At nine o'clock we were at the door of Aunt Sophie's jet to go to the award presentation, the four of us were anxious, the sugar cane plant in the interior of Paraná benefited so many people in that region of the country, generated employment and still financed many projects such as orphanages , nursing homes, college program for the needy.
I was also involved in all this, but no one else in the palace knew, I was really interested in the projects.
It could be ´´a good life`` as my father used to say, and I don't deny that I am, but I like helping people in need and I really helped and dedicated myself to those people.
We traveled to Brasilia, Nathi was beautiful with a green dress that valued her eyes and her body, which by the way were beautiful, but I see Nathi as my sister as well as Nádia the Desert Ice Lawyer, everyone said that my sister's heart was like an iceberg no man could penetrate, and I was of the same opinion.
And Nathi followed the same example, I think they both did well because men can't be trusted.
And that I'm an expert, being a born chicken.
Aunt Sophie in her bright blue dress made the deputies and senators fall at her feet.
She and Nathi paraded beautifully among the most politically influential people in the country.
The youngest deputy in history, Joao Gilberto Da Fonseca Militão, as he bragged about his name of great influence in the country, looked at my beautiful cousin and Uncle Pedro growled behind them.
We were just there to collect the award and I promised I wasn't going to get in any trouble tonight.
The elegant party with lots of champagne and expensive wines popped up in Brasilia's night, the Palacuim ballroom, the most elegant and expensive one, had many tables for the dinner that would soon be served, it was impeccable with its plates, silver cutlery and crystal glasses standing waiting for the guest who would sit there, crystal chandeliers descended with their lights to leave the environment with the right brightness.
From the place of the party we could see the splendor of the image of the Palácio do Planalto with its lights and its architecture in the darkness of the night making itself imposing.
- Lost in your thoughts cousin?
– She gave a slight smile – I don't even want to imagine what was going on in that head.
"I was just watching," I replied.
- Watching, I know - she smiled - Watching, what will be your next victim.
- I don't make victims, but I make women sad and unhappy with their husbands happier - and I gave my best smile.
- Happy - she laughed with indignation - Until you discard them and realize it was just another one in your bed.
- Ask them if at the time of the act they are not happy and smiling.
-That's disgusting Emhre – she grimaced-I don't even want to imagine it, goddammit – she slapped my shoulder.
- Oh - I complained, passing my hand where she had hit - And the deputy João Gilberto da Fonseca Militão - I tried to imitate him and nodded - He's looking at the sugar princess a lot.
-I can't see anything – and left me alone – Things in her head.
- Uncle Pedro has his eye on you - I pointed my finger - Careful, he would hate a son-in-law of politics, imagine that - I imitated my uncle - ´´God forbid a politician in the family, the Sheik of hoaxes is enough``
- Fuck you Emhre - and I laughed and I think she didn't like the idea very much.
Nathi left and went to look for her mother, I know she didn't want anything to do with that deputy it's a very dangerous game to get involved with people who have power like him, and who is about to become the president's high-ranking security minister and she knows this.
I walk among people, being stopped for the boring business conversations I hate, social causes are almost never talked about if they only talk about the grandiose parties held to raise funds for such an institution and about who has the most power and who commands the most. is the main subject.
Being the son of a Sheik has its good moments but also bad moments and having to smile and put up with people like these makes it a bore.
Dinner and then the awarding of prizes were pretty quick.
Me, my uncle Pedro and aunt Sophie, were honored, we spoke until I felt like a real executive there on stage and I was applauded by everyone there.
A blonde girl who clapped her hands excessively for me congratulated me for being a great executive, poor thing little does she know that I was nothing of an executive.
I almost laughed at her speech, then she pulled me over and introduced her father to Senator and Delegate Fontes.
I know that messing with this girl would be my breaking of promise with my aunt, and her father was not a flower to smell, let alone her.
- Take care with that girl - was what Nathi whispered in my ear - Her father is a former delegate and we wouldn't leave this hall without him putting a ring on your finger and a wedding scheduled for 10 days from now.
-Dear, my aunt is waiting for me - I said goodbye to her I took her hand and kissed it - It was a pleasure to meet you.
- You already thought that...
- I have to go, good night - and as my grandmother says I capei the cat, I ran away from the blonde.
And so I looked for where everyone was and I ran over there, there are some girls who are gift hunters and some who end up getting hooked on us and are capable of anything and I'm not at all in the mood to have a crazy girl like that in my closet when I opened it him to get some clothes.
- My nephew, be careful with the senator's daughter, besides her being a crazy woman, her father would cut her prize - he pointed to my private parts - he would throw the dogs he has in his mansion.
- Or we would go out to your wedding my son - uncle Pedro makes fun of me - Then you would be in the family of Senator and Ex-delegate Fontes.
My phone rings and I look at the display and I see it's my mother and it takes me out of all that talk, saving me, I point to the phone and show that I'm going to a more private place, as I can't understand what she's talking about because of the conversations there, I go to the men's bathroom to talk to her, as I understand it, she wants to congratulate me on my speech that Nathália had recorded and sent to her.
Then I get to the bathroom and I can understand what Mom is saying.
- Hi mom, now I can hear you there was a noise - and I have my back to the door.
- Oh son I'm so proud of you your speech was so beautiful, talking about children and old people – I think she was crying – Mom is proud of you my baby.
- Mom thanks but I'm not a child anymore – I rolled my eyes – You don't have to talk to me like that.
- Son you will always be my baby and I want you to take direction in your life...
Then I was surprised by hands that grabbed me and pushed me into an empty booth, my mother was talking on the phone and I only saw a blonde hair that opened my pants very quickly, few times in my life I went through a situation where I didn't know what to do. what to say or do and this was one of the times.
I didn't know whether to stop her or leave her or try to understand what my mother was saying on the phone.
The girl opened my zipper and put my member out.
- That's slutty - how am I going to stop this, his hands caressed well in a point where it's hard to contain - Oh shit.
- What happened my son?
What is slutty?
- I remembered my mother who was still talking on the phone - Did something happen to you son?
-I need to hang up mom - and when her mouth took my member - I'll call you now - It came out as a groan.
How would I talk to my mother getting oral sex, that's a lack of respect, and I respected my mother so I hung up.
On her poor face, the more I needed to do something.
The girl could be crazy but she knew what she was doing, so since we're in the rain let's get wet.
I grabbed her hair while she was kneeling in front of me, the cabin was small and very clean, thankfully, I've had sex with a few women around the world in every hustle.
But that was not the case today.
Her brown eyes stared at me as her mouth played with my big member inside her mouth.
- Do you want to play blonde?
– She smiled with him in her mouth – So let's play.
I gathered her hair and held her head and threw my hips to meet the blonde's mouth, and moaned in pleasure.
Her wet mouth made noises any man would go crazy listening to.
I held her hair and hit her with my hard member and it took me to the extreme pleasure of dominating that blonde in that bathroom.
I played with fire.
With her.
And I hope I don't get burned.