You know those times when your life is going great but then all of a sudden it all goes crashing down. But as everything is going crashing down you get home and everything is just ten times worse. Let's start from the beginning, A little before this disaster happened ....
***1 Hour earlier.***
"Drew, go somewhere." I snapped slamming my locker closed.
"Yeah c'mon baby." Chloe purred causing Ashlyn to roll her eyes and snort. Chloe just gave her a glare before quickly going back to trying to convince Drew to leave with her.
"Chloe later." Drew snapped annoyed. I rolled my eyes and started to walk away with Ashlyn to the third period. Every senior just got back from the cabin trip and we all have to continue the rest of the day. Now of course it's not surprising that Drew is with me. Again. But today it's a different reason, he is begging me to go on a date. He feels like since we shared a cabin we have some type Of thing going on. The funny part is we didn't even see each other for half of the trip. How did I end up so lucky to end up with a soulmate like Drew. I must be going to hell. I thought dryly.
"This conversation isn't over. You're lucky I have to go meet up with the boys." Drew said jogging off.
"Why won't he just admit he likes me and we date." Chloe whined still walking with Ashlyn and I.
"Maybe, just maybe because he doesn't find girls who wear half shirts and skirts that can be counted as a belt attractive." Ashlyn said and My eyes widened. Usually Ashlyn is smarter when it comes to talking to Chloe like this.
Damn this is not good.
"Excuse me!! What did you just say to me, Chloe Taylor the Number one 'IT' girl," Chloe said loudly causing attention to herself.
Of course typical Chloe. I thought to myself. When she gets into a cat fight she has to make it known.
"She said nothing. Right, Ashlyn?!" I said, giving her a look. Which she ignored.
"Do you even know what regular jeans are? I mean you wear a pair of extra small skinny jeans so they can make 'your legs look better' " Ashlyn said using her index finger and middle finger for quote marks.
"Ashlyn stop." I said but once again I was ignored. Who knew humans were so dramatic. I thought to myself.
"Charlotte stay out of it!" Chloe snapped. " I could have you picking up the scraps on the ground right now if I wanted to! Don't forget Sparks. I own this school. You and all the other students bow down to me. No questions should be asked. Unlike you Ashlyn, I don't dress like a boy and I have an actual style." Chloe added while saying Ashlyn's name with distaste.
I personally liked Ashlyn's clothing style, it's cute and comfortable. But besides that thought I was now very annoyed with Chloe. Who does she think she is saying everyone should bow down to her. If my mother was here right now she would have demanded her head cut off. Of course since she is human that can't exactly happen. So she would have most likely demanded her life in the dungeon downstairs. To me, that thought doesn't sound like such a bad idea.
"I don't dress like a boy! You're just jealous because unlike you I'm now dating Brad." Ashlyn said and everyone gasped including me. This was a first to me.
"That's great that you're dating Brad, the ex "It" boy. Chloe said, emphasizing on the ex part.
"At least I don't have to walk around begging a boy to date me." Ashlyn snapped and everyone made an ooh sound.
"I bet Brad would drop you so fast Ashlyn if I asked him out. Sorry to burst your bubble hon but he is only dating you because he knows your friend Charlotte is basically counted as an "It" girl."Chloe said rolling her eyes. Ashlyn just shook her head, tears filling her eyes.
"That's not true! Charlotte doesn't even like you! She only puts up with you because-because-" Ashlyn stuttered trying to fill in words.
"Ashlyn, babe, stop making up lies to make yourself feel better, You're only embarrassing yourself now. Just go run off to your so-called boyfriend." Chloe said sweetly and Ashlyn just stormed off with tears sliding down her face and Chloe just laughed and flipped her hair and walked off.
I frowned, everything that was said between the two did not need to be said. Chloe doesn't dress like all the girls do in mean girls she actually has style and she doesn't date every guy either and Ashlyn doesn't dress like a guy. I decided to quickly jog after her.
"Ash! Ash wait!" I yelled running up to her.
"It's true isn't it? Brad would never like me. Ugh gosh I'm so stupid!" Ashlyn said with new fresh angry tears.
"No, don't listen to her, hon. You know no one should ever mess with Chloe. I'm not gonna question it right this moment but expect this Friday to sleep over my place and have a big bowl of ice cream while watching chick flicks." I said and Ashlyn gasped.
"What? You have never invited anyone to your house!" Ashlyn exclaimed looking at me with wide eyes.
"Yeah well my parents invited Drew, Jason and Jasmina over so I thought I should invite you too. After Jason and Drew leave we can have a girls night." I said and Ashlyn smiled.
"That sounds like an amazing idea." Ashlyn said sniffling but now with a small smile
"I text you the details. But I'm gonna go because it looks like someone needs to talk to you. " I said looking over her shoulder at Brad. He gave me a thankful smile and I smiled back. I quickly gave Ashlyn a hug and whispered," I wanna hear about this later." then winked before running off. I was about to head to class before my phone rang. I saw it was my mother and sighed. I never get a break.
"Hello." I said into the phone.
"Charlotte, they found out." My mother panicked.
"Mother calm down. What's wrong? Who found out what?" I asked into the phone and looked around making sure no one was in hearing range. Of course no one was because class had started.
"The Council, the whole vampire world has found out that we had you. That the queen and King have a daughter and they will do anything to find you."