Finally, Belle chuckled and mouthed, « Thank you. »
Mary signed her thanks. Her boss perked up and tried to repeat her gestures while sharing her language. « Ole hyvä (You’re welcome). »
Belle slapped her thighs and insisted on making her rounds with guests again. She urged Mary to eat more before she returned. Once she was out of sight, Mary found the elevator and she briefly disappeared to retrieve her phone from the room upstairs.
To her surprise, a quick glance down into the gallery revealed more people streaming into the house. She checked the time. It was a little past 8 PM, and when she snuck back into the kitchen, she overheard Valentina and Abraham chatting about wrapping up around 11 PM.
Mary preferred to sit in the distant corner of the kitchen and people watch. From the open door. Karina gave a short, but loving speech about how they met. Karina Burke was another name she’d heard before, yet didn’t realize was as mighty until she searched and saw she was a model and socialite who amassed a huge online following and was the daughter of Rafal Burke of Reagan Digital. She was photogenic, looked happy with Nathan in their six-month anniversary picture online, and had a sweet voice that echoed through the microphone and in her inspirational captions on social media. She couldn’t see Nathan as his girlfriend imparted her short but loving speech, but she could guess that he couldn’t do anything but smile.
Mary was most attentive when watching Belle have a long chat with whom she assumed were his siblings. She hugged and kissed them like they were her children, but it made sense if she was with them since childhood. Using her phone to look them up online, she confirmed Joseph Vanderbilt was the oldest and a CFO to the Technical Services Unit to Smart Industries. Then Laura was the middle child and a corporate attorney to an esteemed law firm–Babu and Jones Law, LLC. They were relatively harmless children born of James D. and Bernadette Vanderbilt. Their father passed tragically four years ago, and while there were articles of his death and legacy, Mary could only read so much about it before saddening. She was glad a text from her sister came in to distract her.
She was in the middle of reading a long, worrisome text from Nellie when she heard, « I’ve been taking pictures all night. What do the chefs have for me ?! »
Nathan made himself known before he stepped into the kitchen. Without thinking twice, she fled into the open pantry behind her.
In no time, she learned her hiding choice was unwise when crisp steps approached her hiding place. Mr. Vanderbilt paused in the doorway and leaned against the open frame. Mary held her phone to her chest. She couldn’t deny that he looked marvelous in a suit tailored to perfection. His dark eyes scrutinized her, but this time, a tiny smirk accompanied them.
« I think it’s time we finally introduce ourselves to each other. » He laughed. « Well, you already know who I am. »
Mary pulled her chin in and swallowed. He wasn’t wrong. She wasn’t fond of the encounter, but his low timbre still made her shiver.
« What’s your name, sweetheart ? » he asked. She heard the lilt in her unsolicited nickname, and his drunken tone was hard to ignore.
She panicked and felt stiff again. He tilted his head and took a step closer, and she shouted internally to herself to move. Finally, she typed shakily into her notes app. It made more sense to explain herself in writing instead of signing in a dimly lit room.
« Are you kidding ? » he said, with confusion resting between his brows.
To her luck, Belle appeared in a hurry. « Please, Mary, I need you out here. »
She slinked past him and out into the cellar.
« Well, at least I know your name now ? » Nathan spat after her.
« What the hell is going on ? »
Belle pointed at him. « Don’t use that language with me, and I’ll explain later. She’s clearly my hired help. Naturally, she’s new and nervous. Stop scaring her. »
« Are you charming more women, Nathan ? » Karina interrupted, grinning at Mary until she lowered her eye on the crystal flowers.
« Feel free to retire for the rest of the night, » Belle said firmly.
Mary’s pale face asked without her needing to type it. Belle read her well, put her palms forward, and explained frantically, « I haven’t explained to him yet. He was out of town for days before the party, and last night I allowed him to rest away from me. »
She wished that relieved her. Fighting through the blood rushing in her ears, she used her phone again. « It’s okay for him to know now. »
« What the hell is happening ? » Karina snickered with a quirked brow.
Belle exhaled and retorted. « She doesn’t speak. »
Nathan rolled his head back with widened eyes, and Karina scoffed briefly in uncomfortable laughter.
« What ? » Nathan murmured. « Belle, what is going on ? »
Mary looked down before looking around the room. From the servers to Valentina and Abraham, more eyes were on her than she would have liked. The throbbing intensified in her ears and her head felt light. Belle pleaded to her quietly with a gentle touch, « Please retire for the night. I’m so sorry. I should have said something to them before–«
Oh no, it’s coming, Mary thought. The surrounding voices weakened to be fuzzy and unclear. Putting a hand over her chest, she felt the quickness of short breaths clashing with the speeding thrum of her heart. Belle anchored her away, into the closest restroom.
Upturning her head, Belle captured her attention. « We’re not in the same room, we’re in a quiet place. »
Mary pressed her back against the wall and stared ahead.
« I’m going to hold your hand, » Belle announced. « Squeeze if you can hear me. »
She felt a gentle squeeze. « Perfect. Now breathe, Mary. Breathe. »