We started walking and after some hours we stopped.
- Shikamaru, let's hear your plan first. – Otou-san said.
- Sure, I just have to change it a little to account for you and Hotaru. – Shikamaru stated.
- Whenever you're ready. – I said.
- I'll break it down into several different scenarios and explain each one. Things will vary depending on what happens, so I need you to remember them all. – Shikamaru said and we all nodded.
Then he explained...the plan is...incredible! But then I sighed when he told me who the group was.
- Something wrong? – Otou-san asked.
- Well... - I laughed nervously.
- What? – Otou-san asked raising an eyebrow.
- I may have or may have not a hate relationship with Hidan...the immortal one. – I said.
- Why? – Otou-san asked.
- I cut his head and other parts of his body off...more than once...so he basically hates.
They all sweat dropped.
- Kakashi-sensei, take this. Use it when you see an opening. – Shikamaru said.
- Actually, do you have another one? – I asked and Shikamaru nodded.
- So take 2, Otou-san. It's not that I don't believe in you Shikamaru, but you see...Hidan is a bit spontaneous so I'll help you. – I said and Shikamaru agreed.
- Got it. I've got to hand it to you. You've learned a great deal about the enemy for having only encountered them once. – Otou-san stated.
- There's still a lot we don't know about the other one, unfortunately. – Shikamaru said.
I smirked.
- Kakuzu...an S-rank missing nin from Takigakure partner of Hidan. He's an extremely powerful ninja, earning membership into the S-rank organization of Akatsuki. During his frequent rages, he killed all of his partners in the organization. That's why Hidan is his partner due him being immortal. Kakuzu's high combat prowess and vast array of techniques allow him to fight several opponents at once while generally controlling the pace of the fight. – I said and they widened their eyes in shock.
- I think you're scaring them kid.
I sweat dropped.
- If you're surprised save it...there's more. – I said.
Then I explained more about him as well as his heart thingy.
- Even with all of his, your plan is suitable Shikamaru. – I said.
I putted a hand on Shikamaru's shoulder and said.
- Ready to go? – I asked.
- Hai! – they all said in unison.
- First, we have to pick up their trail. I doubt we'll find anything quickly though. – Shikamaru said and I smirked.
- Go ahead Hotaru. – Otou-san said.
- Huh? – the others said confused.
- I can sense their chakra, every Akatsuki member is marked by me which means for me it's easy to find any of them. – I explained.
- Okay, do it. – Shikamaru said.
- Wait, that reminds me of...I have to mark all of you as well. It's better this way. – I said.
They nodded and I did what I had to do.
- All done. – I said smiling.
- Now Hotaru. – Otou-san said.
I nodded and closed my eyes.
- Kurama help me here so I can find those creeps faster.
- Fine.
I smirked.
- Found them. – I said.
- Nice! – Choji said.
- I'll teleport all of us near that point so you 4 can start the plan. – I stated.
They nodded and so I did it.
- Now you guys go, Shikamaru I'll see you in a bit. – I said.
- Careful...all of you. – Otou-san said.
With that we split, I was now in a tree waiting for their arrival then I heard.
- So the brat was able to execute the plan. Not bad.
- Told you he was smart.
They were now here and Shikamaru started to prepare everything while I watched amused.
- I'm not getting away, right? – Hidan said.
Then Shikamaru jutsu was undone.
- You can only hold that shadow move for about 5 minutes before you run out of juice...and now we're all alone. That's the best situation for me, YOU DIPSHIT! – Hidan said while trying to attack Shikamaru.
I smirked.
I teleported there and blocked the attack.
- It's been a while hasn't it...Hidan-sensei? – I said with a smirk.
- HOTARU?! YOU BITCH!!! – He said backing up a little.
- HOTARU?! YOU BITCH!!! – He said backing up a little
- I told you guys...next time I see any of you...I'll destroy you. That includes you Hidan.
- Yeah...you are. But you're not very smart are you?! – I said with a smirk.
- YOU BITCH! – Hidan screamed.
Hidan started attacking us, after some minutes Shikamaru was about to be stabbed so I teleported there and took the hit.
