"They may never understand your fire, but they will always long for your flames." Jessica Katoff
The Prince and the masked man left the tavern and headed to the harbor. Jimin was excited because he finally felt himself getting closer to his goal which is to find King Aiden's notebook and destroy it to end the wars between the kingdoms.
They walked silently in the empty streets, the Eagle looked around them every time to make sure they were not followed. The Prince was more in danger because all the villagers knew he was not in security in his castle and especially because they hate the King who has not done a good work during the last years. Baekhyun neglected his people and let them die with hunger.
When they arrived to the harbor, Jimin was about to run to the ship with a large smile to see his new friends and ask the captain to head to Flames when he got suddenly stopped by the Eagle.
He felt his hand grabbing his arm strongly and looked at him with confusion, "What?"
Yoongi pushed him gently behind him and placed his finger on his lips.
The Prince's eyes lied on the pirates who were standing in front of the Three Lions, they seemed like they were looking for someone.
"Did ye find the lad?!" they heard Suho ask his crewmen.
"No cap'n." a pirate shook his head. "No one's seen'em."
The captain clenched his fists.
"They are looking for us." Jimin whispered to the masked man who shook his head and mumbled, "They are looking for you."
"Me?" Jimin pointed to his chest. "Why? Have I done something wrong?"
"Everyone knows now." Yoongi said. "A traveller is far different from a prince."
The silver-haired bit the inside of his cheek and looked at the pirates who seemed to be in deep conversation. "We spent many days with them, they know how I am. I am sure they won't hurt me if I go to them."
The masked man rolled his eyes. "They are not your friends Jimin." he spoke with a serious voice. "They are pirates, they steal and kill people to survive."
Yoongi cut the Prince off, "And you know who are the pirates' worst ennemies ? Nobles and the Royal family."
The Prince pressed his lips and lowered his head sadly.
"We cannot go back on deck. If they ever catch us, the consequences will not be good."
"What should we do then?" the Prince raised an eyebrow. "If we do not have a ship, how are we supposed to go to Flames and find the notebook?"
Yoongi tapped his shoulder, "We will do it in my way this time. I never needed a ship or a carriage before, you know." he rolled his eyes. "Our real adventure will start now."
Jimin didn't know if he should have been sad that their trip was going to take more time or happy that their adventure was going to start for good.
"We should go now." the masked man. "They can find us here. We need to find a place to stay until the morning."
Jimin simply nodded. He took a last look at the Three Lions and smiled say. The days they spent in the middle of the sea were not ready to be forgotten.
Thanks to those days he spent with the pirates, he learnt that surviving is the most important thing and that having a few trustworthy men around you is better than having a hundred people who just want their own good.
And finally, he got to know that love between two people of the same gender is as normal as the one between a man and a woman.
It helped him understand a part of himself more.
The Eagle grabbed his arm, interrupting his thoughts. "We need to go."
Jimin nodded and followed his friend.
On the other side of the Crystalian border, the snowy mountains were replaced by dunes of a golden sand that flew with the light wind.
Instead of the blue and silver uniforms, men wore loose black pants and a thin white shirt, without forgetting the traditional red hood that protected their faces and shoulders from the unbearable heat and sandstorms.
The red cloth embroidered with small golden patterns that represented suns shone like a thousand fires under the sunlight.
To finish the uniform, an orange belt was placed around their waist, joining the cloak with the shirt forming the colors of a burning flame.
The men walked in the middle of the desert, looking around to see if any stranger approached the castle behind them.
The King's residence with the walls painted with an ochre color stood majestically in the middle of the deserted sands, far from the village and far from the world.
Inside, the servants were already up to prepare the royal family's breakfast. The women wore a long orange dress surrounded by a red belt, with a black round hat placed on a silk cloth that covered the top of their hair.
A maid knocked on door and the King's guard opened for her.
"Your majesties." she bowed and placed the bronze tray on the table. "Your breakfast."
"Thank you." the black-haired king gave her a gentle smile and stood up to pour the warm green tea in his wife's cup.
He sat by the queen's side and sighed while looking at her face. The tan color of her skin faded and gave place to a noticeable paleness. Her pink and soft lips became dry and blue, the queen's beauty was slowly fading but the glow on her eyes was still there. She wanted to show her husband how happy she was with him until her last breath.
"I know I ask you this every day, but how do you feel?" the king asked with a gentle voice.
