I was working at the cash register when I was called out by my boss.
I finished bagging the customer's items and walked into my boss's office.
Melissa smiled at me "Maddie, you have someone waiting for you outside"
I smiled and walked down while wondering who it could possibly be. I was still waiting on that phone call from Mr. Saunders, even though it had been days and I knew that I just blew that opportunity for a good paying job.
I walked outside to see an illegally parked Audi right in front of the store. Right in front of me, Mr. Ryan Saunders stepped out of the car and looked at me. He motioned me to walk over to him, we walked a little until we reached a bench right by Central Park. He sat down and crossed his leg over the other.
"So you got the job" he said nonchalantly as he ran his hand down his tie.
I smiled at him. "I thought I was supposed to get a phone call" I laughed, trying to hide my surprise that I even got the job in the first place.
He looked at me with a non-readable expression on his face "I suppose I could've done that, but I figured that I should take my new employee out for coffee"
I smiled and nodded "I guess it's not every day my boss takes me out for coffee, it's nice of you"
His head snapped back at me "I'm not nice. It's just coffee"
I rolled my eyes, boss or not, I won't put up with his mood swings and attitude I said that it is nice OF YOU. I never said you were nice. Now are we getting the coffee or not because I need to go write my letter of resignation" I said while standing up.
"Pushy aren't you? good business quality, I will make note of that" he remarked and got up. I smiled "you do that"
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We walked down the street to a small coffee shop and sat down at a table next to a large window.
"what made you hire me? I thought I for sure blew that interview" I laughed as I took a sip of my coffee.
"you did blow it, but I wanted to do you a favor of sorts, I suppose," he said.
"Do I really seem that desperate?" I asked.
His eyes widened slightly "No. Maybe it is time you start seeing things from another person's perspective." every time he speaks to me, it is so vague and I never understand what he is alluding to.
"Okay then" I smiled and cocked my head. "Is there a reason you have been staring at me this whole time? You haven't even tried your ridiculously overpriced cappuccino yet" I laughed.
"do you always ask so many questions?" he countered, not smiling, taking a sip of his coffee.
"yes, actually, I do" I defended myself and looked away from his piercing vlue eyes.
We think you'll love these stories, too.
"On it, how was work?" I asked as I grabbed the ingredients for our simple dinner.
"Fan-fricken-tastic. I'll go shower and I'll meet you back in the kitchen" she said as she tossed her keys onto the counter.
I nodded and shooed her away. I started to boil the pasta and I was really excited to tell her about my new job. I was sure she would be happy for me, considering that I could probably afford rent and would be able to save up money now instead of living paycheck to paycheck.
Maggie came out of the shower wearing my shorts and t-shirt, "Wow cute outfit. Where'd you get it?" I asked.
She rolled her eyes and sat down at the dining table, pouring herself a glass of cheap wine, courtesy of myself.
"So I have some news" I said as I tossed the pasta into the boiling water.
"Did another old lady try and return a stolen bag?" she laughed and took a sip of her wine.
We think you'll love these stories, too.
"Oh my gosh! Yay! I am so happy for you" She hugged me, and something about the way she said that, did not seem genuine.
I hugged her back because I wouldn't have gotten this interview without her and I have no right to pick and choose how she talks to me, considering she pays the majority of the rent.
"He came all the way to Bergdorf to tell me I got the job and then we grabbed coffee" I said as I went to pull out two bowls.
"Wait, what?" she asked as she took a step back from me.
I placed the bowls down "yeah, he was not exactly nice, but the gesture was, I guess. I didn't think he had the time to tell everyone of his employees the status of their employment in person" I laughed.
"That is a little strange" she agreed and pulled out some utensils.
"I mean, he was like kina nice. But not nice at the same time. I don't even know what to make of it" I said as I placed food for each of us into a bowl.
"I don't mean to be a downer but, I would be careful. This doesn't seem right to me" she sat down and took a sip of her wine.
"What isn't right?" I asked.
"The whole 'My boss took me out for coffee' thing. It's totally unprofessional. I guess maybe it's his thing, I have never heard of it, though. Just be careful, I guess. I don't want you losing your new good-paying job over something dumb" she shrugged.
Of course, she thought I would be the one to lose my job over something inappropriate or stupid because she is the mature and responsible one.
"Okay, new topic" I said, ignoring her comment and digging into my dinner.