Me and Shikamaru widened our eyes while he licked the blood and started preparing his ritual.
- Everything is ready. I've been waiting for this...it's a shame I have to kill my only pupil. DIE!!! – Hidan said.
In that moment he stabbed himself and I collapsed on the floor.
- HOTARU!!! – Shikamaru screamed.
3rd P.O.V
After Hotaru collapsed, Hidan and Shikamaru fought for a while until Hidan did the same to Shikamaru.
- What a waste, Lord Jashin must be disappointed. Anyway, Kakuzu should be about done by now. Guess I should go back. – Hidan said turning the other way.
Hotaru P.O.V
I smirked and Shikamaru sped to him to try cut his head off, but wasn't enough so I moved my fingers and made all the explosion tags go around Hidan. I got up and stood beside Shikamaru.
- We were just playing possum. – Shikamaru said, then he wiped the blood of his cheek showing that he had no bruise.
Then Hidan looked at me confused.
- I'm only showing you this once so look carefully. – I said annoyed.
I lifted my shirt a bit so he could see I had no bruise.
- The blood isn't ours. – Shikamaru said.
- Huh? – Hidan said confused.
- It's didn't matter who, we just needed a chance to get some of Kakuzu's blood with this capsule. – Shikamaru said.
- After he took the capsule he just needed to corner you and bring you here so we could put the rest of the plan into action. The first was me because it would be more believable if I sacrificed myself for him and then he would do the rest. In those moments we just had to empty the capsule on your weapon. – I explained.
- That was our plan all along. – Shikamaru said.
- SONS OF A BITCH! YOU BASTARDS! – Hidan screamed.
Me and Shikamaru smirked.
- Hotaru. – Shikamaru said.
- With pleasure. – I said with a smirk.
I made some hand signs and putted my hands on the ground causing it to open a HUGE HOLE below Hidan.
- We had this all prepared before we came out here. – I said calmly and Hidan looked at us shocked.
- You dig 2 holes when you curse someone. Do you understand what that means? – Shikamaru said.
- OF COURSE NOT! – Hidan screamed mad.
- When you kill someone with a curse, you'll be killed in return. Meaning that the curse ends up burying 2 people. – Shikamaru explained taking out Asuma's light.
I just watched in silence.
- Your curse killed my teacher and you thought you'd get away with it? – Shikamaru asked Hidan.
- You chose to fight the wrong people Hidan, that hole beneath you...is your grave. – I said and Hidan laughed.
Then a deer appeared making me and Shikamaru smirk.
- This forest is a special part of the Fire Country. Only people from my clan are permitted to enter. No one else comes here. My clan will keep you trapped here forever. – Shikamaru said.
I putted a hand on Shikamaru's shoulder and said.
- My job here is done, I'll leave the rest to you. I'm proud...and so is Asuma.
He nodded.
- And Hidan... - I said.
- WHAT?! – Hidan said mad.
- Enjoy your grave. – I said with a smirk.
- YOU BITCH! – Hidan screamed.
And with that I teleported to where the others were, when I arrived Naruto was already there performing his own jutsu.
- Fuuton: Rasen-Shuriken! – Naruto said.
Naruto ran towards Kakuzu to hit him.
- What? Did he get him? – Ino asked
- He lost it. – Yamato said.
Damn it! Kakuzu was now about to get Naruto's heart.
- Kurama!
- Go!
- Otou-san, Captain Yamato back me up. – I said.
- H-Hai! – they said surprised since they didn't realize I was there.
I ran towards Kakuzu and Naruto, while Otou-san and Yamato backed me up with their attacks.
I took my sword out and send lightning towards the blade and cut Kakuzu's wires and Otou-san took Naruto away.
- Do.NOT.touch.him. – I said to Kakuzu.
- Red Flames...the Akatsuki pupil is now against us. – Kakuzu said.
- I was never on your side. I think I made that pretty clear when I left, Kakuzu.
- So...where's Hidan? – Kakuzu asked.
- Let's just say we found a nice place for him to stay. – I said amused.