She gave him a small smile, "My dear, I cannot lie to you and say that I am doing better every day. I feel weaker every time I open my eyes."
The man felt his chest tighten as he saw how the woman who used to be cheerful and energetic barely smile and talk so silently.
"My king." she placed her small hand on the king's arm and squeezed it. "I want you to never forget our people and always respond to their needs. You have always been an amazing king and I hope you will always remain this way."
The black-haired male teared up a little and hurried to wipe his tears with his handkerchief. "Why are you talking like you are leaving me now..." he whispered.
The queen pressed her lips strongly, trying not to cry too. "I may not leave you now, but you know it is coming soon."
The King looked at his wife and took her fragile body in his arms. He closed his eyes for a moment and made himself believe that the things have not changed yet, that she is just suffering from a common fever that will end in a few days.
Then her body reminded him of the opposite.
She barely ate a thing that bones stuck to the flesh.
Knocks interrupted them.
"Your majesty?"
The King recognized the royal secretary's voice and nodded to the guard to let him enter.
"I am very sorry to disturb." the man bowed shyly. "How are you feeling my queen?"
The woman simply nodded with a smile.
"What is it Kihyun?" the king asked.
"An important matter, your majesty."
The king nodded and gave his wife a last smile. "I will come back later my dear." he kissed her forehead.
He put the golden crown on his head and left with Kihyun.
The Flamian king and the secretary headed to the study. The King invited the young man to sit down and looked at him, waiting for him to share the news.
"There is a rumor circulating in Crystal. Everyone is talking."
"What rumor?"
"That the notebook is here in Flames."
The King raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "How is it possible? We searched for years."
"I know." Kihyun nodded. "But there is still hope that it is hidden somewhere here."
The king rubbed his chin, "So the Crystalians think they can come here and find it?" he scoffed. "There is no way I would let anyone start a war behind my back."
"What should we do sir?"
"Close the borders first. We cannot risk that a Crystalian puts his hand on the notebook. You know what can happen if it falls between king Baekhyun's hands."
Kihyun nodded, "He will destroy the rest of the kingdoms."
"This is why we need to send more guards at the borders."
"Alright sir, there is another rumor."
The king furrowed, "That the notebook is in my castle?"
Kihyun laughed and waved his hands, "If only sir!"
The king smiled, "What is the other rumor then?"
"The two princes of Crystal left the castle weeks ago and they are nowhere to be seen."
The King chuckled, "They finally had the courage to leave the coward that their father is."
Kihyun laughed.
"Speaking of princes..." the king cleared his throat. "Do you have any news on..."
The secretary shook his head, "I am sorry, your majesty."
"No, it is alright." the king pressed his lips and looked away.
The young man looked at him with a sad smile, "It has been three years, your majesty." he spoke with a gentle voice. "Before he left, he made sure that he will never come back."
"I know...I know." the king sighed.
"Knowing his personality, I am sure he is doing well on his own." Kihyun added with a smile. He did not like to see the king getting sad every time he remembered his younger brother.
"Oh, I am sure he is fine." he nodded. "But I cannot bare the thought of him hating me."
"No, your majesty!" the secretary shook his head violently, "He does not hate you, he never did."
The king sighed, "How can you be so sure?"
"He might have never said it, but I know he loved you and still does." Kihyun said. "The prince did not show his feelings easily, but he did care about you."
The king smiled, "My dear friend, you always succeed to make me feel better even though nothing is going well."
"An honest and kind king like you sir does not deserve unhappiness." Kihyun sighed. "I hope you will find your happiness soon."
The king hummed and nodded, "I hope so."
After their small meeting, he spent some hours in his study to review some contracts and respond to letters. When he finished, it was time for lunch so he headed downstairs to go to the dining room.
He stopped walking and a smile appeared on his face when his daughter's sweet voice sounded in his ears.
He turned around, squatted and opened his arms to welcome the little five years old. "My beautiful princess, come here."
The child laughed and ran to her father to give him a big hug, "You smell good papa."
"Oh, really?" the king smiled. "It must be because a pretty flower is around me right now."
The girl giggled and kissed her father's cheek.
"So, Moonlight, tell me what you have done this morning." the king lifted her and walked to the dining room.
"Lady Harper taught me how to draw a flower."
"That is amazing! Did you do well?"
"Yes!" Moonlight clapped her hands. "I drew a cherry blossom!"
"Is it your favorite flower darling?"
