Weakened to the bones, Kate slipped out of the taxi, her chestnut hair haggard, shirt creased and plaid skirt rumpled. She fisted the envelope that contains the contract and her tiny bag and moved to the driver’s side, handing him his money.
Seriously, she doesn’t have enough money and the one she’s with is being spent in the hotel, foods and transportation.
At the moment, Kate only has fifty dollar with her and none in her account. She arrived Sincity with just three hundred dollar, paid one hundred and fifty dollar for the hotel room she’s staying in.
She doesn’t know how long she'd stay in the hotel, which is why she paid such amount. She had wanted to squat at her friend’s place but she couldn’t reach her which prompted her to lodge in the hotel. The remaining one hundred and fifty dollar was spent on food and the dress she’s putting on and also the transport she used today.
Now, with just fifty dollar…she definitely should tread carefully. The cost of living in Sin city is quite high.
Sighing, she barreled into the lobby and head to the counter where the receptionist is. The girl with wavy black hair was already grinning with the keycard dangling in her finger as Kate skated towards her, looking exhausted.
“How was the interview?”
Since Kate arrived in Sincity, she hasn’t so much as spoken to anyone except this warm and outgoing receptionist that looks to be the same age as her. Kate told her about the interview she has which warranted her migration from New Orleans to Sin City.
However, now Kate doesn’t know her final decision yet. And considering the nature of the acting job, she decided against leaking nature of the role to the frisky receptionist.
“Went well…” She lightly chuckled, aiming for the dangling keycard. “Still looking forward to a response from there, you know.” She warily added.
“Oh, I hope they reach out to you. What’s the name of the company?” The girl queried.
Now, that got Kate swallowing thickly, she almost choked on her saliva. Gulping a measurable amount of air, she shrugged. “We were told not to disclose the name of the company. You know, policy shits.” Her keycard jiggled as she began to walk away.
The nosy receptionist's face furrowed her curiosity built. What movie company instructs applicants to hide their identity? She inwardly wondered, staring at Kate’s receding slender figure.
The receptionist resigned and began to flip through the pages of the book she was reading.
In the elevator, Kate whooshed a thankful breath that she didn’t reveal the truth to the receptionist. Seriously, how would she tell people she works in a…porn industry?
Hell, her father would disown her if he finds out. If the news about this flies into his ears mistakenly…they'll definitely lose him.
And what kind of a mother would she pose as?
A pornstar mother? No.
She wanted to become an legit actress not a pornstar actress. Tiffany her sister would be ashamed and what about their neighbors that regarded them as well disciplined girls? If news about her applying to work in a porn industry spread, she’d lose her dignity.
Damn…she has to maintain that. The elevator dinged when it arrived at her floor, she stepped out and began to walk down the hallway, locating her room number. Slotting the keycard in the doorknob, Kate flung the door open and shove into the not so spacious room.
The sun is streaming in through the windows and she plunked on the bed, exhaling hugely.
Her mind began to replay what happened today. First she hastened up for the interview and arrived at the company, buzzing with excitement and a mixture of anxiety then confidence and low self esteem.
Secondly, she met the arrogant cunt that tore her dress. Seriously, he's lucky he’s one of her bosses else, she'll look for him and make him grovel.
When she saw those leaving the office crying, Kate weighed their looks. Those were cute ladies that men would die for but she was wondering what caused the tears. She began to look down at herself. If people as well dressed and as beautiful as they cried then what about her?
Kate’s confidence hung on a thin line. A very thin line. She almost quit but she managed to stay because she knew her dreams propelled her to Sin city. It’d be a shame wanting to go back to New Orleans without achieving what she came here for.
Tiffany gave Kate her last penny to move here. Tiffany doesn’t work now because she’s more of a caregiver to their ill father who developed a severe heart disease five months ago. They sold most of their valuables for him to undergo a bypass surgery. Though, before then Tiffany worked in a Call center where she was paid barely thirty dollars a month.
