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The Three Lions

"In the waves of change we find our true direction." Unknown.

"Captain, shall sail?" a sailor who has not even reached puberty approached them.

"Aye." Suho nodded. "Where's the sailin' master?"

The young male pressed his lips nervously, "Cracked Jenny's tea cup." he answered with a small voice.

Jimin saw fire burning in the captain's eyes. He clenched his fists and bit the inside of his cheeks, "Again." he mumbled coldly.

The crown prince looked at Yoongi, he was confused because he could not understand the pirates' slang. The Eagle chuckled and leaned to whisper, "He spent the night at the brothel."

"Oh." Jimin felt his cheeks warm up. He only heard about that place from the guards or the villagers, he knew men would pay a visit from time to time to soothe their sexual desires.

"What does he like that much about those whores!" Suho shouted angrily.

"Whores know what we love!" a sailor said, provoking laughter around the crewmen.

"They do what we want!"

Jimin turned to look at the Eagle to see his reaction. He thought he would be laughing and agreeing with the pirates, but his face looked expressionless, like he gave a damn about their conversation. He cleared his throat and asked him, "Have you ever been there?"

Yoongi scoffed. "I haven't." he said, shaking his head.

"Why not?"

The masked man looked right into the prince's eyes and smirked, "They will never satisfy my desires." he said.

Jimin gulped. The male's words surely had a hidden meaning when he did not seem to understand what he wanted to say.

"There he is!" the crewmen ran to see their mate climbing the stairs to get inside the ship.

The sailor was smiling widely and he was walking clumsily, probably because he was still drunk. He was wearing black pants with an open gray shirt opened to show a huge sun tattoo on his chest. His black hair was arranged in a small ponytail behind his neck.

"Ahoy captain." he stood in front of Suho who looked like a tomb bomb ready to explode.

"Whores again?" the captain crossed his arms.

"Why?" the sailor chuckled. "Ye never ask the other lads."

"Because ye-" Suho gritted his teeth and closed his eyes.

Jimin heard Yoongi chuckling next to him. He looked at him and raised an eyebrow wondering what he finds funny.

"He doesn't know." the masked man told him.

"Know what?"

Yoongi just shook his head and kept laughing.

The sailor turned to the three strangers and raised an eyebrow, "Who are ye?"

"They're travelers." Wonho tapped his shoulder. "They' giving gold to go to Ruby Harbor."

"Travelers." the sailing master chuckled. "How can travelers have gold?"

Jimin pressed his lips. He was right, rich travelers would obviously go in the first class of a normal boat instead of going with pirates. He opened his mouth to say something when the Eagle stepped on his shoe to stop him. "We stole it." he lied.

The captain smirked, "Ye know the good life."

"I may not navigate the ocean, but I'm a pirate in heart." Yoongi said, tapping his chest.

"Life is being a whore to ye too huh!" Suho chuckled.

Yoongi simply nodded.

The Crown Prince stared at the masked man. He could not see his face, but in his eyes were written sadness, tiredness and hardships. He remembered the state in which his wooden hut when he visited him earlier in the morning. He must have lived a difficult for years.

"What do pirates do?" he asked suddenly.

The captain laughed, "What do ye think pirates do?" he crossed his arms. "We steal! This' our way of living. We steal gold, jewelries, food, water and of course..." he smirked. "Rum!"

The Eagle laughed.

"Life without rum is meaningless." Suho shook his head.

"Are you happy?" Jimin asked.

"Happy?" the captain laughed again. "Aye, aye. We living the shit outta this life." he nodded. "We have gold, food, drinks, RUM! Feasts and parties...How can we not be happy?"

The Prince smiled and mumbled a small, "You are lucky."

"Hoseok!" Suho turned back to the young sailing master. "Weigh anchor!"

"Aye captain!"

In a fraction of seconds, the crewmen went to their post and prepared for sailing. Jimin and Taehyung were quite surprised by their teamwork.

Later, The Three Lions was moving on the sea to start a new adventure. They watched the houses and trees disappear little by little until they found themselves surrounded only by the beautiful azur water.

"You've never been in the sea?" The Eagle joined Jimin who was peacefully admiring how the twilight blue ocean met the grey clouds on the horizon.

"No." the silver-haired shook his head. "We never traveled on a ship."

"This is sad." Yoongi knelt before his dog to caress him gently.

"What is his name?"

"Shadow." the masked man kissed its snout. "He's always beside me."

(Shout out to @Min-Y0ONGI for suggesting this cool name ?)

The prince smiled and knelt beside him, "Can I touch him?"

Yoongi chuckled and stared at him, "Why are you asking? They teach you a lot of manners in the castle."

"I have been used to it." Jimin mumbled and immediately smiled when the husky licked his hand. "He already likes me."

"It's strange." the masked man laughed. "He never lets anyone touch him."

"Then..." Jimin looked at the young man's eyes and smirked, "I must be special."


