pm in the night?"
Suzy shifted uncomfortably where she sat. She turned her face in the direction of his mother, Margaret and sniffed like she was about to cry from being falsely accused.
"Alexander. Are you trying to make her cry and chase her away? She is already here. Show some respect and treat her well"
Suzy plastered a fake smile on her face and raised the black box beside her. "I just wanted to pay a visit to see how Elaine is doing. I heard she was sick a—-"
Alexander's eyebrow twitched. He looked at his mother "I can see that news within these four walls travels fast to the ears of outsiders. Don't you think so, mother?"
Suzy placed a hand over her mouth, suddenly realizing what she just revealed.
Margaret stood up and smiled nervously at her son. "It's nothing serious, Alexander. I just wanted to l—"
"You came to confirm if my wife is almost dead, right? You probably want to know if there's space for you" Alexander muttered.
Mr Frederick sat quietly all this while, watching the mini drama playing in front of him. He could see through the whole thing and he was so glad he never supported the marriage between Suzy and his son. His son's peace of mind was more important to him than any 'business deal' Suzy's mother had to offer him.
Suzy was a pretentious wolf and she had to stay far away. If not for the business friendship he had with her mother, he would have banned Suzy from showing up in his villa.
Alexander rubbed his neck and voiced out. "I'm not expecting any answer from you, Suzy. I already know what I need to know. I have had a long day and I miss my wife. Good night everyone."
He turned and walked out of the sitting room, catching sight of the jealous expression on Suzy's face.
Alexander knew her so well.
She was relentless. Just like his mother. She was probably even worse than his mother.
They never stopped until they got what they wanted.
He only had one mission now…..
To protect the love of his life, Elaine with all he had.