"We've both got a million bad habits to kick, not sleeping is one." - A World Alone
"So Kris, where exactly am I sleeping?" I asked, turning over on my side to face Kris. Well, to look down at Kris since she's laying on the floor. I didn't exactly kick her out of her bed, I just politely asked her to move and threatened deadly force if she didn't.
"Right where you are I guess. I can stay down here." That makes me sound like a bad person. Besides, this bed probably has like 20 different types of STD's on it. It's not in my best interest to stay in it for too long.
"Can I sleep on the couch or something? Do you have a guestroom?" Basically, any room except for this one will do. I'll even take the closet.
"Yeah I guess, but don't you want to be in the same room as me? You know in case you have another panic attack or something." She asked hesitantly, and I did my best not to scoff. Kris witnessing another one of my panic attacks was the last thing I wanted.
"I just want to go to sleep Kris."
"Where's the guestroom?"
The way she looked at me made me almost change my answer.
"The room right across from this one."
I stood up and grabbed my backpack before walking to the door to leave Kris's room. Right when I reached the door, a hand clasped around my arm.
"Don't you need clothes to sleep in?" She asked as I yanked my arm away from her grip. I don't want her touching me. I don't even want her to look at me. I hope she doesn't take it personally. I don't want anyone touching me.
I stepped back a couple of steps before nodding at her. Her eyes look apologetic and she opened her mouth, probably to apologize, but I just shook my head, turning away from her. I feel bad for making her feel bad, but I don't know what to say in situations like this.
Just tell her that you're not mad at her. But I am mad at her. No, you're just mad at the world. Same thing. Adri, that's not fair; she messed up, but so have you. She scares me. I think that it's time for you to grow up and face your fears. When did you get so insightful? Panic attacks tend to knock some sense into me.
When Kris came back with a few articles of clothing in hand, I took them with a small smile. She still looks a little sad, so I decided to listen to the advice that I was given.
"Look," I started, before turning to leave, "I don't mean to come off as mad or anything. I'm just not very good with people, or just life in general. Don't take anything I do too personally."
With that I walked across the hall, with an okay, maybe even good, feeling in my chest. I could feel her smile spread through the atmosphere. It feels good to make someone else happy.
"Goodnight Adrianna," Kris called out before I entered my room.
"Goodnight Kristina."
I couldn't sleep. I had already predicted I wouldn't be able to sleep since I didn't take my insomnia pills, but now I'm in the moment of not sleeping, and it sucks. I wasn't tired or anything, but I never really liked staying up and doing nothing. My mind always wandered to bad places and I've yet to learn how to leave those places.
I turned over again, for about the 1000th time that night, and hugged the pillow tight to my chest. I stared out the window, watching the moon and the clouds. The moon wasn't the best to have conversations with. As great as it was to rant to, it never really knew the right things to say back to me.
After staring at it for a good 20 minutes, I decided that it was time for me to go for a walk. I'm bored and I need to expel some energy. I don't care if it's 2 in the morning. It was time for a walk.
I stood up from the bed, careful not to stomp my feet or anything. The last thing that I need right now, was Kris waking up. She'd just make matters worse.
My feet padded against the hardwood floor, as I walked towards the door. I turned the doorknob slowly and walked out into the empty hallway. I stared at Kris's closed door for a few moments, wondering about what she was dreaming of.
Probably sex.
As I made my way down the stairs, I heard the soft noises of a TV. I didn't stop walking though, because I kind of wanted to watch TV too. I hope whoever is down there will let me watch with them.
I made my way towards the noises, which were coming from the movie room that I was in earlier. I hid behind the wall and peeked around the corner to see who was there. I squinted my eyes to see the face and tilted my head in confusion when I realized who it was.
"Cole?" I called out quietly, uncertainty laced in my voice. Surely that wasn't him.
But it was. When he sat up and turned his head toward me, I could his familiar panicked eyes.
"Adri what are you doing up?" He was asking me questions. I'm pretty sure that this was supposed to be the other way around.
"No, what are you doing here? Did you break into someone's house?!" I hissed the last part crossing my arms over my chest, and giving him a small glare.
He chuckled quietly and sat up fully.
"No Adri, I didn't. I called your friend, Kris I think is her name, and asked her if I could come over since I was worried about you. When I got here, you were already in bed, so I asked her if I could sleep on the couch and she said yes. I haven't been doing a lot of sleeping but..." He scratched his head sheepishly and gave me a small smile.
I was still glaring at him with my arms across my chest. So he and Kris were buddies now? Great. More problems for me to deal with.
