They followed him to an elevator. Mary gently paused Belle before they climbed the first step. She quickly hunched her shoulders and tightened her face in question.
« I’m so sorry, » Belle said. « Tonight we are the ladies of the house, and we’ll be wearing matching ensembles. When I asked for your attendance at this party, I didn’t mean to serve. Therefore, tonight you and I are not housekeepers or maids. »
Mary’s eyes widened. A night of fun ?
« And I’ve obviously forgotten to ask for your dress size. » Belle pressed her fingers to her temple. « Are you sure you’re good to attend tonight’s event ? You can opt-out at any point. I’ll understand. »
Mary considered the option to retreat after meeting Abraham, but with what she’d seen so far, she would regret missing something magical. She was nervous, but bent down and leveled to concerned eyes. She signed and mouthed, « I’m okay. »
« Oh–my–god, » he purred with an open-mouthed smile. « I stan the diversity ! This will be perfect for the article ! »
« No, Abraham ! » Belle waved with her hand. « Please, she just got here and I don’t mean to turn her into some spectacle. »
« Darling, do you mean to tell me you don’t want the man of the hour recognized as the equal opportunity employer he already is ? I just want to put a little emphasis. Is that okay… » He revolved his wrist and squinted.
« Her name is Mary, » Belle said, frowning.
« That’s my mother’s name ! » He chirped. « Are you okay with being mentioned ? I mean, you might get something like half a sentence. I probably won’t even use your beautiful name. »
Mary shook her head. She hated to disappoint others, but there was no way she could imagine herself in an article or on the Internet.
« Abraham, I understand your duties, but please do not broadcast her or her image without permission. »
He conceded with a sigh. Belle hooped her arm for Mary to link. They ascended the stairs slowly and walked into the first bedroom on the left in the west wing.
« Cici, here she is, and she’s not a size four ! »
« I can see ! She’s larger. » A short woman with a heavy accent complained. She pulled back puffy hair and pressed her fingers to her dark brown forehead. Before snatching the tailor’s tape from her neck. « This will not work at all. »
Under the scrutiny of a frustrated woman, Mary shivered inside her skin.
« Please be gentle with her. It’s not her fault. » Belle found a nearby seat and said. « I am proud of Nathan, but I’ll be glad when the night ends. »
✧ ✧ ✧
The anticipation rose once Belle zipped the back of Mary’s dress.
« You look wonderful, » Belle said brightly in the mirror.
She felt beautiful, running her hands over the jade-green bodice of her dress. Mary turned her shoulders with a smile and admired the capped sleeves before twisting her hips to sway its fitted mid-length skirt.
She faced Belle and watched her pin a crystal of two lilies-of-the-valley over her right breast, matching the pin Belle also donned. Once urged to sit down at the nearby vanity while they had peace. Belle fixed her hair into a slick ponytail and added a touch of eye makeup, filled in her brow, added blush, and nude lipstick. Mary fluttered her eyes. She grabbed a tissue and hid her nervous smile behind it. With her face done up with different techniques and wearing a beautiful dress. She saw a different person.
« Oh no, dear. Don’t cry. » Belle gently lifted Mary’s chin. « Here, let’s take a picture for you to send to your sister, yes ? »
Mary put on her heels with a smile, but didn’t know how to pose and became more endearing to Belle, taking the picture with her phone.
« Knock knock, beauties ! » Abraham interrupted through the cracked door. « It’s party time ! »
« Just remember to stay by me, » she instructed with an arched brow. « Feel free to munch on spare food but absolutely no drinking. »
Mary nodded. She didn’t have to be twice to stray from alcohol. She heard the chatterings in the gallery, following Belle down the east wing to the elevator. They clicked out of the hall and into the open, filled with the aromatics of more beautiful white flowers. By the opened doors, two women worked the coat check. Caterers wove between the guests, holding champagne and hors d’œuvres. Belle greeted, hugged, and called up to thirty guests by name before introducing them to Mary. If she could avoid engaging in conversation, she did, but more times than not, the guest gravitated towards the fresh face.
« She is gorgeously unique. » A slinky woman with a pixie cut admired Mary. « Look at those eyes. »
Mary shrank under another compliment, but she signed her thanks. Again, another guest became curious about her history.
« Darla, I’m sure there will be more time for Mary to divulge about herself, but she must follow me to the outdoors. »
« I’ll be here with my curiosity and champagne. » She winked before Belle grabbed Mary’s hand and shuttled her to the outdoors. A tray of what appeared to be crab on artichokes approached them, and Belle gave the small saucer to the new help.
« It’s been less than an hour and I’m already tired. » Mary didn’t miss the exhaustion on Belle’s face, and leaned forward and to the right, and pointed to a nearby seat.
« I wish I could, but–« she checked her watch. « Nathan is close to appearing and we have to be ready to introduce him. »
She put the food down on a nearby surface as she immediately lost her appetite. Both of them have to introduce him ?
« Ladies ?! » Abraham called with angered brows. « It’s almost time. We need you outside by the pool right now ! »
Belle’s reluctant groan caused Mary to frown. She’d seen that look of physical exhaustion too many times in her mother’s face before. With her phone upstairs, she gestured for pen and paper before pointing to the phone in his hand. He pinched his eyes in confusion, but she put her hands together and wove her thumbs around. He reluctantly handed her his phone, and she opened a note app. She typed quickly and showed him. « She needs to sit down. »