While Naruto, Sakura, Sai and Yamato went on a mission, me and Otou-san did the same and watched Akatsuki moves and it wasn't good.
Team Kakashi was now back, me and Otou-san went to the hospital to see Sai and Naruto.
- Yo! – Otou-san said entering the room, we saw Naruto with an apple in his mouth trying to breath.
- Yo! – Otou-san said entering the room, we saw Naruto with an apple in his mouth trying to breath
- Sakura fed Naruto an apple...so that means... - Sai said.
- Huh? What? What's wrong? – Otou-san said confused.
- You say that like you're normal! You know you're not, right?! – I said amused and she glared.
Then they told us about their mission.
- Sounds like a lot happened while we were gone. – Otou-san stated.
- Kakashi-sensei and nee-chan, where the heck were you? – Naruto asked.
- Ah, you know. – Otou-san started but Asuma came in.
- Kakashi, Hotaru, can I have a minute? I need to talk to you. – Asuma said and we nodded.
- Naruto, Sai, these are for you. – Asuma said.
- NO! I'VE HAD ENOUGH APPLES! – Naruto said which made me sweat drop and left the room.
- I heard you 2 were checking up on the outside. – Asuma said.
- More or less. – I stated looking at the sky.
- Nice day today. – Asuma stated.
- Yeah, sure is. – Otou-san agreed.
- Naruto and Sakura are developing well, you too Hotaru. – Asuma said and I smiled.
- The same goes for Shikamaru, Choji and Ino. – I said.
- The next generation is growing up. Before we know it, they'll leave us in the dust...well Hotaru there already leaves me in the dust. – Otou-san said and I smiled.
- You sound like a proud father. – I said amused.
- I am. – Otou-san said with a closed eyed smile and I widened my eyes slightly.
- It'll be a good thing for Konoha. – Asuma stated.
- What do you want to talk about? – Otou-san asked Asuma.
- Well, actually... - Asuma started but was interrupted by Kurenai who arrived.
- Kurenai, what's up? – Otou-san said.
- I heard that Asuma was here. – Kurenai answered.
I watched her carefully that's when I sensed something in her...I smirked.
- So Asuma, what did you want to discuss with us? – Otou-san asked.
- Uh, we'll talk about it some other time sorry. – Asuma answered.
Then he and Kurenai left.
- Now, I really want to know. – Otou-san said sweat dropping which made me laugh quietly.
- What? – Otou-san asked me.
- Are you that naive...Otou-san?!
- Huh? – he said confused.
- Why don't you find a woman as well, just like Asuma did? – I asked and he smirked.
- The only woman I want to have in my life is you as my daughter. – he said and I smiled.
- And my granddaughters when you have them of course, but don't rush on it! – he said and I blushed tremendously which made him laugh a bit.
Then we entered the room to see Naruto taking off some of his ligatures which made me sigh.
- Don't be in such a rush...right now your training is to heal up your injuries. – Otou-san said to Naruto.
- Kakashi-sensei! – Naruto said.
- Naruto, I'm warning you. The only thing waiting for you outside the hospital is severe training that could put you right back in here or worse. So make sure you're ready for it! – Otou-san warned.
- O-Okay...I get it. – Naruto said which made me smirk.
- Sakura, me and Otou-san have things to do so...take care of them and please don't kill them. – I said.
- Bye! – me and Otou-san said in unison and left.
We were now at the Hokage's office.
- I read your report. Is Naruto technique going to work out? – Tsunade asked and Otou-san looked down.
- Well? – Tsunade insisted.
- I don't know. – Otou-san answered.
- But... - Shizune started.
- I'm not sure yet, but knowing him he'll be able to do it. That training format is improving the results. And the most important, he's focused on his goal. – Otou-san stated.
- Sasuke, huh? – Tsunade said which me and Otou-san nodded.
*Some days passed and Naruto has been training nonstop*
I was now going to see Naruto training when a crow landed on my shoulder, I looked at him and smirked.
I went to the middle of nowhere and sensed if someone was around.
- You can appear now. – I said.
He did as I said.
- Yo! Itachi-sensei, it's been a while.
He just stood there looking at me with sad eyes.
- W-What's wrong...Itachi-sensei? Why are you here? – I asked nervous.
- I'm sorry. – He said with a sad look.
- W-What happened? – I asked scared of the answer.
- Asuma-san...was killed by one of our groups. – Itachi answered.
– Itachi answered
- Who? – I asked looking down.
- WHO?! – I screamed.
- I'm not sure. – Itachi answered.
- BULLSHIT!.....WHY?!........Why this keeps happening? – I said sad.
- I'm sorry...I just though you deserved to know. – Itachi said.
I turned around and said.
- Itachi...I will find who did this...and...I.WILL.HUNT.THEM.DOWN!
With that me and him left, I teleported to the Hokage's office.
- H-Hotaru?...by your face you already know what happened don't you? – Tsunade asked and I nodded.
- Who told you? – Tsunade asked me.
- Itachi. – I answered quietly.
- I see. – She said sad.
*Meanwhile, next day after Asuma's funeral*
I was now at the K.I.A stone waiting to sense the others at the gates.
- Are you ready kid?
- More than ready.
- How do you know they'll leave today at night?
- Well...Shikamaru is one of the smartest people I know and he would only need a day to come up with a strategy and tell the others, besides Shikamaru wouldn't be able to live with himself for the rest of his life thinking that he could have done something...as he would put living the rest of his life thinking about that would be a drag.
- And Kakashi?
- Well...Asuma was his friend and he knows that Team Asuma would want revenge...he just wants to help them and protect them.
- Fine brat, let's kick their asses then!
- They're all there now.
I went there and I hid behind a tree and heard Tsunade say.
- Even with 4 of you it's still risky! Look what happened!
- They're not going alone...Tsunade-sama.
- H-Hotaru. – Shikamaru said surprised when I appeared saying that.
Otou-san smiled slightly.
- Do you really think I would let them go alone? Now you have 5 people including one that was trained by the people who did this. – I said and Tsunade sighed.
- I won't let anything happen to them...I promise. – I continued.
- Fine, do what you want! – Tsunade said frustrated and I smiled.
- Kakashi-sensei, is Naruto gonna be okay? – Shikamaru asked.
- Don't worry, I left him with another captain. – Otou-san answered.
- Now...Team Asuma ready to go? – I asked them.
- Hai! – they said in unison.
Just wait...we'll show you what we're made of.