"Where's Ellie? Did you just leave her at home by herself?" I wanted him to be the bad guy. Not me.
"No, mom's home." Oh. That's nice.
I didn't respond to him, but I had stopped glaring at him. Now my eyes just aimlessly wandered around the room. When my eyes fell on him again, his arms were open for me and I immediately ran into to them, hugging him tightly.
"Do you not have your insomnia pills?"
"No, I do. It was just too late for me to take them."
"Did you have a nightmare?"
"No, I was just too worried about you to sleep."
Cole and I stayed like that for the rest of the night. I don't think either of us really got any sleep, but at least we were happy. I didn't feel like running and he wasn't so scared anymore. As far as nights go, this one was pretty good.
It was pretty good.
"Hey Adri! How are you?!" Dying to change seats.
I faked a smile at Claire and waved. Maybe if I just answer this one question, she'll leave me alone for the rest of the class.
"Great. Thanks for asking." I wasn't stupid enough to ask her how she was doing. Who knows how long she'd talk after that.
"That's great. So I was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch with me and my friends today. So we could get to know each other better." Lightening please strike me right now. I know it's a clear sunny day today, but I'm sure the sky wouldn't mind you guest appearing for a few moments.
As I opened my mouth to tell her that I already had another crazy person to sit with, I was interrupted by said crazy person.
"Good morning Adrianna." Kris, you and I both know that we already exchanged 'good morning's' at your house, but I guess I shouldn't really complain since you're distracting me from queen crazy over here.
"Good morning Kristina," I responded with a small smile, causing her expression to brighten.
I feel like after yesterday's events, Kris and I had an understanding. She understood that I didn't hate her, I just didn't like people in general. I understood that she had cheated on her crazy test and that she is in desperate need of medication.
It was a very clear understanding of each other.
"Good morning Kris. It's great to see you, but as you could see Adri was just about to tell me that she would like to sit with me instead of you at lunch today." Claire sounded a little mean, and wrong of course. Trust me sweetheart, unless it's sitting 5,000 feet away from you, nothing I do with you is voluntary.
I mean unless it was you helping me break out of this 'school', then I would love to pair up with you. I don't know if you'd want to though because I'd probably make you take the fall for it. And they'd probably throw you in jail, and me in a psych ward. Don't worry though, the psych ward is equally terrible, if not worse.
The psych ward sucked.
Kris rose her eyes in amusement at me, and I shook my head in response when Claire wasn't looking. If Kris didn't tell her that I didn't want to sit with her, then I would. And my way was probably really mean.
"For some reason, I highly doubt that. In fact, I don't think she even wants to sit with you right now. Adri, would you like to come and sit with me on the other side of the classroom." That 'other side of the classroom' part sounded very enticing.
"Yes please," I responded, as I got up and grabbed my things. I tuned out Claire's babbling and whining, as I followed Kris to her desk. Funny, it is a lot quieter on this side of the room.
"You totally owe me," Kris whispered with a small smirk and I rolled my eyes in response as I sat down.
"You only came over there because you don't want me hanging out with other females. Even if I had said no to your offer, you would've dragged me over here anyway." I hadn't known Kris for long, but I could already tell, that she didn't take no for an answer.
She sighed happily and rested her chin on her hand watching me.
"I love how well you know me." Even though she isn't touching me, the way that she was watching me made it feel like she was caressing me. I'm not going to run away from it, but only because there isn't anywhere to run away to right now. As soon as this class is over though, I was getting as far away from her as possible.
"Could you stop looking at me like that please?" I mumbled, turning away from her uncomfortably. My mom always told me it wasn't polite to stare. Obviously, her mother didn't tell her that.
"Sorry Adri, you know I do it because I think you're beautiful."
"You also think that closet girl is beautiful, so I'm not going to take that as a compliment."
She gave out a gentle laugh, and I could imagine her shaking her head.
"I never said that I thought she was beautiful. I can't even remember the girl's name. Are you jealous Adri?"
This time it was my turn to laugh.
"Kris I have no reason to be jealous. You're not my girlfriend. I don't even like you."
"You don't like me yet. But soon you will, so it's okay."
"Go away, Kris."
"You won't be saying that soon. Soon you'll be asking me to stay."
"But right now I'm asking you to go away, so go away."
"Do you want to go back to Claire?"
I immediately turned towards her, giving her a large smile. I would do anything to not go back to queen crazy.
"Have I told you that you look great today because you do."
Kris threw her head back laughing and draped her arm around the back of my chair.
"Don't worry Adri, I'm not sending you back over there. You're mine and I'm not going to let anyone else have you."