Taehyung sat next to his brother in the quarterdeck, facing the sailing master. "Do you think they are looking for us?" he asked.

"I am sure they are." Jimin nodded. "Lord, I could give all my gold just to watch their reactions!" he laughed.

"Father must me angry."

"Good." the older said, his stare getting colder. "It will teach him how to treat me like his doll."

"Hungry?" the Cabin Boy came with a basket of bread and a wine jar.

"Thank you." Jimin ruffled his hair. "But aren't you very young to be here?"

The boy shook his head, "Ye're never young or old to be a pirate." he said, filling their cups. "Me mother threw me away cause it was an accident." he chuckled. "The captain found me in Ruby and I joined the crew."

The two princes were taken aback. They must have lived for so long surrounded by noble people that they had no idea that the world was full of sadness, treason and disappointments.

"S-she threw you away?" Taehyung asked.

The boy simply nodded, "Why are ye surprised? All the lads here have no families."

Jimin lowered his head and sipped the wine. He was ashamed to be angry at his father who is controlling his life when there are young men like him who wish they could have a parent to think of them.

When the Cabin Boy left, the blond prince rested his head on his brother's shoulder and sighed, "It seems like we have many things to learn about the real world."

"I know." Jimin pressed his lips. "I am sure we just had a little taste of it."

They saw the Eagle climbing the small stairs separating the quarterdeck from the main deck. "Eating alone?"

"Have they not given you food?" Taehyung asked.

"I gave it to Shadow."

The Crown Prince chuckled and tapped the empty space next to him, "I will share with you."

"Oh, isn't our prince being generous?" Yoongi smirked and sat on the wooden floor.

"I would like you not to call me prince during this trip." the silver-haired said before cutting his bread in half and giving it to Yoongi. "I want to live as a normal man, even if it is for a short period."

The masked man smiled and took a sip of the prince's wine. "I will you call you Jimin then. But do not be surprised if I curse or disrespect you."

Jimin froze. "C-curse? Why would you do that?" he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

Yoongi laughed, "See? No matter what you do, you will always remain a prince."

"No!" Jimin protested. "Crown Prince is just a title." he mumbled. "Just...just curse at me if you want."

Taehyung looked at him with wide eyes.

"Should I?" Yoongi smirked.

Jimin nodded.

They saw the quartermaster arrive with a book in his hand, catching Taehyung's attention especially.

"You read books?" he asked him with a surprised tone.

Wonho laughed and crossed his arms, "Not all the pirates are illiterate and uneducated!"

"What are you reading?"

"Jealousy by Monstexia." the blond sailor answered.

"Oh, I just finished reading that one!" the younger prince exclaimed. "It is a beautiful love story."

"Ye like reading too." Wonho smirked. "How about we drink some wine and ye tell me about the books ye read."

Taehyung looked at his brother who seemed unbothered by the idea. "Yes, I would like to." he stood up and followed the quartermaster, leaving Jimin and Yoongi alone in the back of the ship.


Later in the day, the crewmen were sitting on the hard floor, surrounded by barrels of rum. They loved to drink in the evening while listening to the waves crashing against the ship.

The captain did not show up since the morning, he spent the entire day in his cabin, probably drinking and sleeping. The quartermaster was still reading his book with the prince sitting next to him, watching his reactions to the lines he has already read before.

Jimin had all eyes on the sea. He got lost in the rhythmic crush of waves on the ship. His stare moved to the horizon, watching the last orange rays before darkness reigns all over the sky. His lips were forming a smile, showing that he was enjoying his thoughts, whatever they may be.

Yoongi came back and chuckled when he saw his dreamy face. He moved closer so that he feels his presence, yet stayed quiet, allowing him to stay lost in the moment a while longer.

"This is beautiful." he heard him whisper.

"You know..." the masked man faced the prince. "After seeing you, I don't envy royals anymore."

Jimin chuckled and kept staring at the sun disappear.

"If you have never seen the real beauty of our world's nature, then your life has been all a lie." the Eagle added.

"I know." the prince sighed. "I always wished to be a normal man and explore the world freely."

"Well your wish is becoming true now." Yoongi smiled. "Have you ever imagined yourself being aboard a pirate ship?"

Jimin laughed, "No! Never."

He saw Yoongi's lips moving behind his black mask as he laughed along with him. "Why don't you take off the mask?" he asked.

The Eagle's smile faded, he was not expecting such a question. "No." he said.

"Why not?"

"I have my reasons." Yoongi answered, avoiding to look at him.

"Are you that ugly?" Jimin rubbed his chin.

The Eagle quickly looked at him and was surprised to see that he looked quite serious. He widened his eyes and fell on the floor, laughing out loud. He didn't stop until he felt his stomach hurting. He paused to catch a breath and took a look at the prince who was looking at him with confused eyes.

