Chapter 5
What has this little kid done to me? The need to protect her, to save her from every malicious act of this world is a developing urge inside me. I hugged her fragile body in my strong arms and did a determination of life that I will be there to guard her from every evil of the world.
My life has turned to be very happy after the arrival of Adaah. Earlier I use to reach home welcomed by loneliness and sometimes I never felt like going home. When I required any relaxation, I would hit one of my night pubs and hook up with a girl. I never dated any one and love was a word outside my dictionary. I only had sex which could be termed as another form of physical necessity. There were no Sundays and Saturdays for me. I used to work all the seven days a week inviting the curses of my staff. Of course I also never cared about what they felt.
But now everything is different. I am welcomed home with the smiling face of Adaah doing some crazy things. A few days back, she almost set the kitchen on fire. My 'Little girl' decides to prepare dinner for both of us as the house keeper was on leave. It bothered me so much that I almost suffered a heart attack before administering her body for any burns. That day I made her promise me that she will not cook until she is eighteen. Thank God! Though unwillingly, she finally agreed.
I put my 'little girl' in one of the best schools of Delhi. I didn't want her to stay at home and brood over the death of her parents. She gave me the card, her mother left before dying. I found through it, that her father was related to mafia. He was the right hand for the famous Italian mafia leader John Williams and they were killed in the attack planned by his opponent. Adaah is an innocent girl, oblivious about the things that went around her and I took an oath that I will protect her chastity at any cost. Making use of my influence at the court I grabbed the right to raise her as a guardian.
It has become my daily routine to drop Adaah in her school and go to office. I make it a point to reach home by seven irrespective of the amount of work I am left in the office. Though I have housekeepers at home I do not trust any of them with Adaah as regards to her safety, considering her father's connection with mafia. I only trust Mariya, an old maid of sixty years who had been lawful to us since dad's time. Mariya cooks food in my house and takes care of Adaah at times when I am heavily loaded with work at the office.
I still remember the time when Adaah joined the school newly. I did not know how to braid her hair and made her suffer with pain in the process of plaiting them. The next day after two hours of hard practice with three ropes in my hand, I was successfully able to achieve. Hurrah! I screamed in victory after my great achievement. Call me a fool, I don't mind to be stapled as one because I love my 'little girl' who changed my life for good. I do not like to entrust her works to the housekeepers except for preparing the food so I learnt it myself to braid her long hair which I love to touch whenever my cup cake is beside me.
Mine and my little girl's schedule is always to the mark. Adaah reaches home by five in the evening. One of my drivers picks her up from the school and drops home. By the time I reach home, she is ready with her books. I help her in her studies after having bath and both of us eat dinner together. She is full of stories about her school or it is about her friends during dinner time. I listen to all her things like her friend. Strangely it retrieves me of stress. Then I tuck her to bed and go the study to do some office work later in the night.
During holidays and Sundays, we go out to do shopping and sometimes even watch movies. I make it a point to show her only children's movies which are free from violence and dirty sex. She is an innocent girl of just thirteen years and I do not want her to lose her virtuousness. I bring varieties of dresses as I love shopping for her but nothing showing her skin. I bought her skirts and tops, frocks, middies and even shorts but they were allowed to put on only in the house.
With a cheerful smile l welcome my new world with my Little Girl which is now full of love and life.
Well I have no doubts about Ajit now. Do you? If I am Adaah’s older sister I can trust Ajit with her.
Please write to me if you agree with me. If not share your views on why not.