I slept soundly for a few hours a maid came to wake me up " Miss, it's lunchtime do you want to go downstairs or shall I take it to your room?"
"No, I'm not hungry, maybe later I can have a hot bath."
"yes of course" a little later I saw her coming with hot water for the bath "would you like some help?"
"No thanks, I can do it myself."
"alright young lady" and she left I was soaking in the bath with my eyes closed when I felt hands massaging my neck I opened my eyes and I turned around scared and breathless she was wearing a blue jumper black trousers and high boots she looked like she was going hunting .
"tu..... how did you get in? "he looks at me mischievously
"Mystery," he said, "did Madame need my services?"
"Not for the moment," I said seriously.
I think so because I have something to show you that you have to do quickly".
"but I don't feel like doing it quickly!" he took a towel and said only
"come on ...." I sighed
"alright give me the towel but turn around!".
. "you understand very well, turn around or I won't get out" looking up at the sky, exasperated, he turned around "OK, but only because we have to do it quickly, otherwise we'll be late".
As I was getting out of the bath and wanted me in the towel I asked him "why all the hurry?" I have something to show you though, and far away did you bring warm clothes?"
"You know I don't know, Agnes has packed, I don't know what she's wearing!" as I spoke I put on my slip "Can I turn around now?" he asked, his back still turned.
Just a moment longer." As soon as I put on my dressing gown, I said, "Now you can turn around."
"finally" and he turned around "you know it's good to see you like this?" and hugged me
"good morning"
"good morning to you" I told him and trying to get out of his embrace I said "weren't you in a hurry?" "suddenly I'm not in a hurry anymore" he said kissing me he was already opening the dressing gown when I quickly got out of it and said "no, now I'm curious, I want to see what it's all about!" so I went to the trunk and took out the clothes one by one at the end I found a heavy cloth dress with a jacket and boots that I usually used for riding."I put on first the corset, then the shirt, the corset of the dress, and finally the skirt, socks, boots, "but how can you resist with all these things on?" he exclaimed, "you see that they are the same things as when you undress a woman" I said mischievously, and he just as mischievously said, "yes, but it's more pleasant to take them off than to put them on".
"then when we get back won't you help me change for dinner".
"but I didn't say that".
"then I misunderstood you".
"Yes, I think so. Now let's go" "we went down the stairs and across the garden to the stables and he took his horse and made me get on first and then he got on" "he said hold on tight because I have to go a bit fast or we won't be back for dinner"
"OK" I put my arms around his waist and put my head on his back Today it was sunny and not very cold, it was just a little chilly, we galloped through the countryside, the wind made my cheeks red and my hats melted, but then when we entered the woods and had to go slower, he was going along safely until I stopped the horse, I looked around but there was nothing there, or so it seemed, "we've arrived".
"No, not yet, but we can't go any further with the horse, we have to go on foot" I got down on the ground and hugging me we started to walk We walked for quite a while until he said to me "wait a moment" I looked around and there was nothing there then I felt a tumour like broken branches I turned around scared and saw him removing what seemed to be a scaffolding made of reeds, branches and branches when he took it down a door appeared and a window "come" he said taking my hand I went in I was in shock camouflaged in the green there was a little house made entirely of wood with wooden furniture even the floor was made of wood it looked like a lumberjack's house but from some details like the many carpets the many candles scattered around the objects on the furniture you could see that they were expensive objects and the surprising fact there was a fireplace burning "do you like it" I was speechless "yes ....and ..... beautiful.... but whose is it ...." I finally managed to say "how whose is it? and ours."
"Yes, from now on it will be our magic place. We'll meet here."
"Yes, it won't take long to get to your place, I'll take a little longer," she confessed. "Did you like the surprise?"
"yes, it's wonderful" I turned around and threw my arms around his neck, kissing him, it was a dream come true.
"wait, you haven't seen a bit yet" he took me to another room it was a small bedroom there was only a four-poster bed a small wardrobe and a small table with a jug of water and a bunch of flowers "did I choose well?" asked Fabrizio seeing that I didn't speak it seemed as if the ground was hot under his feet "I had no doubt you always choose well" I answered
"Well, now that we're here, let's see if it's comfortable," I nodded in the direction of the bed.
"Not today, my beauty, I have to show you how to get here and then back, otherwise we'll be late.
"That's right, I'll show you how to get here.
"Simply through the tunnel in the cellar of your castle".
"Which tunnel are you talking about? I don't remember...".
"I'll tell you this anecdote so you remember Fabian told me that when you were little you hid in the tunnel and that once you fell asleep and everyone was looking for you like crazy".
