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Chapter 4. Do that again....

The other pornstar that Lisa just fucked as per Aiden’s command got up from the bed, her chest heaving as she glared daggers at Lisa.She concluded on one thing inwardly and that’s the fact that Lisa can fuck a girl well. That gave her answers as to why the sex gods loves fucking her because she’s good both ways. Fucking a man and fucking a woman.Overtime, Lisa has been promoted to senior actors category and people had often concluded it’s because of her proximity with the sex gods but now the girl confirmed it.Lisa can handle people well. Though she saw the fiery rage gleaming in her eyes she managed to rein it in and fuck her pussy. The girl is still reeling from the intensity of the pleasure. Her cum is still dripping from her thighs as she attempts to gravitate behind the camera while watching Alex devour Lisa’s mouth.The scene is highly arousing, though she’s yet to recover from the aftershock of her recent orgasm, she’s already feeling her clit throbbing.“Bitch…” Alex offered a wet laugh when he pulled off from Lisa’s warm mouth. His cock bulging underneath his pants, threatening to tear off the zipper.Lisa mewled and licked her lips, her fingers skimming her nipples that hardened by Alex’s exciting ministrations. “You know I can always handle you, right?” She threw the question while hunkering low to unzip Alex’s pants.When she bent forward, she felt something press against her round globes and she looks over from her shoulder only to see Aiden pressing his still-hard cock against her ass cheeks.The twins loves to share her, that much she knows, so let’s see how another pornstar can triumph. Not even the one she made to cum so badly.Giggling, she squirmed her waist against Aiden’s groin while undoing Alex’s zipper.The zipper comes off and she pulls Alex’s pants off, likewise his briefs and the freshly cock bounces on her face.With precision, Alex circle his hand over his cock and slapped it across Lisa’s face. The wet sounds vibrates across the room and she giggled.The sex gods have given her their full attention and she thrived on the victory. Aiden follows Alex’s acts and slapped his cock over Lisa’s fresh globes.She moans, loving the twins actions over her skin. When she has received about ten wet slaps from Alex, she grabs his cock now licking with precum and close her lips over his tips.Griping the sides of her head, Alex arches his head back, eyes closed as he gives a deep guttural grunt. Aiden grips his pulsing dick covered with condom and reaches for Lisa’s hole, dribbling with her cum from fucking the girl.Lisa came during the scissoring but wouldn’t love to admit it. Aiden smears the sweet juices across her cunt and when he reach her clit, Lisa moans though the sounds was muffled by Alex’s cock that’s sheathed in her mouth.She jerks, feeling a maddening sensation from Aiden’s foreplay.“You like that, Lisa?” Aiden asked as he swirls his cock around her clit, getting rewarded by her jerking movements. Lisa queefed, her opening fluttering , wanting Aiden to sheath himself inside her to the hilt.“Fuck. Do that again.” Aiden commands, slapping his cock over Lisa’s pussy, wanting her to queef again.Instinctively, she does, earning a growl from Aiden who uses the surging sensation to push into Lisa’s hole.Both moaned and Alex thrived on their wet moans. He began to grind himself in Lisa’s mouth, his precum and the waters in her mouth blending.Other pornstars watched with growing arousal. The girl Lisa fucked feeling more waters drip down her thighs. She so fucking wants to do this. Foursome wouldn’t hurt but Lisa won’t advocate for that.Mindlessly, she finds her throbbing, wet clit and begins to swirl her soft fingers over it, whimpers bubbling deep in her chest. The other ladies watched in awe as the trio displays the scene with accuracy.It didn’t take long for Alex to unsheathe himself from Lisa’s mouth. He draws back, sucking in air as he runs his tongue over his front teeth. He watches as Aiden thrust into Lisa, her tits jerking at the process, her moans of pleasure filling their ears.Smiling, Alex reaches Lisa and pulled her up, making Aiden to bottom out. Alex dragged Lisa towards the bed and slumped on it after putting on his condom. Lisa watches to understand why Alex wanted to do.On hindsight, she smiles when she figured what Alex actually wants. With a broad smile, she whipped around, bunching up her hips.With a fierce tug, Alex has Lisa sitting on his lap, he pull up a little and traces his cock to the tight rings of muscle that sits between her as cheek. As he pushed in, Lisa twitches, feeling a mild sting when the crown of Alex’s cock reaches her anus.Her sphincter caves, allowing the invasion of Alex’s monster cock. He grunted and pushed fully into her anus in one hard thrust. Lisa’s vision turns blur by tears and she closed her eyes a tad to rid off the waters. Before she fluttered her eyes open, Aiden is standing in front of her, grinning.Alex began to thrust into her, the stroke's initially gently but picked up pace when the sweet sensation magnified.Lisa perched her legs on the bed, baring her pussy open for Aiden. She caught a glimpse of her sighing colleagues and feels insanely happy at their grim look.Aiden hunkered low, locating her pussy. With a small slap, he pushes into her.Aiden at her front and Alex at her back. She feels full, taking the cocks like a good girl. She muttered a sigh of relief, matching their grinding pace with her on.Aiden raised his hand and cupped her tits likewise Alex who snakes his from behind her and cupped her breast.“Yes, yes…oh yes.” She belt out, feeling fire licking her insides as the twins cupped her tits while fucking her into oblivion.“Fuck, Lisa!!” Alex groans, his fist closing tightly over her breasts while he intensifies his stroke over her anus. Her muscles clenched their cocks and the twins gave a guttural groan.The camera man continued capturing the scene while Lisa revel in the twins maddening ministrations. Who will dare outshine her in Brazzers?No one, because the twins is hers.Aiden increased his thrust, his skin beading with sweat, Lisa’s cunt is clenching him so hard he can’t go further anymore. Griping her knees while facing heavenward, he pounded harder, faster, as he rode himself toward the cusp of pleasure.With a piercing moan, he exploded, spurting his thick cum in the rubber. He stills, trying to steady his breathing.Alex tugged Lisa over the bed when Aiden pulled out. He parted her thighs with his leg and settle between her.Lisa’s breath is labored and her cunt is now sore from Aiden’s fast, harsh thrust. Yet she’s willing to take Alex and sate him. With her thighs bare before his eyes, Alex guided his cock towards her queefing pussy and pushed in.Lisa’s cum makes the invasion easy and slippery. Then he begins to thrust her, every time he leans close, her nipples brushes his chest, spiking his arousal.He closed his lips over her left tit and sucked on it while thrusting into her.“Lisa…” Alex’s grunts grew likewise Lisa’s and they both began to ground faster as they reach their crescendo.With a harsh groan, Alex came, gust of liquid filling the rubber. While Lisa’s cum jets out of her cunt.When his cock grows soft, Alex pulls out. His body gleaming with sweat as he bristles from the bed.Aiden smirked seeing how used and exhausted Lisa is. She can barely lift her limbs. She smiled victoriously when her eyes clashes with the girl she fucked.“Done.” The camera man said, dragging the sex gods attention and they faced him.“You should do the editing quick.” Alex commanded the editor that stands immediately, nodding at his words.“Have you uploaded the last shot in the sight?” Alex asked, pulling on his pants and shirt likewise Aiden.Lisa has managed to erect from the bed and she stepped into the washroom to wash up.“Yes, sir. It was uploaded two days ago.” The editor responds, aiding the camera man to pack up his equipment.When the twins finished dressing up, Alex said he'll check the performance of their recent video on their website to the editor and bee-line for the exit so another set of camera man, producers and editors to come in for the next scene to be shot.“Alex. Aiden!” Lisa’s voice made the twins stop in their tracks.

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