James Colbert's Mercedes AMG passed through East Springfield, drawing pedestrians' attention. He would usually avoid such semi-urban parts of the city. However, he had to meet a consultant at Springfield Rapids. Apparently, a huge conglomerate was about to start a thirty-million-dollar project in the area, and James wanted a piece of the pie. Colbert and Sons primarily built sewage systems, and this project would be a big break for them.
However, the consultant offered him a meeting at Baron International, the most successful company in Springfield. They had brokered the deal with the city authorities.
After securing an interview with Baron International the next day, James made a pitstop to pick up tickets to the Haley B concert from a broker. The mega event had triggered a bidding war in Springfield, pitting all the big leagues against each other. James' father, Saul Colbert, had secured four entries to the mega-event at ten thousand each.
Josh sat in the adjacent seat, glaring at the tickets incredulously. "Bro! I can't believe you got us tickets to see Haley B! This is amazing!"
"Ah, it was nothing."
"This will be perfect! You'll bring Carol to the concert, and I'll be with my girlfriend, Chloe. Perhaps she'll finally put out tonight if I have a ticket for her."
James laughed and shook his head. "Isn't Chloe the Miss Springfield beauty contest winner this year?"
"Yes, bro! She's smoking as hell!!"
"Good for you. How did you woo her? Doesn't she know that the Atelier company isn't doing well?"
Josh shrugged. "Uh, chicks are like that, bro. I spent much of the money I took from Victor on her shopping. She's convinced I am flush with cash. Moreover, I hang out with an elite person like you. There's no way she wouldn't be impressed."
James nodded. He loved to hear praise and adulation. "Don't worry, kid. After I marry Carol, I'll help out your father's company through finance. Moreover, once Victor's company goes bankrupt, I'll purchase it for pennies and put you in charge."
Josh grinned ear to ear. "You're the best, bro. I couldn't-" he paused mid-sentence.
"What is it?"
"Look over there," he said, pointing towards a gas station through the car window. "Isn't that Victor Damone?"
"What?" James slowed down and tried to locate Victor in the area. Josh was right. There was no mistaking that tall physique and combed-back hair.
Victor stood by his bike, speaking to someone. "What's that pauper doing here? Has he resorted to part-time labor jobs?"
Josh was still occupied with the scene before him. "Maybe... But look at the person beside him, bro..."
The billionaire narrowed his eyes, trying to focus. It was getting dark, and the street wasn't well-lit. "Oh, a woman? Who is she? Is it Carol?"
"No way. I'd recognize my sister anywhere. It's someone else, but I can't make out her face due to dim lighting. But look how shamelessly she is dressed. Just a sheer gown. Is this street her bedroom or what? Wait! Is Victor cheating on Carol?"
James considered the situation and stroked his chin. A grin appeared on his face. "Kid, I think he is with a prostitute."
Josh's mouth dropped open. "A whore? Is Victor out soliciting sex? Goddamn! I didn't see that coming! I used to think that he was just a loser. But he turned out to be a scumbag too! What should we do? Shall we confront him about it?"
"No," the billionaire said, clicking a picture of Victor with the woman. "This is perfect. If I show this to Carol, she'll definitely divorce him."
Josh did a fist pump. "Genius! Now we got you, Victor!"
Clive Baron relaxed in his corner office in the Baron International Building. It was night already, and a gold-lined invitation lay open on his table. It was an invitation to one of the biggest concerts ever to be held in Springfield. Hollywood actor and pop singer Haley B had come to the city.
Clive found the untimely concert suspicious. Was it somehow related to Victor Damone? In any case, he wasn't the concert-going type. The forty-year-old was more interested in the comings and goings of his new master and pondered how to serve him better.
Clive was nursing a scotch on rocks and scrolling through social media posts.
Edward Shannon walked in and placed a file before him. "Sir, I just had a late meeting with Alan from Damone Industries. All preparations are complete to begin construction in the multi-million dollar housing project proposed today. We will call the new locality Edgar's Paradise."
"After my master's grandfather? Very good. That will definitely please him."
He went on. "My calculations are that Damone Industries and Seaboard Industrial Block will scale new heights within a few weeks. It may even make national news."
Clive nodded at Edward absent-mindedly. He never doubted his protégé's ability to fulfill a task. No matter how difficult it was, he would return victorious.
Both men had always worked together, building their respective empires. However, Clive had been Edward's mentor from the very first day. Only recently was their bonding made public after Victor Damone's visit. Baron International had officially welcomed Shannon Inc. into its global conglomerate.
"Did you see the picture, Eddie?" Clive asked. There was a youthful excitement in his voice. "My master is conquering worlds already."
Edward raised an eyebrow. "What picture are you talking about, sir?" It would be unusual for him to miss Victor's face if it went viral on social media.