"yes I remember and when they found us they clubbed us and we never went again. it's been so many years I don't think it works anymore"
"of course it works I checked it myself!"
"you thought of everything"
. "of course when it comes to you we got out of what was to be our love nest from now on and he showed me where the tunnel ended and the road I had to take to get back then we went home "I have to go change "I told him "I'll help you "he replied following me I changed quickly I put on a pink dress of taffeta and mother of pearl but yes a simple white gold necklace with pink stones and matching earrings
"Why do you always look so beautiful," he whispers, kissing my neck, "shouldn't you go and change too? It's soon dinner time and we have to go downstairs.
"As soon as I was ready I went downstairs, he was already there with the others and for some strange reason he had changed his mood. But what could it be? We started playing cards for a while and then I don't know who asked Lucia to go and play something on the piano and she went, he liked to play and he did it well while she was playing I went near him and he immediately hugged me when we were alone among friends he was much more expansive, he knew that none of them would ever say anything, also because we were not the only ones in the group, there were also Fabian and Valentina Lucia and Alessandro and Marica with Antonio and none of them wanted their parents to know, so they kept the secret about each other. " what do you have " I told him.
"nothing and that gentleman you danced with yesterday will also be at dinner".
"And does it bother you that much? "
Yes, and if he starts calling you like he did yesterday, I swear I won't keep you." While we were talking, I saw him come in. "Madame Mester, what lovely music, my compliments," he said, turning to Lucia, then coming towards me. "Madame, every time I see you, you're more beautiful.
"Thank you, mesier, you're too kind." As I spoke, I felt Fabrizio's angry glance at me, so to dampen the atmosphere a little, I said to him, "Come and meet the rest of the company, or have you already met them?
"let's say some do and some don't
so I began the round of introductions and discovered that he knew a good number of them I had just finished the introductions when a servant arrived to announce that dinner was ready he turned to me
"Will you accompany me, Baroness?"
"Of course," I replied.
When we arrived in the dining room
he moved a chair
and sat me down, so I found myself with him on the right and Fabrizio on the left.
Fortunately, dinner ended quickly, otherwise I wouldn't have known how to handle the situation. Nevertheless, I found out that he was leaving the next day.
"Will you be Count Lively's guest for much longer?"
"no tomorrow morning I'm leaving"
Where are you going?"
"Naples to a distant relative of mine.
"It's a long journey.
"Well, yes, but I travel light, I have but a little baggage and a servant with me, and we will ride on horseback, so the journey will be shorter.
we talked some more, always under Fabrizio's angry gaze, until he said, 'Miss, I'm retiring tomorrow, I have a long journey ahead of me .... I am delighted to have made your acquaintance.
"it was very nice to meet you too".
"God willing, I'll see you soon...very soon" he kissed my hand, said goodbye to the others and left, leaving me thoughtful as if to say 'see you very soon'.
But I didn't have the chance to deepen the thought because Fabrizio hugged me around the waist and said softly "now can I have you a little for myself?
but I couldn't answer because all the girls were crazy about the Count of Aqui's charm and manners
"what elegance,' said one and the other promptly, 'he's so handsome.
"what manners" and then turning to me
"Always the lucky one to be sitting next to him."
what did he say to you during dinner?"
They were all fascinated by him, they seemed to have gone mad, he was indeed a fascinating guy. After answering the flood of questions, I said "Well, don't be impatient, he says he'll be back soon to visit us.
he says he's coming to visit us soon, I think we'll see him often".
"How do you know?" answered Marica.
"He told me.
"And when will he be back?" she continued questioning me.
"I don't know, he just said he'll see us very soon".
"Let's hope not," said Alessandro.
"because he's such a charming guy," Lucia commented.
"I have a suspicion I'll have to see if it's true first, if it's what I think it is, I don't think he'll be received anywhere".
"what do you mean?" continued Lucia
"Speaking last night, he let it slip that he hasn't been back to France for some time because he's been all over Switzerland and now he's going all over Italy, and that he doesn't know whether he'll return to France or go to Malta.
"Then he's not noble?" I said.
"That may be, or he's been disowned."
"No, it can also be something else," said Marco, who had been silent until then.
"Maybe he's a ruined nobleman, he's trying to find a very rich wife to pay off his debts, whoever gives him the highest dowry, he'll marry her....." and after a moment he added "and I dare say he's already chosen whoever he wants from the group".
