"Chance is the only game I play with, baby" - Glory and Gore
"Are you enjoying the movie?" Kris's voice whispered in my ear, and my body froze as I tried to put distance between us. Again.
It's only been 45 minutes, but Kris has managed to make me feel like I've been here for five hours. After I removed her arm from around me the first time, she just kept on trying. And if she wasn't trying to do that, then she was making sure that there was no space between us. If she wants me to stop thinking that she doesn't know what personal space means, then she's not doing a very good job of showing it.
"Yeah, it's cool." Do you know what else would be cool? If you'd stop trying to touch me.
"Then why are you fidgeting so much? Are you sure you're not scared?" Oh, I'm scared all right. Scared that I might go to jail because of what I'll do to you if you don't stop touching me.
"Actually, I kind of want to take a break. I'll be back in a bit." I declared before standing up from the couch and walking out of the room as quickly as possible. I hope that, for the first time tonight, Kris uses her common sense and doesn't follow me out because I don't have it in me to not punch her in the face right now.
What's wrong Adri; why aren't you having fun? Shut up; this is all your fault. How so? If you hadn't touched her in the first place, she wouldn't have the stupid idea that it's okay to try and touch me. You know normal human beings touch each other. You know I'm not a "normal human being".
"Cole I want to go home," I spoke into my phone, as I paced in front of Kris's front door.
"Cole! Cole! Adri's on the phone! Adri's on the phone!" Ellie's voice giggled on the other side of the line, and a small smile made its way onto my face.
Ellie is Cole's actual sister. She is the 6-year old, female version of him. She is the biggest bundle of joy that I have ever seen in my entire life. She is my exact opposite really, but I guess that's why she and I get along so easily. We balance each other out.
"Ellie, how was school?" I asked, momentarily forgetting my situation. Despite how miserable I've been so far, a little part of me still wants to see if I can make it. I'm sure that after talking to Ellie for two minutes, I'll be okay enough to go back in there.
"It was a lot of fun! I drew you a picture of a unicorn and a rainbow and a puppy and the sun. When you get home will you hang them on the walls in your room?"
"Of course I will El. When have I not?"
"Ellie is that Adri?" Cole's voice sounded in the background. I looked up at the ceiling, contemplating my decision. If I can make it through this, then I can probably make it through one of Ellie's dance recitals. All I need to do is think about supporting Ellie and I'll be able to make it through this.
I have to do this for Ellie.
"Ellie, tell Cole I'll call him back later. I love you."
I waited for her to reply before I ended the call with a sigh. I'll just sit as far from Kris as possible and hope for the best.
"Who were you talking to?" Hoping for the best obviously gets you nowhere in this life.
"None of your business Kris. What do you want?" I turned around to face her, to see she had a look of contemplation on her face.
"Do you want to go upstairs to my room?" Now I know this girl is crazy. How has she not gotten the hint that,
1. I don't like her,
2. I don't want to be around her and
3. I don't want to be here?
I don't know how to answer her. I don't want to laugh, because as much as I don't like her, I don't want to be mean. If I say no, then she'll ask why, and I don't have an answer to that question yet. And I don't even want to think of what my heart will do to me if I say yes.
"We can play board games or something." She added on, and I lifted my head, slightly interested.
People Like Me don't get out much. Also, People Like Me aren't allowed to stay home alone, so we often have two or three people home with us. And since People Like Me, hate confrontation and talking, we often play games to express our emotions. The point I'm trying to make here is:
People Like Me really like board games.
You think you can handle being alone in a room with her? With enough meds and perseverance, I can do anything. You don't have either of those things. But she has board games, and I like board games.
I followed her up the stairs, taking in deep breaths. I am going to be alone in a room alone with a girl. And of course, she's not a normal, straight girl; God doesn't love me enough for that luxury. This is the same girl who I caught making out with another girl in a janitor's closet. Wait.
Where's the other girl?
"Where's your friend?" I asked her, as we entered her room. She looked back at me, her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.
"All of my friends are downstairs." She answered slowly, moving towards her closet.
"I'm talking about the girl you were in the janitor's closet with." My bluntness is my best quality.
"Oh, that one." When she came back out of her closet with a few boxes in her arms, she now wore a smirk. I didn't completely pay attention to it, my eyes were a little more focused on the boxes than her.
When she sat down on her floor, placing the boxes next to her, I immediately followed suit. I couldn't care less about her mystery friend at this point. Now I'm more concerned about which game we were going to play first. Kris may be a creepy, lesbian stalker but she sure does have a lot of nice board games.
"She's not my friend. Matter-of-fact, I don't even remember her name. Was it Madison? Maybe it was Amber. Courtney?" I gave her a dead look, as she continued attempting to remember the girl's names. The names are in no way similar to each other, so I'm guessing that she wasn't even listening to the girl when she told Kris her name in the first place.