"This one." Clive projected Claire's Instagram post on the office wide-screen. She had taken a selfie while riding on the rear seat of a bike. The rider's back was visible. It triggered a social media guessing game to establish who her new boyfriend was. Many celebrity names were taken, including many Hollywood hunks.
"Claire Holt?" the protégé exclaimed. "Did she finally start dating someone? Lucky chap, that guy. But what does the picture have to do with Emperor Caesar?"
Clive Baron looked up and pursed his lips. "Don't use that name publicly, Eddie. You can call him Mr. Damone for all intents and purposes. That is his will."
Clive was a three-star ranker in the New World Order. However, Edward Shannon was still a one-star, being groomed by the former. He was the luckiest person in the world to have met the legendary man and been privileged to serve him.
Edward nodded. "I understand, sir. Apologies. But what does Claire Holt's picture have to do with Mr. Damone?"
Clive winked at him. "Don't you notice, Eddie? Look at the jacket she is wearing. It's clearly a man's jacket. And it's a Roman-quilted one, just like Mr. Damone's."
Edward was unconvinced. "You're reading too much into this, sir. A jacket proves nothing. It could belong to her new boyfriend, whoever he is. A lot of youngsters wear similar designs these days. Especially bike riders."
Clive smirked and zoomed in on the back of the rider. "You're right. How about this? Do you see the revelation now?"
Edward walked forward and looked at the screen up close. There was a tiny eagle tattoo on the stranger's nape.
Edward gasped and looked at his own hand. He fingered the ornament on his ring finger. The design looked ancient, a rare metal folded onto itself to form a characteristic eagle. It was the official symbol of the New World Order, whose ruler, Emperor Caesar, sported the tattoo—the one who ruled them all.
"Oh, God!" Edward exclaimed. "That's Mr. Damone!"
"I told you," Clive Baron said, chuckling.
"But… But… Why is he with Claire Holt?" Edward exclaimed. "What's going on between them?"
The mentor interlaced his fingers and said, "That only Mr. Damone knows. Perhaps they are dating. Maybe he needed to quench his physical needs by sleeping with a beauty. There's also the possibility she's involved in trouble that only Mr. Damone can solve."
"I see. What do we do?"
"What do you mean?" Clive asked. "As his servants and pawns, we can only watch quietly as this legendary man conquers the world around him."
Haley B twirled before the dressing mirror in her red sequin gown. It was a magnificent garment created by a Parisian designer and cost her fifty thousand dollars. However, it had a special place in the celebrity's heart; she had worn an identical dress the day she first met Victor Damone.
At twenty-four, Haley was drop-dead gorgeous. She was a beauty who had several times graced ELLE, Esquire, and Vogue magazines. Recently, The Cosmopolitan featured her in the list of the world's top twenty-five most beautiful women.
Haley was a movie actress, a pop singer, and a Broadway diva. Outside Springfield Concert Hall, a crowd of over one hundred thousand fans gathered to see her perform. But the hall's capacity was only six thousand, so ticket prices soared and soon triggered a bidding war. Only the elite and filthy rich would finally get seats in the rare event.
However, Haley seemed disinterested in the world's attention. She wanted only one person to notice her. Her one true love.
The executive secretary, Meghan, walked in. "Ma'am, we'll start the show in half an hour. Hope you are ready to go."
The celebrity singer looked away as if the conversation turned her off. "Do you think he will come?"
"He may not have seen your email, ma'am," Meghan said. "You shouldn't expect him to come at such short notice."
"Leave me!" Haley snapped, picking up her phone and checking her Instagram. A new post by the corporate queen Claire Holt was trending. She scrolled down and stared at the image with scrutiny.
The comments were in thousands already. Everyone wanted to know who the mysterious gentleman was. Claire had broken hundreds of hearts by hitching a ride with a biker.
Hayley narrowed her eyes. She zoomed in on the picture, specifically on the stranger's back, and gasped. "Oh, my God!"
Victor's bike slowed down outside Springfield Concert Hall. People eyed his pedestrian clothes and wondered why a middle-class person was driving into the ticket-holder parking area.
He had just found a good spot when a shiny Mercedes rolled in. Out of the vehicle emerged James Colbert in a stunning suit. Beside him was the chubby Josh Atelier, Carol's brother.
Josh had his arm around a beautiful young woman whom Victor recognized as the winner of the annual beauty contest. He wondered what web of lies the brat must have spun to convince her to be his girlfriend.
Victor did not want them to notice him. His cover would be blown if people were to discover that he was invited by Haley B herself. He was about to leave for the hall's back entrance when he noticed someone else stepping out of the Mercedes.
It was Carol. She flashed James Colbert a big smile and linked arms with him.
That was enough to blow Victor's fuse.