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Chapter Five: Pulling The Strings

We were soon pulling up at the huge house the party's being held in, Austin keeps calling it at house, but you could fit our apartment a hundred times over in this place. In my mind I knew this was a company event, but I didn't anticipate how many people from the company would turn up. There were cars and people everywhere, which does make me rather nervous.

"It's gonna be okay, I'll be with you the entire time" Austin smiles pulling the car up in an empty space, which were really hard to find in this huge courtyard.

"What if someone asks me a question that I have no idea how to answer?" I ask while he takes his seatbelt off fixing his suit, I didn't want to look dumb by saying something that was the total opposite to what he's already told them!

"Hey, you're gonna be fine" he smiles taking my hand in his smiling, I nod my head taking a deep breath in to get my head in the game. "Thank you for doing this Payton" he smiles before opening up his door, I nod my head about to reach for the handle, but Austin was already standing there.

I laugh taking his hand as he helps me out of the car, the cold wind was the first thing that hits me as he closes and locks the door behind us. This did give me a chance to look around at everyone else arriving, there were some expensive cars pulling up here, these people must be getting paid a heck of lot! Austin holds his arm up letting me take it, where he begins to lead me into the venue. I'm not that experienced in walking in heels in the first place, but on this stony courtyard was proving it to be a challenge! Lucky, I had Austin there to keep me from falling onto my face, that would not be a good first impression!

Austin nods his head at people as we continue on our way, finally making it off the stones and into the beautiful building. The place inside was full with people too, everyone looking so smart which immediately, causes happiness to take over knowing I picked the right dress!

"What are we supposed to do here?" I whisper to Austin still walking past people, I've never been in a situation like this before, I had no idea how I was supposed to act.

"We just need to mingle with everyone and talk to my boss when we walks over" Austin replies quietly as we reach the patio doors at the back, please say he's taking us out there as this place was so crowded, but I was hoping and praying the floor out the was smoother than the stony courtyard! "You won't have to talk to him, just stand there and look pretty on my arm" he smirks down at me which does make me roll my eyes, I see Austin is still Austin in these situations.

"You don't want me to tell him all your little secrets?" I ask sweetly as we walk through the doors and back into the cold night, where loud music was being played somewhere in this huge garden. "Such as the time you asked me how to wrap the towel around your head after showering-" I start to say but he places his hand over my mouth before I could continue, yeah, he probably wouldn't want other people to hear that story.

"Yes, I want my boss to give me a promotion, but I don't want him to hear about the things I do in my private life" he whispers looking me in the eyes as he spoke, I smirk behind his hand as a man walking over catches Austin's eye.

"There you two are, I've been wondering when you were going to show up" a man's voice says from beside us, I turn my head to see a tall man with black hair walking over.

He wore a very smart looking suit, with many different gold rings on his fingers. Wrapped around his arm was a young woman, she looks me up and down suspiciously. Austin removes his hand from mouth moving it to wrap around my waist, if we weren’t in the situation, we are now I would probably pinch him!

"Traffic, we can't all race through" Austin jokes looking at this dude, who I'm gonna take a wild guess and say, this is his boss. "Here is Payton" he smiles now turning all the attention onto me, something I didn't like too much to be honest.

"How lovely to be in the presence of such a beautiful lady, such a shame Austin has already got to you, I'm Markus" he smiles taking my hand and placing a kiss on it, this just successfully makes me rather uncomfortable, the woman beside him sending me a dirty look as he went.

"It's lovely to meet you" I smile as he finally releases my hand from his grip, it immediately goes behind my back so he wouldn't feel the need to take it in his again.

"Your boyfriend is one of my best workers, you must be very proud of him" Markus smiles looking over at Austin as she spoke, I nod my head not liking the way Austin was being addressed as my boyfriend, but I guess that was to be expected.

"I couldn't do half the work if it wasn't for you pulling the strings" Austin laughs where I had to force myself not to roll my eyes, I guess we have a brown nose on our hands! No wonder he's getting a promotion.

"Austin, I need a quick word with you" Markus smiles pulling the girls hand from his arm, not that she wanted to let go that is.

Austin nods his head before turning to me, he holds my arms saying he wouldn't be long before following Markus away. Whatever they needed to talk about can't be said in front of us, maybe he didn't like Austin's joke after all? This left me and the girl who I still had no clue what her name actually was, she was stood there looking disgusted at me.

"Just so you know, Markus would never go for a girl like you" she spits out randomly, oh I understand now she's jealous!

"And just so you know, I don't care if he was interested in me, I'm happy with my own boyfriend" I spit right back at her, I wasn't having her thinking she can talk down to me like that, I'm not interested in Markus or Austin for that matter! "But I think it's clear to everyone that Markus isn't really into you either, I've been seeing the looks he's been sending to all the other women here, so I would enjoy it while it lasts" I smirk at her which does take her by surprise, she shakes her head before storming off and away into the party.

I smile to myself happy that I won that round, I wouldn't have allowed her to get one up on me. Now I was standing alone, this did give my eyes time to wonder as I look around the party. Austin and Markus were stood by a pillar having a conversation, Austin would look over every now and then to make sure I was still where I was when he left me. My eyes move from them and up to one of the balconies at the top, that was full to the brim with men in suits looking down at the party. I'm very good at picking up vibes from situations I'm in, but this one was giving me a totally different vibe.

The people stood on the balconies didn't look like they were really a part of this place, yes, they looked the part, but they didn't act it. It was as though they were just watching over the party, but watching over the party for what? I didn't want them to know I was looking at them, so turn my body away but my eyes were still on them. One answers a phone before running past the rest, someone's in a hurry!

The man soon appears at the bottom of the party but runs straight over to Markus and Austin, where he whispers something in Markus's ear. Whatever it was freaks Markus out, where he says one last thing to Austin before running out the party. This does just spark my interest more, what thing are these people running from? Austin soon appears beside me where he takes a look down at his watch, his face looking majorly panicked.

"Come on, let's go home" he says taking me by the arm and dragging me towards the house, rather quickly might I add.

"But we've literally just arrived" I tell him as he begins to push past everyone to make it over to the exit, I know he said he needed to talk to his boss, but I also thought he'd want to stay awhile.

"This was only a fly in visit" he says as we walk out the front door, we literally walked through ten minutes ago, why did I spend so much time getting ready if this was it?!

We walk past people who were walking into the venue, so the party is nowhere close to being over and we're already leaving? He rushes me over to his car opening the door for me, I thank him climbing in as he races around to his side not even putting his seatbelt on. The car roars to life where he reverses before speeding out of the courtyard and away, this making me panic on a whole different level.

"Austin what's going on?" I ask worried as he zips us around a corner the tyres screeching as we did so, he needs to put his seatbelt on!

As we round another corner, three black range rovers speed up the mountain road heading towards the party. What's happening?

"The police, Markus didn't get the right permits to hold that party, I wasn't about to get stopped by the police" he smiles as we get onto the main road, where he does seem to relax and finally put his seatbelt on. "Thanks again Payton, don't worry we don't have to tell Roman" he smiles from his seat, I just nod my head looking out the window at the passing cars.

I wouldn't even know what to tell Roman if he asked, I have no clue what just happened.

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