Emhre the irresponsible son.
Nadia the desert ice lawyer.
They are the promised bride and groom.
Between Helena and Raj...
The woman next to me has the smoothest brown skin with the clearest green eyes I've ever seen, I remember her last night in the sexy red dress as we had dinner on the penthouse of her apartment here in New York, I slide my hand over her back while she's asleep, after an intense night of sex, sitting here in bed, smirking and thinking how lucky I am to have one of the most famous and desired women in my bed.
Her beautiful eyes open showing an intense green, then she smiles and wishes me good morning, in her pretty face I see how happy she is and I know that I was the great cause of this happiness.
- Honey, I'm here - the voice echoes through the apartment.
- Shit my husband came back early, you have to get out of here Emhre.
- You didn't say he wouldn't be back until next week - I tell her already picking up my clothes from the floor.
- That's what he told me - while helping me with the clothes - You have to get out of here - old Senator Thompson's footsteps, the marble stairs become more audible - Go, go out the window climb to the other room and out the door down the hall – she pushes me towards the window – Go fast or we'll be ruined.
- Goodbye my beautiful - I give the last kiss and leave.
It's a good thing New York's older, more fancy buildings have big windows and the eaves, in which I now find myself naked and clutching the clothes I wore last night.
Lucky for me, my underwear falls off and flies like a bird until I reach the floor of Fifth Avenue, lucky for me people here are always in a hurry and don't waste time looking up at the buildings.
I'm glued to the wall, feeling like Spider-Man, only without the web to move from one building to the next.
The eaves where I am on the outside of the building are the exact size of my foot, I try not to look down too much so as not to give myself vertigo and step by step, very slowly, I manage to reach another bedroom window to get out of here.
I make a mental note that I really need to stop dating married women and not fall into these messes I get into running away from my husbands, but I know I can't resist a beautiful woman.
Sitting in my office chair, I get an embarrassing photo of my son Emhre, hanging naked from a building in New York, I don't know how many feet high, probably on the run from some husband.
I don't know where I went wrong with Emhre and why my son acted this way.
- Where did we go wrong with our son, Helena?
- Maybe he took after his father - she looks at the picture sitting on the other side of the table - Or you forgot what it was like before you met me - she lowers her head and looks at me over the top of her glasses that makes her look like a secretary sexy, how I love this woman – It wasn't me that he took I'm sure, as our children are different, Esam so centered and responsible, already Henre just gets in trouble.
After the triplets' turbulent adolescence, I didn't think there would be anything more difficult in life, but moving them into adulthood is more difficult than the quarrels of three teenagers and in-laws who lived and visited the palace.
Our house was always full of people at all times, when it was just me and my brother Mohamed, everything was always calm and without noise, but after Helena I can say that my life turned upside down, our turbulent history full of new people and new people. adventures, plus our triplets Esam, Emhe and Nádia, each with their own personality and way of thinking left the adventures of the past in the dust as my beloved Helena.
Esam is the oldest, the most centered, I think he acquired this genetically from my father, unfortunately I must point out, as my father liked everything in its proper place and nothing wrong, at least for other people since no one contradicted him .
But my firstborn was always very studious and with the best grades, apart from the grumpiness he was the exemplary son, he will be a great ruler for Shariff a fair and dedicated ruler.
Emhe is identical to his brother in his physical form, but in the way he thinks and acts, they are like oil and water.
This was the one that gave me the most trouble, the one that I would look for almost in prison in different places in the world, as I was always traveling and getting involved with married women, drinks and immeasurable confusion.
Helena even thought that she had been wrong in the education of our middle boy and she would cry many times, always asking us the big question ´´ WHERE DID I RAJJ WRONG? ``.
But I gave him two months to get better and become a real man and take care of the companies or he will live on his own work and money, I won't run my hand over his head anymore.
Nádia, my youngest, my princess and the most physically similar to her mother, is a strong woman, especially in her genius and when she wants something, there is nothing that makes her give up, hardworking from a very young age, she took care of some of our businesses and was relentless. known as the Sheik's Daughter, she never lost and always added.
That's my girl.
My children are the most precious thing I have along with the rest of the family and friends who flock to this palace.
But my diamond will always be the woman of my life, Helena.
I leave with you the story of my children.