Moonlight nodded. "Lady Harper told me that there is a kingdom called Blossom and they have flowers everywhere. I want to go there papa!"
The king laughed and kissed her head, "I will have to send a letter to their king and we will see if we can go."
"She also said that their Prince is very handsome." the little girl giggled.
"Oh, so this is what ladies talk about." the man chuckled. "I have never seen the Prince, so I don't know if he is or not."
The next morning at Crystal, the Eagle woke the Prince up and placed two bowls of warm soup on the ground. "We need to eat and leave this town."
Jimin groaned and opened his eyes lazily, "We need to find my brother first." he mumbled.
The masked man sighed, "I don't know if we can find him before getting caught by the castle guards."
"I cannot leave him with those pirates."
Yoongi nodded, "I know, but drunk this first." he pointed to the bowl. "You have not eaten for long hours."
After they ate and paid the inn's owner, the two men walked in the village, trying their best not to interact with anyone so that no one recognizes Jimin.
The Prince looked around him, with the hope to find a tall and blond haired man but the only ones he has seen were strangers to him.
He finally had a hope to find the notebook and prevent their kingdoms from knowing a tragic war, but he did not want to live this moment without his brother.
"Jimin, look." the Eagle stopped him and hide behind a wall. He pointed to the pirates walking toward the Burning Flame.
The Prince's eyes shone when he spotted his brother walking with them. He left a small sigh of relief because he did not look hurt or unhealthy.
He was wearing a long red and black jacket, similar to the one the quartermaster was wearing and he never looked in such a good mood before. He was listening to the pirates talking and sometimes he would smile or laugh at their jokes.
"He does not seem in danger." the Eagle chuckled.
"I know." Jimin pressed his lips. "He looks happy."
"You have never seen him smiling like this, right?"
The silver haired shook his head. "But I do not know if I can trust that pirate." he said, pointing at Jungkook with his chin.
The masked man chuckled, "I think he is the only one to be trusted in that ship."
"Why do you think so?" Jimin raised an eyebrow.
"Open your eyes and see."
Jimin looked at Jungkook and saw how his hand was placed on his brother's back. He saw the way his eyes looked at Taehyung with adoration while he talked and the way his smile would appear on his usual frowning face when he listened to him.
"He loves him." Yoongi whispered to his ear.
"Love?" Jimin gulped. "Is it really a good thing? Should I really not worry?"
"Good question." Yoongi chuckled. "But I think you would not like to separate your brother from the first man he perhaps ever loved."
Jimin sighed and rubbed his neck. "I am confused, what should we do?"
"Rumors circulate fast Jimin, I am sure they know about the notebook, so they must be heading to Flames too."
"Then why don't we ask them to welcome us on their ship?"
Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Do you know that if you take a step in the harbor, Suho and his crew might just end your hopes?"
Jimin bit the inside of his cheek and walked away, "There is nothing wrong with being a prince."
The Eagle sighed and followed him, "There is nothing wrong with that, but we lied to them and took advantage of their hospitality." he said.
Jimin simply hummed. "Now, we will walk to Flames until we rot in our way."
Yoongi laughed and grabbed his arm, "I might have a solution."
"Really?" Jimin raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"
"You won't like it."
They walked until they arrived to a farm. Yoongi checked the owners were not around and asked the Prince to follow him to the stable.
"What are we doing here?" Jimin whispered. "We are invading someone else's property."
Yoongi nodded, "We are going to do worse."
The Prince widened his eyes.
The Eagle faced him and placed his hands on his shoulders, "Why did you leave the castle?"
"To be free and find the notebook."
"Do you really want to achieve these goals?" Yoongi asked.
Jimin nodded.
"Then you should know that life is all about risks." the Eagle added. "You are a prince, so you must be good at riding a horse."
"Of course I can ride a h-" Jimin stopped talking and his eyes grew wider when he finally realized what Yoongi's idea was. "Are we...are we stealing horses?"
The Eagle nodded, "Better than die walking?" he smirked.
"But they belong to their owners!"
"Do you want to walk until you lose your feet?" Yoongi furrowed.
The silver haired pressed his lips.
"We need to hurry before someone finds us." Yoongi chose two horses for them and gave Jimin a reassuring nod. He also hated the idea of stealing people's property, but sometimes life gives you no choices.
He caressed the dark horse and whispered, "Let's go to Flames, my friend."
The two men left the stable with the dark and brown horses.
Jimin looked at the small house and bowed, "I am so sorry." he said before following the masked man.