The head office of Damone Industries was located in the Seaboard Industrial Block. The latter block was among seven industrial blocks in Springfield. However, it was ranked lowest because of a poor turnover. Not only was business slow, but competition among the companies was toxic, leading to underhanded practices which damaged each others' profits.
As Victor walked into the premises of Damone Industries, he saw seven men outside, smoking cigarettes even though it was banned by company policy. Two of them, who looked middle-aged, stepped forward. Victor recognized them as Alec, the Head of Sales, and Seagal, the Head of Marketing Division. They were the two most significant employees of the company.
"Here's my resignation letter, Mr. Damone," Alec said with a smirk. He knew that his exit would land a crushing blow to the company. "Oh, wait. I should call you… Victor."
Victor ignored his taunt and accepted the letter. He signed it without any argument. While his indifference was noticed, five others also stepped forward, and he signed all the resignations.
They were surprised that Victor did not even ask for any cause or try to convince them to stay. Alec figured perhaps the young man was inexperienced and did not understand the impact of what was happening. "I hope you realize what this means, Victor. Your company is dead after we leave."
"Yeah," Seagal chimed in. "You can board up the doors and windows, or homeless people will live there." The group sniggered on hearing the joke. It implied that the Damones would be homeless soon.
Victor eyed Alec and Seagal. They had been working since the company's foundation and yet did not shy away from betrayal in such a delicate situation. "Alec, while your resignation is accepted and you are no longer an employee, I want to ask you something.
"Weren't you a jobless, homeless man without a family twenty years back? When Edgar saw you in a dire situation, not only did he rescue you, but he also saw your potential. He gave you a job and loaned you money to rent a home? Because of him, now you own a house and lead a luxurious life. Is this how you intend to pay him back?"
Alec scoffed. "Oh, really? I didn't take my salary for free, Victor. I've worked hard to contribute to this company's growth. But business is business. I will join Shannon Inc., which has offered three times the salary and company shares. That's a deal I would be foolish to miss."
Victor raised an eyebrow. "Worked hard, huh? Is leaking our clients to Shannon Inc. your definition of working hard?"
Alec's face flushed, and he exchanged glances with Seagal. "I don't know how you came to know that. But you can't prove it."
Victor nodded without expression. He had all the answers he needed. "I see."
"That right there!" Seagal spat. "Your cold attitude always pisses me off! Do you think you are better than us? You are a loser like your grandfather and will be out on the streets in weeks! And we'll be flush with money! Let's see who's better than whom then!"
Victor turned to the last employee who had not turned in his resignation yet. He was a twenty-two-year-old who had joined as an intern last year. However, due to his inherent talent and hard work, he rose to become a manager.
"Alan… What about you? Won't you resign as well?"
Alan exhaled and spoke up. "Sir, even though I graduated from a third-grade university, I was hired by the company. Besides, Edgar Damone helped my family get a proper house. I cannot forget these favors. Earlier, I was going to resign under peer pressure. But even if Shannon offers me five times the salary, I will not betray the Damones!"
Victor nodded. "Good. You will be working as the new CEO of Damone Enterprises and will have ten percent of the company share.."
Alan gasped while the resigning employees laughed at his words.
"Handing out sea shells, are you, Victor?" Alex said, snickering. "It doesn't matter what your offer is. Be it the CEO or the Chairman position or a hundred percent of company shares. It means nothing. Damone Industries will sink in twenty-four hours. Why make Alan captain of a sinking ship?"
"You can leave," Victor said coldly.
The traitors left, mumbling insults at him.
"He's lost his mind due to bankruptcy."
"Alan, leave now, or you'll be drawn into his poverty."
"I will throw pennies down from the Shannon Inc. building when this guy comes begging."
Victor walked into his office and asked Alan to file all resignations while making mental notes of all their names.