Aurora's POV
Today is Saturday and time passed swiftly.
Once I'm done with my hair, I put on a simple gold headband to compliment the outfit. I'm wearing a simple maroon dress with sheer sleeves and matching flat shoes. Of course, I always put on my necklace and I decided to put on a simple bracelet with matching earrings.
"Aurora?" I turn around and I saw my mom standing by the door, wearing a simple yet elegant looking black dress. "Oh honey, you look great." My mom said as she enters the room.
"Thanks, mom. You look great too." I said.
Then I saw Toby enters the door and he looks so cute with the small bow tie. "Mommy, look at me!" He said.
"Toby, you look so adorable." Mom said before she places a kiss on Toby's cheek.
"Yeah, goofball." I lift him up. "You are the most handsome little boy here," I said before I started tickling his sides.
"Hahaha, stop!" He said and I did.
"Okay, you two. Let's get going." Mom said.
I nodded and then she left the room. I grab my phone and we head out.
Mom locked the door and we head over to our car. I help Toby get in the car and then I get in and close the car door. I buckle up and then I buckle Toby up. Mom started the engine and we drove off.
An hour and a half passed and we arrived. Mom parked the car and stopped the engine. We get off the car and I close the car door. I look up and I could have sworn I saw the curtain move on the third floor.
The house looks like mansion only it's a little bit more simple. The house is painted as white as snow while the rooftops are color dark navy blue. And there are a lot of rose bushes everywhere and they're in different colors like white, red, pink and the such. Mr. Anderson looks like a very wealthy man.
"Let's go." Mom said. I grab Toby's hand and we follow her.
"This looks like a castle," Toby said in awe.
"It sure does goofball," I said to him.
Mom pressed on the doorbell and we wait.
Then the door went open. "Ah Elizabeth, welcome."
The man that I assume is Mr. Anderson said and they share a kiss.
"Did we take you too long?" Mom asked.
"No, no. You're just in time." He said." Please come in."
We entered and the inside of the house looks a little bit fancy and spacious.
"John, these are my kids. Aurora and Toby." Mom said.
"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Anderson," I said.
"Nice to finally meet you Aurora." He said." Hello Toby."
"Hi. Are you going to be our new dad?"
"Soon, little one." He patted his head.
"Where's your son?" Mom asked.
"Dad?" A voice called out.
I look up and I saw a guy with dark brown hair... dark eyes and... he looks quite build up. But he looks familiar. Once I get a clear look of him... I realized that he's the same guy that I bumped into school. And he's gonna be my stepbrother?
"Ahh, I would like you to meet my only son... Steven." Mr. Anderson said.
"Steven, so nice to finally meet you." My mom said.
"And Steven, these are your step-siblings. Meet Aurora and Toby."
He looks at Toby and smiles at him. "Hi, Toby." He said.
Toby just waves shyly." Hi."
And then he looks at me and we made eye contact. His dark eyes staring into my brown ones.
He sticks his hand out. "Nice to meet you Aurora."
I shake his hand. "Likewise," I said.
"Now, the family is all together... let's have dinner!" Mr. Anderson said and then he took my mom's hand and they walk over to the dining room.
We sat down and eat our dinner. While eating dinner, Mr. Anderson and my mom laughed and chatted. Sometimes, I caught Steven staring at me but every time I glanced at him, he would either look down at his plate or drink water. But I just shrugged it off and continue eating.
An hour has passed and we finished our dinner.
"Steven, why don't you show Aurora and Toby around? " Mr. Anderson said.
"Can I watch cartoons instead mommy? " Toby asked.
"Is it okay with you John?"
"Of course. Steven, why don't you turn on the TV in the living room and then you show Aurora around the house?"
Without saying a word, Steven stood up from his seat and motion Toby and I to follow him.
We entered the living room and he turns on the TV and switches the News channel to a Cartoon channel. Toby sit down and watch. The living room gives off a warm and somewhat comforting vibe and it has a fireplace.
Then Steven head over to the kitchen which is so fancy looking and the counter is marbled and it looks like they have all the tools and kitchen appliances that they need.
