Curran's POV
I just got off a plane now I had to get my bags then wait for my friend Kip. Of course people found my flight information so I had to meet everyone waiting. After that I ran outside.
Where are you?!
After I saw his car I threw all my bags into his car.
"Hello to you too Jace."
"Have I mentioned that I hate when people show up to the fucking airports?"
"Many many times."
"Don't get me wrong. I love them but I think they go overboard sometimes. It's bad enough they find my hotels!"
"Didn't you have to switch hotels once?"
"I have to go to the store to see if they have something. You can stay in here if you want."
When we got to the store I stayed in the car. I saw people pointing and taking pictures so I got out of the car and ran into the store. I started looking around for Kip. I saw a girl so I ran into the closest aisle. I turned my back to face her. I saw her walk into the aisle.
She's pretty!
Don't notice me.
Please don't notice me.
I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Excuse me? I'm sorry to bother you but can you please move? I think what I need is behind you."
"I am? I'm sorry. I'm just hiding."
"It's okay."
I moved out of the way and she grabbed what she needed.
"Thank you Curran."
"Shit! You know who I am?!"
"Yeah. I'm a fan."
"Please don't scream or kill me!"
"I'm not going to do that. I'm trying to stay calm. Why are hiding?"
"I was in my friend Kip's car but people started looking and taking pictures. I ran in here. I have no idea where he is. I have no idea where I am."
"Do you want some help?"
"Sure. As long as you don't go running around saying you found me."
"I'm not gonna do that."
"I have to find something to hide my face though."
"I have some sunglasses you can have."
She took the sunglasses out of her bag.
"Really? Thank you! You're an actual lifesaver!"
She handed them to me and I put them on.
"You can keep them. I have more at home."
We started walking around and started talking.
"Please don't call me "Curran" right now. Call me "Jace" that's my real name."
"Is Curran a fake name?"
"It's my middle name. I need to have somewhat of a normal life. You seem cool. Are you doing anything tonight?"
"No. I don't think so."
"You're not going to the show?"
"No. I have no one to go with."
"You don't?"
"You could be my guest if you want."
"Really? That'd be awesome!"
"What's your address and phone number?"
She gave me those.
"What the hell Jace? I told you stay in the car!"
"Bro people were looking."
"Who's this? A secret girlfriend?"
"No. You know I'm scared to date. I don't want to ruin their life."
"Hi I'm Anabelle."
"I'm Kip."
She shook his hand.
"Here let me pay for that. It's the least I can do."
"No it's alright."
"I'm serious let me pay for it."
"No it's really okay."
"None of us are leaving until you let me pay for that."
"Okay thank you."
"I'll come pick you up at around 6:30!"
"Sounds good! See you later!"
"Wait actually. Let me drive you home."
We all got in the car and she was brought home.
"We gotta go. Frank needs him for soundcheck."
"You're still scared to date?"
"A bit yeah."
"You should give it a try. Ask that Anabelle girl out. She seems nice."
"I invited her to the show. Does that count as asking her out?"
"Kinda. Maybe she can be your first everything."
"Let's not get too crazy now."
When we got to the venue I was sent to soundcheck. In the middle of that my manager said he had to talk to me. I gulped.
"Did I do something?"
"For once yes. You need to date someone."
"WHAT?! FUCK NO! You know I'm scared to do that!"
"By the end of the week you better be dating someone."
He walked away.
When it was time to pick up Mackenzie Kip and I went to pick her up. I texted her to tell her I was at her house. She ran to the car.
"Hi again! I have my camera!"
She handed it to me and showed me some of the photos she's taken.
"You're really good. Kayla's got some competition."
"You're right. She does."
"You think I'm that good?"
"You really are."
"Frank's probably gonna love you. No guarantees though."
"He can be annoying."
"He's been controlling me since I was 14. I hate it. I'm starting to hate him. I really am. I'm thinking about firing him."
"Woah! I never thought I'd hear you say that! When did you start thinking about that?"
"At the beginning of tour. I told you. I'm starting to hate him."
"I'm shocked."