Chapter 6
Today my sister is coming to my house. She wanted to spend her summer vacation with me. I wanted my mom also to come along with her but as she had some urgent works to be completed, she decided to visit after a few months.
In no time Rhea and Adaah became thick friends. It was also a vacation time for Adaah, so the house was hosting a monkey business 24/7. Both of them are of the same age and study in the same class which adds fuel to the fire.
It is breakfast time and another venturing day for me to handle the two little devils in my house. Sitting at the dining table in front of them, I could understand that there was something getting cooked in their menacing brains. Both of them were exchanging glances at each other with an evil smile and think I am clueless about their doings. But the two monsters have no idea; I am way much older and quite familiar of their dirty tricks.
I sat quietly in front of them sipping the coffee, ready to face any challenge. Both of them were also drinking hot chocolate from their mugs like innocent angels under the curtain of the hidden beasts which I very well acquainted by now. "Ouch! My stomach hurts big brother, can we both go to the medical shop to fetch some medicine?" My little sister asks oozing out all the innocence. There the drama goes. I thought. Three can play the game "I am sorry but the medical shop nearby is closed on Thursdays. However I can take you to a doctor who can administer you with an injection for stomach ache if you insist." I answered her in an equally sassy voice so that there are no further conversations. "No I am fine big brother. It's just a little bit of stomach ache and will go away after a few minutes." She wobbles and all her dramas ended within seconds to gulp down the milk in one go. Adaah had no guts further as I gave her a glare daring her to provoke me. Like disciplined kids both of them ran away to the backyard to play badminton without a trace of argument. "Both of you will be in the house within two hours from now fresh up, take bath and learn the topics I gave you." I warned them in a commanding voice and made a triumphant smile in my mind putting on the coat hung on the chair to go to office.
I know Rhea very well. She is a 'naughty miss' under the facade of a 'pristine angel'. When we were small she used to fool around and clip me up in front of our parents. But I am no less a decorous soul. I am eight years older to her and well equipped with all her funny businesses. I shrewdly managed myself but never planned a vengeance against. After all she is my little sister and too pure for my smart deeds.
Six months later.....
Today I have a meeting with a client Mr Roshan Grover at 7'o clock in the evening. He was a friend of dad and still continues the relation with me. I did not want Adaah to stay at home alone for such a long time as the meeting will continue till 9 pm. The house help leaves by 8 in the evening so I decided to hold the meeting in the house.
I was still continuing the meeting when Adaah came into my view with a sunken face. Looking at her I knew there is something bothering her. I paused the meeting for a few minutes and went out of the hall. The moment I was in front of her, her lips slowly curl in an inverted 'u'. So sweet and cute was my little girl doing those things. Her small body held me tight by the waist and she begins to sob resting her face on my stomach. Oh God! I can't function seeing my 'her' in tears. I held out her head a little to wipe the tears on her cheeks and mellowed down to her some pleasing words to know about the problem. She pulls my coat a little urging me to bend down and when I do it, she starts to mewl in my ears. My eyes go wide as the realization hits me. Another challenge to face Mr Ajit Acharya, Adaah attained her puberty. My mind whispered, preparing me to fill the role of a mother for her. Being clueless of the situation her body is undergoing, she is in complete consternation. I sigh and comfort her with soothing words and then called my mother for the education I had to give her about the situation.
I contacted the house help Maria immediately and when she reached home to help Adaah, I left out to bring some sanitary pads for her. I take down the notch I am the only 'PERSON' for Adaah to cherish for pleasure and pain and as time demands I have to drape the roles of different relations for her in this world. When I was to listen to her sweet fantasies, I transform into a brother a relation nearer to her age who understands her emotions. When it came to discipline her I changed to a strict father and now it's the time I clothe myself into a mother of her.
Whatever relation I may be called after to this 'little girl' I love her in all conscience which is beyond any sort of venereal cravings, felicitously be blemished as - 'an unparallel adoration'.
Ha Ha Ha both the little girls decided to poke the head of Ajit.
Oh he is going to have a hard time don’t you think?
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