"Obviously this is the kitchen," Steven said as we walked in. Then I saw knives in a display case and there are all aligned neatly on the wall which is strange.
"Umm... why those knives are in a display case?" I asked.
"My dad likes it that way. " He simply said. " This way. " We head out of the kitchen and I follow him suite.
He leads me to a door which leads to downstairs. "Down here is the basement."
"Toby is scared of basements. " I said.
"Because of horror movies, I presume? "
I nodded.
"Hmm. Don't worry, there's no scary stuff down there." He said and then we head off somewhere else. We went upstairs and the stairs look so clean and shiny.
He leads me to a door which has a golden music note, specifically a G-Clef note, on it. This must be a music room.
He opens the door and the first thing I saw is a grand piano. And there are other various instruments in the room.
"Can you play all of these?" I asked.
"Only the piano." He said as he closes the door. Then he continues showing me around the house.
It felt like an hour and this house has a lot of rooms. Guests rooms, an art studio and there's even a library here. A freaking library!
"And last but not the least..." He said as we reached the third floor. "The third floor."
I guess most of the rooms are for guests and visitors. Then I look up and I saw a thick string attached to an access door which I assume it will lead people to the attic. I stretch my arm out and as I was about to grab the string, Steven grabs my wrist and stops me.
"Don't touch it. The attic is off limits for a while." He said in a tense tone.
"I'm sorry," I said. "I shouldn't have done that."
Then he let go of my wrist and run his fingers through his dark hair then he let out a sigh.
"It's fine. You just didn't know." He said. Then he leads me to his... bedroom.
His bedroom walls are painted soft grey and the color of his curtains are white. Most of his things are grey, black and white, which gives off a dark yet also depressing vibe.
"Um... cool room," I said.
"You think so? My dad always tells me to put on a little bit more colors in my room but I like how my room looks just the way it is." He sat down on his bed. "Don't be shy, sit." He said, patting the empty spot next to him.
I sit down and then he spoke.
"So...tell me something about yourself Aurora since we'll be step-siblings soon. "
"Okay, but like what?"
"Hmm... do you have a boyfriend?" He asked.
Out of all the questions, he asked that.
"No, I don't. I'm still waiting for the right guy though." I answered.
He nodded. "Okay, next question. Do you have a nickname or something like that?"
"Yeah. Most people call me 'Ro' since that's short for... you know, Aurora. "
"Ro with a W? "
I let out a giggle."No, it's just R and O."
"Oh okay, my bad. " He said. "How old are you?"
"I'm sixteen. What about you?"
"Almost twenty. And you go to the same school as me. I've seen you around the hallways sometimes."
"Yeah and now that you mentioned it, I'm sorry that I bumped into you yesterday. And to be honest, I was shocked when I realize that you're gonna be my stepbrother." I said.
"Me too, but I don't show it. And it's fine. " He said, gently running his fingers through my hair.
We turn around and we saw his dad and my mom standing by the door.
"Looks like you two get along quite well. " His dad said.
"Anyways, Aurora... it's time to go home. " My mom said.
I nodded. "Okay. " Then I get up from the bed and walk towards my mom.
"Thank you for dinner tonight, John. "
"It was my pleasure. Drive safely." Mr. Anderson said.
"Aurora, say goodbye to Steven. " My mom said.
"Bye. " I said and waved shyly at Steven.
His lips curved into a small smile and wave back.
Then we head downstairs.
Steven's POV
"What do you think of Aurora so far, Steven?" My dad asked.
"She's okay. " I said bluntly.
My dad nodded and he closes the door.
After he closed the door, I look at my hand, which I used to touch Aurora's hair for the first time... And smell its scent. She smells like vanilla and her hair is so soft and smooth like silk.
I get up from my bed and walk towards my window. I gently move the curtain aside so I can get a better look at Aurora, helping her little brother before she gets in the car. Then I watch their car drove off.
'What do I think of her... dad?'
'She's perfect. And she'll be mine soon. '