Yeah, the thing is, Tiffany isn’t a graduate. Just like Kate she only managed to finish high school and fortunately got job at Startek Call Center. She only worked as janitor there.
Their dad was a florist and owned a small shop down their street but as his health worsened, they sold the shop and the little savings he had. Then Kate worked in bar before where she was paid fifteen dollars.
They put all their savings into their dads bypass surgery, only to be left with just a few wads of cash.
Not to mention, Gabby is out of school and that worries Kate how her little boy will stay home for long without receiving formal education.
Kate has been a good girl, well disciplined and full of vision. Well, until she made one costly mistake on the night her boss at the bar she worked initially hooked her up with a man.
Well, not that she was hooked up. She was drugged by her boss after she refused to accept his offer of bedding a billionaire that came to the bar. According to her boss, the billionaire was his friend that took interest in Kate.
After her astute rejection, the boss drugged her and as it happened she was taken to the man who slept with her.
Kate woke up the next day and found out she was used. She wanted to file a case against her boss but then she was underage which was illegal for her to work in a bar at that age. Kate died the case of suing her boss in order to be able to raise money which she used to pay her tuition until she finished school.
Though, as a way to compensate her, her boss paid her a hundred dollar then. Of course, it was a big one and he admitted his mistakes but plead with Kate to withdraw any case against him.
She accepted it. Forgot she was dirtied by a stranger and moved on with her life until months later, she found out she was pregnant.
Initially, she didn’t tell her family what occurred at the bar but the pregnancy divulged it all. When her father got a wind of it, he was enraged and filed a case against Kate’s boss, saying the act was against the statutory law. Later on, the man was sentenced to prison, though Kate doesn’t know if it’s a life imprisonment.
The man’s bar was shut down, making Kate to find somewhere else to work. She didn’t abort the baby because her father was against it. So she birth him and now, the boy is already going to six years.
Again, Kate remembers how she stepped into Alex’s office, tension cloaking her body. Now, Kate begins to remember the symmetrical lines of Alex’s face, his blonde hair and shaved, sharp jaws.
She squirmed remembering his fingers that penetrated her cunt. Squeezing her eyes shut, she attempted to ward off the erotic scene. She’s never been to such an interview before nor has she heard anyone saying that this is how to go about an interview. Well, except Brazzers is no ordinary company.
It’s a porn company. Although, their start-up payment is mouthwatering and Kate is lured by that, really. With just two sex videos she’ll make something that’d take her months to save up working at the bar.
The pay is tantalizing but her mind is at war in accepting the contract or rejecting it and go out there in search of something genuine. But come to think of it, Kate has no degree so getting a decent paying job would be hard. She'd only settle for meager jobs.
“No.” She muttered and turned around on the bed, her mind running a mile a minute. “Oh, let me have a look at the contract.” She said when her eyes landed on the envelope beside her.
Sitting up, she brought out the contract form and began to read.
The rules reads.
Three sex scenes a day with appointed colleague.
The actor must he willing to act different kinds of sex, nothing excluded.
Must tattoo the company’s emblem on your body.
Must be at the owners beck and call when they need you to.
A change of identity is allowed; for applicants that wants to hide their identity.
Must not be selective of people to act with.
And the applicants should always practice for the audition/ test a head before they can be appointed to the position of junior actor or actress.
“Please, visit our company’s website @www.brazzers.com. For practice, sex toys are advised. Then during the audition your skills will be tested.” Was the last sentence on the contract form after she read the rules and some other essentials written on the document.
Kate slammed her eyes close, thinking. What should she do?
Accept the damn thing and make money?
Or preserve her dignity and rot in poverty?
Well, as complicated as it is. She had to make a decision.
After long moments of silent thoughts, she flipped her eyes open and reach for her phone to visit their website.
She wants to be an actress, maybe this is an outlet for her to showcase her acting skills. And with that decision, she dives into the porn site.