I woke up feeling perfectly fine, I didn't have a hangover, but to tell you the truth I didn't have that much to drink. I was feeling sorry for Madison, who was still sleeping.
I stood up from bed getting dressed in my jogging clothes; I needed to clear my head and running was the best way to do that. I strapped my music player to my arm, placing my earphones in my ear.
I ran a few kilometers when I realized where I was. I ran past the rugby field where the boys were busy training. I knew some of them, but not all of them because, I didn't like hanging out with rugby players that much.
I looked over at the cheerleaders that were busy training and looked back at the boy that was about to kick the ball over. That's when I saw him, the guy from last night, the friendly guy that handed me a drink, the one that kept me company even if I didn't want him to.
The boy with the blue eyes and beautiful blond hair. The boy whose smile was printed in my brain, his cheeks which showed his perfect dimples, the hunk of a junk that spoke to me yesterday, he was standing right there.
He kicked the ball over and the boys high fives him, I decided to turn around and run in the other direction because I didn't want him to see me. He would think I am a stalker, but to tell you the truth, I wasn't ready to tell him my name either.
"The theory of.... The theory of.... The theory of...." I closed my book out of anger and threw it against the wall because I was getting frustrated. "The theory of nothing because I can't seem to get this stupid work in my head."
"Can you keep it down over there I am trying to sleep," Madison growled, but quickly hid her face in her pillow.
"It's two in the afternoon, you got to get your lazy butt up." I threw her with a pillow, but she just flipped me off making me shrug.
"I am never playing a drinking game with Joshua again." She pulled the covers over her head trying to hide her face some more.
When Madison is drunk, she is one of the funniest people on earth, but when she has a hangover I find her even more entertaining.
"That's what you said three days ago, but still you got drunk last night."
She growled again under the covers making me laugh a bit. I knew this was my time to have a bit of fun with her.
"I saw Joshua making out with one of the cheerleaders when I ran past the field." She sat up almost immediately trying to hold onto her head.
She had a serious look on her face, and I knew that was the only way I could get her out of bed, even making up some lame lie, but she would believe anything if it came to Joshua.
"He did what now?" I could see the anger building up inside her when she stood up from her bed.
She quickly got dressed brushing out her hair, which had tangles in it. She didn't care she just tried to finish up quickly.
"Where did you see him and with whom? No, let me guess, it was probably that lose bimbo from last night. What's her name again? Julia, I remember now I am going to kill her and while I am busy kill him as well." I couldn't help but laugh at her sudden outburst maybe it was wrong of me to do what I did.
"I am just messing with you, Madison. I just needed to get you out of bed that's all. I saw him this morning, he was at rugby practice, and there were no girls around him. Maybe you two making out last night made him realize he still loves you."
"Do you think so?" She started twirling her blond hair around her finger, and I couldn't help but smile.
"I know so Madison."
"Get your lazy butt up from that bed and let's go and get some coffee."
"Don't you have a hangover?"
"No, I feel better now I think. I will see how I feel later on, don't worry about me."
She made me forget all about him, not like I have been thinking about him, but there was just a part of my brain that kept on reminding me of his beautiful smile.