I woke up to the sun shining very brightly in the cabin window. I groaned and used my vampire speed to run over and close them. The last few days went by surprisingly quickly. Today was the last day here then we leave later tonight. Yesterday, we all just spent watching movies since Mr.Burns said nothing else was planned for the trip since it rained.I quickly realized what I did and turned around and let out a sigh of relief when I noticed Jasmina wasn't in the room. I walked into the bathroom still wearing an off the shoulder shirt and a pair of black shorts with my hair up from last night. I looked in the mirror and gasped. My eyes were a dark red; they're usually never like this. I gasped as I remembered what my father told me years ago.
If you are close to humans for a short period of time you start getting hungry and your eyes will turn a dark red instead of the normal red.
I listened closely using my vampire hearing. Once I didn't hear anyone, I used my vampire speed and ran to my room and quickly to my bag. I grabbed my last bottle of blood and chugged it down. I sighed in relief when my eyes went back to their normal light brown color. I walked back into the bathroom brushing my teeth and jumped when I turned around to see Drew there.
"I didn't notice you were up." He said.
"Yeah, I just got up." I said after rinsing my mouth.
"Jason and Jasmina went to go grab our lunch from the hall so it's just you and me." He smirked. I rolled my eyes but I held back a smile at the thought.
"How long ago did they leave?" I asked while brushing my hair.
"About a half an hour ago." he said walking up behind me.
"Oh, so they should be back any minute." I said and he just smirked.
"Yeah, but we still have time for a quick -"
"Don't even finish that sentence." I said glaring at him he wrapped his arms around my waist and pushed me back so my back was against his chest. I cleared my throat and pulled away.
"Ever hear of personal space?" I asked even though I was secretly enjoying being that close to him before I pulled away.
"Oh babe, you know you like me that close to you." He said pulling me back towards him in his arms causing a warm,tingling feeling to go through my arms. Some emotion quickly flashed through his eyes before I could detect what it was.
"Oh you're totally right. I mean who wouldn't love to be in the arms of the Number one "It" boy of the school. Look at those muscles." I said sarcastically, acting like all of the girls at school.
"I knew you did. Just so you know This is all real I work out 6 times a week babe." He said showing off his muscles completely ignoring my sarcasm. I just rolled my eyes.
"Oh really I can't tell." I said and he grabbed my wrist and put it on his arm.
"You seem mistaken, that's fat not muscle." I said now smirking and walked out of the bathroom.
"Hey Charlie,maybe you should go get your eyes checked. Good thing I'm driving home. I'm still too young to die." Drew said and I narrowed my eyes.
"Ha. Ha. You're an ass." I said and shut the cabin door in his face. I heard him chuckle from the living room. I started packing my bags and shoved my clothes and bathing suit and all my other necessities in my bag, not even bothering to fold everything before zipping it up.
"I'm back!" Jasmina yelled walking into the cabin and I walked out of the room and went into where the food was.
"We decided to get you guys Chinese food since they were having a huge buffet for the last day here." Jasmina said.
"Yeah, you should have seen those lines. They were crazy with a Capital C." Jason said walking into the room.
"I feel bad but I'm not really hungry. I forgot you guys were getting food so I had a snack already." I said and Drew narrowed his eyes but nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, I Did too. You know I hate Chinese men." Drew said to Jason.
"Sorry, I forgot." Jason said and gave Drew a sheepish smile.
"Well then I guess it's just me and you eating then Jason." Jasmina said, taking the food out of the bags.
"I'll eat later. I'm gonna go take a shower." Jason said nervously and ran out of the room. I narrowed my eyes a little at the door he went through but shrugged it off anyway and went to grab my bags to start loading them up in the car.