- As expected from the Red Flames...your bounty raised you know...I'll make a big money if I cut your head. You're worth 55 million ryõ. – Kakuzu said.
- Heeee! You're famous kid!
- Yeah...I don't think that's a good thing Kurama. – I said sweat dropping.
I teleported back to where Naruto was.
- Damn it. – Naruto said.
- Acting tough and screwing up...I guess that was pretty Naruto-ish. – Ino said.
- Since it was called Rasen-Shuriken or whatever, I thought you'd throw it at him. Do you have to actually get in his face and punch him with it? – Choji asked.
- HEY! IF I'D HIT HIM THERE'D BE NOTHING LEFT! – Naruto said frustrated and I sighed.
- It's called the Rasen-Shuriken but it only works as a point-blank attack. – Yamato stated.
- So that's why he used the kage bushins...for a diversion. – I stated and Yamato nodded.
- He still hasn't had enough training time. If it had just lasted a couple more seconds. – Otou-san said.
- Exactly. – Yamato agreed.
- Oi, oi...you're not helping. – I said sweat dropping.
- It'll never work now. Not against someone like him. – Choji said.
- Kurama...
- I know, let's do this kid.
I got up.
- Hotaru, what are you doing? – Otou-san asked.
- He trained, just like Hidan did...I know them better than any of you. So...just back me up...I'll fight him now. – I said.
- Nee-chan... - Naruto said quietly.
- Don't worry I... – I said but was interrupted.
- Let me try one more time. – Naruto said determined...those eyes...
- Fine...but I'll be the diversion this time. That way you don't waste chakra in the kage bushins. Got it? – I said and he nodded.
- We're fighting with the Akatsuki! He will dodge. – Ino said.
- No...he won't. – me and Naruto said in unison.
- Let's go Nii-san. – I said.
Shikamaru P.O.V
I was now leaving since I did what I had to do then I heard.
- We found you! – Pakun said.
- You're my back up, huh? You're a few minutes too late. – I said to Sai and Sakura.
- W-What? Shikamaru! Don't tell me you took out an Akatsuki all by yourself?! – Sakura said amazed.
- You're much more capable than I assumed. – Sai stated.
- No, Hotaru helped as well but she went help the others while I did the rest. – I said.
Hotaru...after this I really have to thank you.
Hotaru P.O.V
- It's ready! – Naruto screamed so I would know that he had his technique ready.
- Let's do this Kurama.
- Go for it kid!
Me and Kakuzu started fighting nonstop and I was now panting hard and fall to my knees...I used too much chakra already.
- You think you can defeat me Hotaru?! – Kakuzu said cocky.
I smirked.
- No...but he can. – I said amused.
- What?! – Kakuzu said confused.
Kakuzu turned around and Naruto was already there.
- EAT THIS! – Naruto said.
Naruto hit Kakuzu with his jutsu sending him flying. I looked up and Naruto was about to fall, come on legs don't fail me now.
I teleported there and caught him before he fell and looked at the other way to see Kakuzu being destroyed, I immediately widened my eyes.
- K-Kurama...
- The brat is getting stronger.
- That jutsu...it's amazing!
- There...I did it! – Naruto said panting hard.
- Yes...you did. – I said also panting.
Kakuzu was one of the ones I couldn't win in minutes...for me and Naruto being able to defeat him in matter of minutes is incredible.
I was now on my knees and started healing Naruto.
- Naruto, Hotaru are you okay? – Ino asked worried.
I nodded weakly and started panting harder.
- Hotaru I'll do it, just rest for a bit. – Ino said.
- T-Thank you. – I said.
She started healing Naruto, then I saw Otou-san go to where Kakuzu was so since I still had a bit of chakra left I teleported there.
- Are you okay? – Otou-san asked me and I just nodded weakly.
- How could...I lose to...a bunch of kids? – Kakuzu asked.
- Yeah well, to someone who fought the First Hokage we must seem like kids. But in our eyes, you're just a decrepit old man. That's why it's time for you to die. – Otou-san said with Chidori already prepared.
