I sat down in my seat and took out all my writing stationery; I played with my pencil waiting for our professor to arrive, she was late as usual.
I tried revising my work in my head, but the boys in front of me were acting like little kids making farting noises laughing at themselves.
I took my things and moved to the back of the class because I just needed to think. I was worried about this test because it was my make or break test and I needed good marks on this one.
Just as I sat down in my seat, the door opened up, and our professor walked in. She placed her things down at her table, taking out a few papers from her bookcase.
"Sorry, I am late. I hope everyone is here. Remember, if you fail this test, you will fail this year. I know some of you studied hard, and some of you probably didn't study at all. You will have two hours to finish your test after that I take in your papers. Write neatly and please don't scribble out, so your paper looks like toilet paper. One last thing before I hand out your paper good luck and think before you ink."
She passed around the paper, and I finally got one writing my name at the top. I took in a deep breath and started writing not looking at the time once because I didn't need it to slow me down.
"Time is up, please, send your papers to the front. You will get your grades in two weeks enjoy your week off and remember to be responsible, please don't drink and drive and don't do drugs."
Some of the boys started laughing because they were the guilty ones that usually did it. I headed to our room upon my arrival, the door was open and clothes were scattered all over the floor. I placed my bag behind the door; I was usually the neat one and Madison was the one that didn't care how our room looked like.
I sat down on my bed, sighing I needed to get her attention because she didn't even notice me coming in. She turned around and just kept staring at me, she held a blue dress close to her body but threw it with the pile of clothes she didn't want to wear.
"What are you doing?"
"Cleaning out my closet. Do you want to know why? Now ask me why."
"Why are you cleaning out your closet Madison?"
"Daddy said he is going to buy me a whole new wardrobe."
"You're probably one of the luckiest girls on earth."
"Daddy is probably feeling guilty about something, that's why he is doing it, but I am not complaining."
She never complains about anything to tell you the truth. I let my head hit the pillow softly, taking in a deep breath, some people have it so easy in life. They get whatever they want, and others need to work for what they want, like me.
Take Madison and me as an example when she snaps her little fingers, she gets a trip to Miami for her and three friends when I snap my fingers, I only get the sound they make and a burning sensation in my fingers.
Madison finally finished up and took a seat on her bed and just looked at me. We both stayed silent, which felt like forever.
She finally stood up and took a seat on my bed, crossing her legs, forcing me to sit up straight against the wall.
"How did your test go today?" She was smiling from ear to ear.
I rolled my eyes and let out a big sigh. "I think I am going to fail that test, actually, I know I am going to fail that test."
"Don't be so negative Dawn. You studied for a whole week without taking any breaks. Trust me, you are going to ace this test."
"Says the one that doesn't even care to pick up a book, because she is too smart."
"Don't you pick on me, okay?" She pointed her little finger in my direction, making me want to crack up with laughter.
"Sorry, just making a point." I threw the pillow over my face as it felt like I could suffocate myself.
"I have an idea. I will be back in a few seconds."
"Where are you going? Don't even bother to answer that." She stepped out of the room with her phone close to her ear.
I could hear her giggling and talking, but I wasn't sure to whom. A few minutes later she walked into the room, and the look she gave me was frightening.
"We are going on a double date."