I turned all red and told him: "Don't talk nonsense",
"I'm not talking nonsense, his behaviour towards you has been obvious to everyone", then changing his tone he said
"Who's in charge of getting news about him, otherwise I'll do it.
"I'll do it myself," said Fabrizio, "I have a servant who's French, I can send him tomorrow morning early, but I think we need someone in Naples to understand what he's doing there.
"Then I'll send someone to Naples," said Fabian, "one of your servants can take a letter to my father so that I can get him to leave at once," he said, turning to Fabrizio.
"Yes, but it's dark now, write it down so that I can send him off tomorrow morning at dawn", we girls looked at them in shock.
"Don't you think you're exaggerating," Valentina said to my brother, "he's not a smuggler, is he?"
"As far as I'm concerned, he could be, and this is not women's business, you mustn't interfere", he said dryly, glancing away.
"OK, I understand, I'm going to bed" I said annoyed "wait, we're coming too" and so all the girls followed me but some of them had rooms in the other wing of the house so we separated almost immediately, only Lucia had the room next to mine so she asked me if I would help her change "OK, then you help me" I said
"ok" so after changing she came to my room but I was still thinking about what they had said downstairs, could it be true? Lucia who knew me well said "are you still thinking about the Count of Aqui?"
" not really I was thinking if the boys might be right to be so alarmed "
"Well, what do you want, jealousy makes people do strange things".
"You think it's just jealousy then!" I exclaimed, not knowing what to think.
"in my opinion yes, also because yesterday I saw him talking to a gentleman and shortly after, when he was leaving, this gentleman was telling his companion that his family is one of the richest in Languedoc.
"excuse me and what is the languedoc?"
"You don't know. It's a French territory that stretches from Provence to the Pyrenees and reaches Spain. It's a very rich country with gold and silver mines and a great wine production."
"and how do you know these things?" I said in amazement she blushed a little and confessed
"I listened to a gentleman's conversation yesterday and was curious to know who the count was, I find him very charming".
"Don't say these things in front of Alessandro or he'll become jealous, worse than Fabrizio".
"yes I know, on purpose I didn't say anything before. Now I'd better go, we have to get up early tomorrow".
"They didn't tell you to get up early in the morning, because there's a ride and a picnic organised".
"I understand and I thought I'd rest a bit" so I made her go to her room but not before making sure that no one was passing in the corridor.
"Good night."
"Good night,"
as I closed the door I felt two arms wrap around my waist and to my surprise Fabrizio was behind me.
"Where did you come from?" I asked him.
"You don't know that I'm a magician, I appear and disappear when I want to!" he exclaimed, evidently amused to have found me still standing, because immediately afterwards he added "I thought you were already asleep.
"no I stopped to talk a bit with Lucia".
"yes I saw!"
"Are you spying on me?" I asked, annoyed.
"No, not at all, I was just about to appear at the wrong moment" I looked at him seriously.
"You weren't eavesdropping on our conversation, were you?" he said, offended.
"What do you take me for, I'm a gentleman, I wouldn't do those things."
"Come on, how come you're here?" I asked, more to change the subject because I could well imagine why he had come, but he, with his angelic face and innocent air, said, "I just came to say good night.
"then goodnight" and I kissed him it was a short but intense kiss, the kind that leaves you breathless, and when I pulled away from him he said with a grimace "that was a little one, come on, I want another one".
this one was long and so intense that I almost suffocated while his blades went up and down my body all of a sudden he lifted me from the floor and took me in his arms and I lay down on the bed I didn't even notice that he had taken off my dressing gown while we were kissing so I found myself on the bed with only my nightgown and soon he took that off too so I was completely naked outside it was snowing and the fireplace was starting to die down my body was burning with such an intense heat that I felt like it was going to burst
"god ....amore ...come ...you are .....bella" he said between kisses while with his hands and lips he walked all over my body.
He also had his pyjamas on and I took them off him in the moonlight I was breathless seeing him even though it had been a couple of months since we had intimate relations they had all been fleeting and there hadn't been time to look at each other's bodies so much was the desire and anxiety not to be discovered only the first time we had done it in a bed in my room I had pretended to be sick and he had come to see how I was and there it had happened but it was all so quick that I hadn't looked at the details I was so quick that I hadn't looked at the details, now I could see around his neck a necklace with a crucifix, a mole near the nipple and two scars, one at his ribs and one across his right thigh, I wrapped my legs around his waist and a little later there was an explosion in me, I don't know what happened, it was the first time it happened to me, I wanted to scream but I didn't. A few minutes later it was all over, we got under the covers and fell asleep, embracing each other.