- Hotaru...could you do it? Instead of him? – Kakuzu asked me.
I widened my eyes in surprise and shock.
- As...my pupil...I would prefer that way. – Kakuzu explained.
- H-Hai. – I said.
I concentrated lightning on my right hand.
- It was a pleasure being your pupil. Even though your partner tried to kill me multiple times. – I said.
- Indeed... - Kakuzu said and with that I did what he asked.
After that was done I was about to fall but Otou-san caught me.
- Are you okay Hotaru? – Otou-san asked.
- Yeah...I'm...fine. – I answered.
- Let's go back. – Otou-san said and I nodded slightly.
*Meanwhile at the Hokage's Office*
- Excellent work everyone. The remaining Akatsuki still pose a threat, so don't get too overconfident. – Tsunade said and we all nodded.
- Naruto what about that wound? – Tsunade asked a bit worried.
- Ah, it's just a small battle wound. – Naruto said.
- I gave him some emergency first aid for now. – Sakura said.
Yeah...it's not JUST a small wound for what I saw.
- Either way, you should go to Konoha Hospital to check up on it. – Tsunade said.
- Nah, I'm fine. – Naruto said tiredly.
- YOU ARE NOT FINE! – Sakura said punching him so I started to have a deadly aura.
- Oi...Sakura. – I said.
They all turned to me scared.
I punched Sakura sending her flying against the wall.
- N-Nee-chan. – Naruto said scared.
- H-HAI! – Naruto said.
Tsunade sighed.
- Then the rest of you can take a break. You've all earned it. Dismissed. – Tsunade stated.
We left, I was about to take Naruto to the hospital when Shikamaru stopped me.
- H-Hotaru. – Shikamaru said.
- Yeah, what is it Shikamaru?
- Well...thank you. If it wasn't for you we wouldn't have made it.
I went towards him and poked his forehead.
- You're wrong. You would've made it with our without me. And you're welcome Shikamaru. – I said smiling.
He looked at me surprised.
- Now I have to take this idiot to the hospital. – I said pointing to Naruto.
Shikamaru sweat dropped and went away.
- Oi, Nee-chan...I'm not an idiot!
- You're right...you're a BIG IDIOT! It's different.
you're a BIG IDIOT! It's different
- I'm proud though. – I said breaking the silence.
- Huh? – Naruto said confused.
- You're growing fast Nii-san.
- Thank you...for always being here.
I smiled.
- Always. – I said.
*Meanwhile at the Konoha Hospital*
Naruto was on the bed and I was now healing his arm.
- Kurama...
- The jutsu is indeed powerful.
- Yeah...this scratches are even worse than the other injuries he has.
- Naruto... - I said quietly.
- Yeah?
- You...you can't use this jutsu again...at least not like this. – I said sadly and explained him why.
- I see... - Naruto said looking at his arm.
- I'm sorry. – I said with a sad look.
- Thank you though...for healing me. – Naruto said.
- What kind of sister would I be if I didn't heal you?! – I said with a sweet smile which made him smile as well.
- It's all done. Now you just need to rest, okay? – I said to him and Sakura same in.
- How is he? – Sakura asked me.
- Fine. How's your face? – I asked amused.
- F-Fine. – she said.
I smirked.
- Hey, Naruto. Make sure you only use your new jutsu when you're positive it'll hit. You can't keep on using it like that, okay? – Sakura said after reading the medical sheet.
- I'll be fine, just as long as you or Nee-chan are around to heal me! – Naruto said which made me sweat drop, he's such a lost cause.
- That's not what I'm saying! Medical ninjutsu can't be relied on to heal everything, you know! – Sakura said frustrated.
Naruto looked at his arm that is now with ligatures.
- Though, you know...I'm actually kind of enjoying this. – he said smiling.
- Huh? – me and Sakura said in unison.
- It's like all of us keep getting closer to Sasuke. – Naruto said and I smirked.
- Geez! – Sakura said smiling.
I poked his forehead.
- You really are a lost cause. – I said smiling and he just laughed.
- And you're not?!
We smirked.
Sasuke...how are you holding up?