I walk through the door dumping my soaking wet bag as I went, slowing my pace I enter the living room dripping wet, I was making a little puddle on the carpet. Laying on the sofa asleep was my darling boyfriend, normally, I would leave him to sleep for a few hours, but he caused this.
He was supposed to pick me up from work but didn't show, now that would have been fine if it didn't start to tip down with rain. Now I know what you're thinking, why didn't I like phone a taxi or get a friend to pick me up? Most of my friends are still at work and the friend that I normally got a ride with is on holiday! None of the taxis were running either, so it was either Roman pick me up or walk. I waited outside of work for an hour thinking there could be traffic, but no it's just he decided he needed some beauty sleep!
I could have been like a normal person and woke him up calmly, but let me tell how not normal I really am. Just seeing him laying there all peaceful and warm, wasn't sitting well with me and my new puddle under me. I make my way over to the kitchen taking a bowl from the cupboard, I start to fill said bowl up with cold water. Before you say I'm going too far, I thought about adding ice so I'm not all bad. I carefully carry the now quite heavy bowl of water back to the living room; I hover over sleeping beauty before dumping the cold water on him. He immediately sits up breathing heavily looking up at me, I just stood there smirking.
"What are you doing?!" He asks loudly looking down at his wet clothes, at least we're matching now.
"What was that thing you were supposed to do around 3pm?" I ask calmly looking at him, I'm not gonna lie when I say that was a great stress reliever.
He looks rather confused for a second before realisation fills his face, he takes a look out the balcony window where he discovers the torrential rain outside.
"Babe, I'm so sorry I must have fallen asleep" he says getting to his feet, him too now making a puddle.
"Oh, don't worry, that was a good stress reliever which means you’re safe for another day, but now you have the task of drying the carpet and the really wet sofa" I smile walking away and towards our bedroom, as I make it to the door, I hear him laughing from the living room.
I love the kind of relationship we have, we don't take anything too seriously, which with the type of person I am is a great thing! Me and Roman met when we were in our last year of school, but I knew of him years before. Him and a few of his annoying friends sat behind me in so many of my lessons, that's what I assumed Roman was going to be like. But one day, he approached me after lesson and asked me on a date, now once again I thought this guy was super annoying. But I also didn't have very good self confidence, so when this guy actually showed an interest in me, I couldn't say no.
We ended up going on that date and he actually wasn't annoying! We started dating and the rest of history. I moved in with him and his annoying friend Austin nearly two years ago now, I would have moved in with him sooner but as like I just implied, his friend is really annoying! Roman and him have been friends since they've been little, they've done everything together and I mean everything!
I had just finished drying my hair when the front door opens, Austin's voice echoing through the house. Why does that man have to be so loud? I just roll my eyes as the bedroom door also opens; Austin stood in the doorway.
"Don't you know how to knock; I could have been naked?!" I ask while he just raises an eyebrow walking into the bedroom anyway, Roman close behind him apologising to me.
"I wouldn't have minded, you could have given me a free show" Austin shrugs taking a seat on the bed and watching me, I turn my body around to look at the annoying man staring back at me. "Payton" he says with a smile, I take a look to Roman who was also staring at Austin confused.
"Austin" I say just saying his name like he just did with mine. "I'm glad we've got each other's names established, but why are you sat on the bed just staring me out?" I ask with a raised eyebrow, now you might understand why I say he's so annoying.
"Have I ever told you how pretty you are and how much I truly value our friendship?" He asks smiling sweetly from the bed, no he's never told me that but from that sentence I know he wants something.
"What do you need?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest with a raised eyebrow, he could have just flat out told me he wanted something from me and not sat there wasting my time.
"I need to borrow some money, normally I'd ask Roman, but I know he's going on that business trip in a few days, you're the only other person I can ask" he says sitting up straight while I just roll my eyes, but I couldn't really say no, could I?
"How much and what do you need it for?" I ask reaching over to grab my phone from the desk, it would be quicker to do a bank transfer, this not being the first time I've needed to send him money.
"£500, yes I know it's a lot, but I might have accidentally run up a huge bill at the bar down the road. The owners threatening to call the police and get me arrested if I don't pay him by the end of today" he says giving me the long sob story, I shake my head before successfully sending him over the money.
It takes a few seconds to process before his face lights up, I'm not lying when I yell you the amount of relief that was on his face. I mean obviously he doesn't want to get arrested and I'm not the type of person just leave him to deal with it alone.
"Thank you so much Payton, I promise I'll pay you back as soon as I get paid" he exclaims running over and placing a huge kiss on my head, which I was very shocked about. "I have to go to pay this now, I'll order pizza for dinner!" He shouts before he bolts out of the bedroom, seconds later the front door open and closes.
"Is he okay?" I ask Roman whilst standing up from my chair, Roman hadn't moved from the spot he was standing in but was just staring at the wall.
"He's been acting off for a few weeks now, I wish I wasn't going on an eight-week business trip when somethings clearing not right with Austin" Roman sighs which I did have to agree with him on some points, I also didn't want him to have to leave for eight weeks and something was clearly off with Austin.
"While you're not here I'll keep an eye on him, as much as that man annoys me, I don't want you worrying about him while you're away" I smile walking over to stand beside him, I knew having to watch over Austin would be mentally tiring for me.
Roman looks over smiling at me, he takes my arms pulling me in for a hug. I hold him tightly whilst hearing a car skid away outside, but Roman laughing slightly snaps me from that.
"I bet when I come home, you two are gonna be as thick as thieves" he jokes which does make me roll my eyes, yeah like that's ever gonna happen.