"Mommy!" A ten year old girl with dark hair called out for her mother, who was standing by the counter holding onto her baby boy while holding the phone with the other.
"When is daddy coming?" The ten year old girl asked.
"I'm sure he'll be home soon sweetie so let's just wait. Go and play with your friends." The mother said and the little girl ran back to the backyard.
A few minutes later, the mother put her phone down and let out a sigh.
"You okay, Elizabeth?" Her friend asked.
"I'm fine."
"That must be him. Can you take care of Toby for me?" The mother said and she carefully handed the sleeping baby boy to her friend.
She walk towards the front door and she twist the doorknob and she came face to face with a police man.
"Are you Mrs. Elizabeth Hills?" The police man spoke.
"Yes? Is there anything wrong officer?"
The police man take something out from his coat and handed him a small red box to her.
"I'm sorry for your loss." said.
"What happened to my husband?" She asked.
"He got into a car accident. Again, I'm sorry for your loss." Then the police man said and left.
She closes the door and stand still.
She slowly turn around and she saw her daughter standing there.
"Mommy, where's daddy?" The little girl asked.
She gets down to her daughter's level and handed her the small red box.
"Sweetie, this is hard for me to say but... daddy is in a better place."
"I don't understand..."
"He got into an accident... he's dead."
"No... he's not. He's not! He said he's gonna be here." The little girl said as tears starts to fall from her eyes.
"I know baby... Come here." She wrapped her arms around her daughter and the little girl continues to cry.
Aurora's POV
"Aurora? Wake up, sweetie." I heard the voice of my mother, trying to wake me up.
"Hmm... " I groaned as I slowly open my eyes. " Morning mom... "
"Morning sweetie. Time to get ready for school. " She said.
"Okay... " Before I let out a yawn. She left the room and I get off the bed. I grab my towel and head inside my bathroom.
As I stepped into the bathroom, I slightly shivered as my feet made contact against the cold and pure white tiled floor.
I turn the faucet on and I watched the water fill up the tub. I made sure that the water is warm enough. Once the tub is almost full, I turn the faucet off.
I take off my clothes and I step into the tub as the warm water embrace my body.
After a warm bath, I stepped out of the tub and I pull out the drain plug. I wrapped the towel around my body and head back to my room.
I pull out my clothes for today from my clothes and I slip into my simple white dress and I put on my denim jacket and brown boots.
I dry my hair and comb it until every strand is nice and untangle. I put my hairbrush down and I pull out my necklace from my jewelry box and put it on as I sense the cold feeling of the gold chain, that is wrapped around my neck, gives me the chills.
The necklace is actually a gift from my dad. On the day of the accident six years ago. Sure, I miss him but he's in a better place.
I snapped out of my thoughts and I grab my phone and my backpack then I head downstairs.
I enter the dining room and I saw Toby eating his breakfast while mom pours herself a cup of coffee.
"Good morning Aurora!" Toby greeted me with the cutest and biggest smile on his face.
"Good morning goofball," I said as I ruffled his dirty blonde hair and I sit down.
I look down at my plate and today's menu is waffles for breakfast.
"Now hurry and finish up. You don't want to be late for school, right?" Mom said before she takes a sip of her coffee.
"Okay, mom. " I said, grabbing a fork and a knife and start eating my breakfast.
I finished up and I pick my plate and Toby's plate and put them into the sink and wash them.
After washing them, I set them aside to dry on the dish rack. I dry my hands with a towel and I grab my backpack and Toby's lunchbox from the counter and I head outside.
I get in the car and I close the car door. "Toby, you forgot your lunchbox. " I said as I hand it to him.
"I'm sorry. " He said.
"It's okay. " And I notice he's not buckled up. "Oh and your... seatbelt. " I buckled him up.
"Okay, you two. You ready to go?" Mom asks as she adjusted the rear mirror.
"Yes, mom. " I said as I buckle up.
Then she started the engine and drove off.
Finally, we've arrived.
Richfield School.
The building on the right is the elementary school and the building on the left is the high school.
Mom stopped the car and I unbuckle my seat and then I help Toby. I grab my backpack and get off the car.
"Come on Toby. " I said as I help him get off the car.
"We'll see you later mom. " I said.
"Have a great day at school, I love you. " She said.
"Bye, mommy!" Toby waved and my mom blows him a kiss.
"Bye, mom. " Then I close the car door and she drove off to work.
"Come on goofball, I'll take you to your classroom. " I said and we head off.
After a few minutes later, we arrived in his classroom.
"Okay, here's your lunchbox. Now, listen very carefully to your teacher and don't pick up any fights with your classmates, understand?" I said to him.
"Okay. You'll pick me up after school right? "
"Of course you goofball. I'll see you later. " I place a kiss on his forehead and head off to the high school building.
On my way to the entrance of the high school building, I bump into some guy.
"Oh sorry. " I said as I just give a quick glance at the guy. He has dark brown hair and dark eyes and he looks quite build up. And then, I head off.
"Hey, Aurora!" I turn around and I saw my two best friends walking towards me.
Meet my two best friends, Heather Morgan, and Edward Brown. Actually, they're more like my childhood friends.
Heather has auburn hair, green eyes and has some dusty freckles on her face. She's a bit hot-headed and spunky. And sometimes, we call her "Heather Feather " which is her nickname since the second grade.
And there's Edward. Edward has dark brown hair and he has the most beautiful hazel eyes that I've ever seen. I like calling him Eddie more than calling him, Edward. A lot of girls have a crush on him but he's not interested in any of them. Even some guys want to ask him out. But he's straight and he said he's still waiting for the right girl.
"Hey, how are you guys doing?" I asked them as we walk together.
"Mom confiscated my laptop again..." Heather said.
"What did you do this time? " I asked.
"She did a small prank on her brother for the third time this week," Edward answered for her.
"It's just a small prank and what do I get? No laptop for a week!" Heather said as she scratches the back of her head.
"At least, she didn't take away your phone. " Edward said.
"Yeah but I'm not allowed to use the internet. Only for text messages and calls. "
I shake my head and I look at the surroundings of the hallways. Crowded as always. We have the typical students like in every high school movie ever.
The athletes. The Nerds. The glee wannabes. The bullies. The emo kids and goth kids. The Fashionistas. The hipsters. The Outcasts. And of course... The popular and mean kids.
Same old stuff and same old routine.
The walls are painted white and black. And then the lockers are color grey. It gives off a sad vibe somehow... otherwise, it shows the reality of high school.
Which is a living hell.
Do you expect your parents to believe that if you say it to their faces? Apparently not.
We approached our assigned lockers and I grab my stuff.
"What classes do we have again? " Heather asked.
"Science, Algebra, and Spanish," I said, grabbing my Spanish book and dictionary.
"Ugh... I fucking hate Algebra." Heather said as she closes her locker door.
"I think it's pretty easy. " Edward said.
"Of course, it's easy for you Eddie. You are a smart-ass." Heather rolled her eyes.
The bell rang and I closed my locker door. "Come on, let's get to class. We don't want to make Miss Barbara mad. "
They nodded and we head off to class.