Anabelle's POV
Once I got to school I went to my locker. After I put what I didn't need in it I closed it then started walking around looking for my first class. I felt eyes on me. People were talking about me behind my back. I found my friends and acted like I was okay.
I see why he doesn't like dating.
"Oh god. Don't look. Rita and her goons are walking over here."
I rolled my eyes.
"Hey Anabelle!"
I turned to face her.
"Hello Rita." I said in an annoyed tone.
"So I see you know Curran Stark."
"Yeah so?"
"Think you can get us into a show?"
"Oh? Why not?"
"You're not my friends. Only my friends are able to hang out with him."
"Oh come on!" She said as she stomped her foot.
"You're rude to literally everyone."
"I can change!"
"Okay. Let's say you do. Let's say you become nice and I get you into a show. Who knows what'll happen next? Oh wait! I do! You'll just go back to being rude to everyone!"
"No I won't!"
"Yes you will. You said the same EXACT thing to Sonya Jones. You acted like you were friends with her just so you could get free clothes. By the's not your color!"
She gasped.
"How dare you!"
I got slapped. I gave her a pissed off look.
"Really? Did you do that just because I told you to not wear pink again or the fact I won't get you backstage?"
"Go screw yourself. Also that nose job you got doesn't look good at all. You should get a refund."
I turned around to face my friends. She grabbed my hair and slammed my head into the wall. My head immediately started hurting. I put my hand on my forehead.
"Are you okay?!"
"Yeah yeah yeah. I'm good."
The room started spinning.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm okay."
"Did you change your mind?"
"Nope! You're not getting anywhere near my boyfriend!"
"Yeah. You gotta a problem with that?"
"He's mine!"
"Uh no. He's actually not."
I showed her the necklace. Her jaw dropped. She dropped what she was holding. For most of the day I was fine. During lunch is when it started becoming a problem. My vision started getting blurry. The light was making my eyes burn. My headache got worse.
"Can one of you take me to the nurse? I don't think I'm okay."
All of my friends ended up walking with me to the nurse's office. I got sent to an actual doctor who told me I had a concussion. So that meant I was out of school for a bit. At home I started throwing up. I mainly slept. My mom stayed home with me so someone could help me. She woke me up every now and then. When my vision started getting better I didn't need help showering anymore. I was able to use my phone. When my eyes started to burn I would put it down.
This sucks.
My friends came over to check on me after school everyday.
"Hey Belle."
"I'm here too!"
"Hi Castiel."
"You're going viral."
"I am?"
"How do you think I found out you had a concussion? I think your friend Brandi posted the video. She even tagged me in it. How do you feel?"
"Eh. A bit better. My head is still hurting a little."
"So I guess we're "dating" now."
"Sorry. It just came out of my mouth."
"I told you to say whatever you wanted. It's fine."
"I'm gonna leave now."
I think his brother walked out of my room. I felt Curran lay down next to me. He put his arm around me.
Holy shit!
"When do you graduate?"
"Early May."
"You graduate in May?"
"Yeah. We end early and start early. Don't you have school?"
"I dropped out early this year."
He got closer to me and whispered "would it be okay if I kissed you again?" in my ear. Obviously I told him it was. I rolled onto my side and wrapped my arms around his neck. He started kissing my neck. After that our lips met.
We both pulled back and saw Cas was standing in front of us holding Curran's phone.
"What the hell are you doing?! How did you even get my phone?!"
"Hope you don't mind but I just posted that."
Curran got up and walked over to his brother.
"You're lucky this is a decent picture. And out of every single caption there is "My baby's head hurts." Is all you could think of?"
"Should I change it?"
"Add "people suck" to it."
Curran's POV
"Okay done."
Before I went to sit back down I saw I was a private message from someone with the username RitaJane.
*Private Message with RitaJane*
RitaJane: I'm so sorry! She hit me first!
CurranStark: I saw the video. She didn't even touch you. She talked to you.
RitaJane: .....
CurranStark: Leave her alone.
*End of Private Message*
She didn't even try to talk herself out of this.
I should block her.
I saw Anabelle pick up her phone. She covered her mouth with one hand and held her phone in the other hand.
"Ana? You okay? What's wrong?"
Her friends ran into her room.
"Don't let her look at social media!"
"Uhh too late!"
I walked over to Anabelle and grabbed her phone. I looked at it. I saw a post from RitaJane.
She made a petition to send Belle to her grandfather.
What the hell does that mean?
It took me a second to remember.
Her grandfather is dead!
I put her phone down and started hugging her. Her friends walked over and started hugging her too. Ana started crying.
I can't leave knowing this is happening.
Why do I feel like I need to protect her?
"We love you Belle."
"Are you all in the same classes?"
"Not all of them. We're spilt up."
"We have lunch at the same time though."
"I'll be right back. I have an idea. I have to call my mom."