"Do you really think I'm ugly?" Yoongi chuckled. "I bet that if I ever take off this mask, you will immediately fall for me."

"No." Jimin shook his head, "You are not a woman."

"Ah." Yoongi stood up and pressed his lips. "I forgot that you have a fiance. I am sure she is ugly." he laughed.

The prince let out a small chuckle, "She is not ugly. She is a beautiful woman but..."

"But?" the masked man smirked.

Jimin hesitated. "I...I am not very attracted to her."

"I see." Yoongi nodded. "Have you been with other women then? I mean, you are a prince so I am sure you can get anyone you want."

The silver-haired looked at him and shook his head. "I have never been with any woman."

"Don't you desire them or fantasize about a certain woman?"

"No." Jimin answered. "I never really cared honestly."

The Eagle crossed his arms and moved closer, facing him. "I think I really need to take off this mask." he said with a smile.

"Why?" the prince raised an eyebrow.

"Because you need to understand."

"Understand what?"

Yoongi approached his face to his and whispered, "To understand that life is full of surprises."


It was dark and all the crewmen were spread on the floor, completely drunk.

Taehyung chuckled when he saw that Wonho slept with the book of his face. He carefully marked the page and closed it before putting it next to him.

He stood up and spotted his brother and his friend talking, he didn't want to interrupt their conversation so he walked to the sailing master who was peacefully holding the wooden wheel.

He stood next to him and widened his eyes when he saw the scenery that was surrounding them. The water was shining thanks to the reflect of the moon, making it look beautiful.

"It is calm." he whispered, closing his eyes to let the gentle night breeze caress his skin.

"I love the night." Hoseok said. "It hides the scars burned onto me flesh and the stabs of knives left behind."

Taehyung stared at him with amazement because he looked like he was in his own world.

"The moon guides me through the night, its presence makes me calm down and lets me soul run free." he continued.

The prince felt someone standing behind him. "This is why I leave me cabin until night." he heard the captain's voice. "I like listening to him." he said, looking at the sailing master with soft eyes.

The blond smiled because it was the first time he had seen a male looking at another this way. He only read about it in secret in the garden outside their castle. He got to know that men could not only love women, they could love other men too. This is how he answered to all his concerns about not being able to admire the young women that visited the royal family from time to time. He had seen his friends bragging about being charmers and seducers, but he could not be impressed. He will never love any woman and he wished that one day he would find the man who will finally take his heart.



The next morning, everyone woke up with the young sailor's shouts.


The crewmen quickly ran to confirm his alert.

Taehyung groaned and rubbed his hair. He was not used to wake up this early in the morning, especially not after hearing someone screaming this way. He stood up and walked clumsily to the quartermaster to ask him what was happening. "What does sail ho mean?"

"Over there." Wonho pointed to a ship that was very far from them. It looked so small in the middle of the vast sea. "He means that there is a ship in view."

"So what?" the young prince raised an eyebrow.

"If it's an enemy's ship, we risk to fight."

Taehyung froze. "Fight?! Already?"

The blond sailor chuckled, "This is the life of a pirate. Always prepared to fight."

The captain left his cabin and hurried to take his telescope to see the ship from closer.

They saw him tensing for a moment. He looked away, like he was not believing what he has seen. He looked through the telescope again to confirm that his eyes were not playing tricks on him. He clenched his fists and mumbled a curse.

The quartermaster had enough, he was impatient so he snatched the small instrument from him.

"Who is it?" Hoseok asked.

"The Burning Flame." Wonho gritted his teeth.

The crewmen panicked. "Captain, what should we do?"

"Are they pirates?" Yoongi asked.

Suho nodded. "They are from Flames, they are known to be the most dangerous pirates."

Jimin looked how everyone was too tense and scared. He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, "I thought pirates were fearless."

"We are." Wonho smirked. "But the Burning Flame is unbeatable. No crew has ever succeeded to drown their ship."

"Arr!" the captain was annoyed. "I don't want to see that pig faced butt again!"

"Who is he talking about?" Yoongi whispered to the blond sailor.

"Their quartermaster." Wonho seemed angry too. "Jungkook is his name. Arr! I wanna knot his legs together...that scumbag!"

Hoseok turned to them and asked, "Do ye fight?"

Jimin and Taehyung looked at each and nodded. The older prince got his sword out of his coat and the younger one took his bow and arrows from his bag. Yoongi came back with a sword and daggers.

"Ho!" the captain laughed. "Y'all wanna cut some throats!"

Taehyung moved closer to Yoongi and whispered to him, "Protect my brother, do not forget he is the Crown Prince."

Suho faces the crewmen with a more confident face and screamed, "GIVE NO QUARTERS!" (No lives spared)

This time, Jimin grabbed Yoongi's arms to tell him, "Protect my brother, he is the only one I have."

The masked man stood there, a big frown on his face. He looked at the two brothers' backs and crossed his arms, "Who am I supposed to protect huh!"

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