As I walked into the building where this guy worked I noticed that every piece of furniture was gray. The accents on the walls were black and every staff member wore a dark piece of clothing. My chances of working here started to look bleak, considering I did not fit in whatsoever.
I looked out of place in my bright blue dress and yellow heels.
I walked to the front desk and the lady looked up at me. She scanned me from head to toe and spoke in a very professional but also judgy tone. The kind that makes you want to sock her in the face. "How can I help you?" She said with her collagen-injected lips.
"I have an interview with Mr. Saunders"
"Madeline Slate"
"Give me a second"
She picked up the phone and punched in a few numbers "Hello Mr. Saunders, it's Nancy, there's a girl waiting for a job interview with you" I heard screaming from the phone and this Nancy character didn't seem too phased by it. She actually seemed...exasperated. I would be too, her lips looked like they weighed 20 pounds, I could never talk with lips like those.
"Okay. 17th floor, 5th door on your right. Good luck" she laughed a slight breathy laugh and looked down at her keyboard.
I smiled and thanked her, thinking I would need it, I hope he doesn't force me to inject any crap into my face. Although, if I had the chance to afford cosmetic procedures, maybe I would be up to it.
I found his office easily, probably because it said his name in huge letters, but hey, I prided myself in taking myself up to the right floor.
"Come in" a husky voice called out from inside the office as I lightly knocked on the large glass doors. I took a deep breath and composed myself.
I opened the door and took one look at this guy and I felt my heart creep up into my throat.
He looked so miserable. I wondered why because if I looked like he did, I'd just walk around naked all the time. He was insanely attractive but also incredibly broody.
His office was painted gray with a painting of a black and white sky.
All his furniture was black and leather. Even his suit was black and gray, he must really hate the color wheel.
The only non-dark thing about him were his perfect blue eyes. I felt almost a bit foolish for wearing a blue dress.
"And you are?" He said while staring at me.
My eyes widened "um Madeline"
He smirked "well, um Madeline, take a seat," he said in a sarcastic and demeaning tone. His eyes raked up and down my body and I felt him judging everything about me.
Great. He's one of those people.
I sat down right in front of him as he pulled out a folder.
"Do you have your resume?"
I nodded and pulled it out of a folder that I brought with me. He took it out of my hands and scanned over it without a word. I awkwardly fidgeted with my hands in my lap as he intently read over the paper.
"I can see you were involved in many activities in high school and college. Why?"
I smiled "well, I really enjoyed the social aspect of them. I loved playing softball because I loved my teammates. I ran clubs because I liked being in charge and I liked listening to what people had to say"
He nodded as he tapped his finger on his desk. He seemed impatient as if he just wanted me out of there quicker than I came in. "What made you pursue a degree in business? And why did you choose to go to Columbia if you're from Massachusetts?"
"Well in the business aspect, I loved the idea of me interacting with people all the time and making money off of it. I chose to move to NYC because I didn't have a great relationship with my parents while growing up and NYC seemed to be my best bet"
"So you're saying that the only reason I am giving you the time of day is because of troubles at home? I have a long line of brilliant women who could have given me a better answer than that" he said harshly.
"No, the only reason you are giving me the time of day is that there was not, in fact, a long line of women outside of your office waiting to give you a better answer. I am not here to fabricate my life to make myself a better candidate, and I will not pretend to be someone I am not. So, I apologize if my answer was not up to your seemingly impossible standards" I defended myself and instantly rejected it. I covered my mouth in shock and widened my eyes.
He stood up and stretched his hand out. I stood up uneasily and shook his hand. "Have a good day Ms. Slate, you will receive a phone call in regards to the position shortly" He smirked and shook my hand. There was something close to humor that laced his voice, even though there was not even a ghost of a smile playing on his face.
I shook his hand uneasily and proceeded to walk out of his office "Have a good day Mr. Saunders" I looked down at my shoes and walked out of his office.
I sighed and shook my head. My mouth is what gets me in trouble, it's my damned mouth. I stepped into the elevator and rode back down into the lobby where the receptionist peered at me through her glasses and frowned.
SHIT. I totally ruined that.
I smiled at her and walked out of the building, knowing that I will never be stepping foot in there ever again.
"How did it go?" Maggie asked as I walked into the apartment. Her face fell and for a second, she looked annoyed.
"Why? Did he say you didn't get it?" she asked. I shook my head "No, but I don't think my answers to his questions were exactly up to par. He was a jerk" I said sadly.
She rolled her eyes and looked back at the T.V. "jerk or not, rent is due in two weeks, come up with everything this time" I knew she was angry with me, but not everyone can be set up with a job that pays six figures because of family connections. Family or not, it was my fault. She knew it, and so did I.
I walked back into my room and flopped down into my bed with tears brimming in my eyes. I always ruin opportunities people set for me, I have let down almost everyone in my life and not only that, I am soon to be homeless.