"Why are you asking? Is somebody jealous?" Kris taunted, and I immediately gagged. See Kris, this is probably why you only have four friends. Not that I can talk because I don't have any friends, but still.
"Which one are we going to play?" I asked, moving on. Her question didn't deserve an answer, so I've decided to just move on and start asking the important questions because I want to get to the part we play a board game.
"I don't think you answered my question Adri." Oh, don't worry. I know I didn't answer your question.
"Kris back up," I whispered breathlessly, my voice spontaneously deciding to take a vacation the moment Kris moved into my bubble; a very inconvenient time if you ask me.
When I felt loose strands of her hair floating against my cheeks, I decided that she had gotten too close.
I scrambled backward, shaking my head repeatedly. My breaths came out in fast pants as I stood up, moving as far away from Kris as possible. I can feel myself beginning to shake furiously and I let out shaky sighs as I tried to make it stop.
If there is anything worse than having a panic attack, it's having an audience during a panic attack. It makes everything ten times worse than it already is. And I don't want things to be ten times worse just yet because when things get ten times worse, I have to switch schools. I'm not ready to leave yet; I just got to this school.
For heaven's sake, it's the first day.
"Wait! Adri. Where are you going?"
But sadly for People Like Me, it never really matters what we want.
I ran out of Kristina's room, down the stairs and out of her front door. I could hear her footsteps trailing behind me and her voice calling for me to stop, but I just kept running. I was screaming incoherent things at both myself and her as I ran, trying to get rid of the shaky feeling in my stomach, but it just wouldn't go away. It stayed there, gnawing and screaming the most awful things back at me.
Do you remember the first time you ever got called a name in elementary school? Something like that had never happened to you before, so you felt so broken and torn down inside. It doesn't matter how it makes you feel now, but back then it made you feel like nothing. That's how I feel right now.
Except a hundred times worse.
A scream, mixed with a sob left my body as a pair of arms wrapped around me. I thrashed and kicked against Kris, as I yelled terrible things at her. I know deep down inside I don't mean any of them, but right now I just want someone else to feel how I feel.
Despite my attempts to get free, Kris kept me enclosed in her arms; If anything she held me tighter. While I screamed insults and curses at her, she whispered sweet nothings in my ear, ignoring everything I was saying. It's like she's taken a class from Cole on 'How to Deal with Adrianna When She Has a Panic Attack: Level 6'. If she did, I appreciate that.
Eventually, I lost my voice, my throat became raw, and my body went limp against hers. Tears were still streaming down my face, but not as much as before. Kris brought us down to a sitting position and laid me in her lap as she rocked me. Not once had she stopped whispering sweet things in my ear, throughout the entire breakdown. I appreciated that too.
"Do you need me to call someone?" She whispered gently in my ear, brushing my hair behind my ear. I shook my head rapidly, clutching to her waist tightly.
"D-don't call Cole. Don't call Cole. Don't tell him. Don't tell. Please don't tell him, Kris." I pleaded over and over again, burying my face into the crook of her neck.
If she tells Cole, then I'll have to go see Her. Out of all the people I dislike in the world, She is at the top of the list. I haven't seen her in two months, and I would like to keep it that way, possibly make it three months.
"Okay I won't, I promise. Do you want to go back to the house?" She asked and I shrugged, sniffling quietly. I don't have the energy to walk back to her house, so I don't see how it is going to work. I don't even know where we were. I had run without paying attention, and Kris was just following me. I hope I didn't make her run far.
"Kris are you mad at me?" I looked up at her as I asked my question, and she instantly shook her head, cupping my cheek in her hand.
"Not at all. I'm the one who messed up. I'm so sorry I scared you Adri." She whispered, her eyes watering slightly. She sounded guilty, but I didn't know what for. If I was normal, this wouldn't have happened.
I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and shook my head at her. "I'm not mad. I'm really tired. Can we go back after I take a nap?" I asked her with a pleading look, as I looked up at her, and she bit her lip nervously. Was she afraid of me? I don't want that. I want her to be my friend right now.
I need a friend right now.
"I don't think we can. But I can carry you back?" She offered, watching my expression carefully.
I guess that won't be too bad, so long as I don't have to walk.
"Okay." I agreed, nodding my head and she gave me a large smile before standing up with me in her arms. I crawled on to her back, and she placed her hands on the back of my thighs to support me. I linked my arms around her neck loosely and rested my head on her shoulder with a quiet yawn.
"Don't you worry Adri, I'm going to take care of you," Kris whispered, as she began walking.
I let out a quiet sigh in response, slowly closing my eyes.
I was out before Kris even took 10 steps.