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Warning: Medical content at the beginning of the chapter. ?

Jimin's POV:

I felt pains all over my body.

I was dizzy and felt very weak. A beautiful scent gently stroked my nostrils, which made me slowly open my eyes.

I recognized the beige colored walls from the guest room that recently became mine.

I realized I was completely naked, only a small white sheet covering my lower body.

I turned around and saw Yoongi wearing some blue sterile gloves, cleaning the blood on my leg with warm water and gentle soap.

I could feel my cheeks heat when I realized he was shirtless. His pale skin was covered with blood, mine.

I remembered what happened earlier.

Those three hunters suddenly attacked me and the big black wolf came to my rescue. I would have died if it hasn't been for him.

I watched him sterilize the equipment with alcohol.

He lifted his head and caught me watching him.

"You're awake." he said. "Normally a Beta can heal after some time but the cut is kinda deep so I'm gonna have to stitch it up."

"Are you a doctor?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I'm not but I know how to survive." he mumbled before filling a syringe with a yellowish liquid. "I'm gonna have to use a local anesthetic to relieve your pain."

Oh god, I hate syringues.

"N-no!" I shouted.

"But it's gonna hurt you like crazy if I don't."

"No needles okay?" I felt my chest tighten.

"Are you stupid?" he scoffed. "With what do you think I'm gonna stitch up this wound?"


"With this anesthetic you won't feel anything, trust me."

I frowned but I guess I have no choice. "Okay." I finished accepting.

He stared at me and smirked. "What have you done to that arrogant fuckshit huh?" he chuckled. "The world changes fastly."

"Shut up." I groaned when I felt the substance entering my body.

After a few seconds, I couldn't feel my leg anymore.

He thoroughly cleaned the wound with gauze and rubbing alcohol.

He then grabbed the black needle with the needle pliers if I remember well and inserted it into my skin.

He started making loops then ending them with knots and repeated the procedure until the wound was

completely closed.

I was just staring at him, astonished.

"You seem to have done this before." I said, observing him applying some Betadine and covering it with a compress.

"A couple times, yes." he simply answered before taking off his gloves.

"I'll remove the stitches in 7 days so make sure not to open them or anything. Also, you need to rest." he added, before getting up and heading to the door.

"Wait." I said.

He turned around and locked eyes with mine. They were not red like I saw them earlier, they returned to their human color, dark brown.

I gulped, staring at his half naked body. I felt bad about messing it up with my blood.

"I don't have the entire day you know." he crossed his arms. "I need to clean this mess you left on me." he frowned.

"I just.." I nervously rubbed the back of my neck. "Thank you."

I saw him widen his eyes for a second then got back to his frown.

"Just sleep." he mumbled before leaving.

After no time, I started feeling dizzy. It must be the effect of the anesthetic.

I took the medication he left on my night table and immediately slept.


Two hours ago..

Yoongi's POV:

I finally finished my work.

I had to read a dozen mails from the other leaders and organize the schedule for the pup's monthly training.

I also needed to check the food stock and call the company to deliver the finished products.

I was feeling very exhausted for some reason. Not work for sure.

As an Alpha, the activities I do everyday never make me tired. I am strong enough to handle these simple things.

But today was different. I was feeling like a sort of pain in my chest and I had the pressentiment that something bad would happen.

I closed my office and headed to the dining room. I was so hungry that I was ready to devour everything.

"Good evening, sir." the chef bowed to me and helped me sit down.

"Good evening. What do we have for dinner tonight?"

"Empanadillas con carne and Gazpacho." he answered. "Spanish specialities. Jimin helped me prepare this earlier."


"By the way, where is he?" I asked.

"I don't know sir." he shrugged his shoulders. "I haven't seen him since he left the kitchen."

I nodded and signaled to one of the maids to approach. "Call Jimin for me, please. Tell him I wanna talk to him. He must be in his room now, it's past 9."

"Alright, sir."

I stared at the Empanadillas on my plate. They looked like some stuffed bread.

I took a bite and widened my eyes because it was extremely delicious.

I will be honest, I am quite picky when it comes to food. I am too difficult to please but this, I can't say anything. It was perfect for me.

My chef cooked for me during years and I rarely commented on his food. It wasn't that tasty but it was palatable for me.

But I realized it kinda changed now since Jimin joined him in the kitchen.

The meals have become more appealing to my strong appetite. I wish I couldn't finish them quickly.

"Sir." the maid came back, alone.

"Where is he?"

"H-he's not in his room, sir. I searched in the corridors and the balconies b-but he's nowhere to be seen." she said with a shaky voice.

Badum, badum..

My heart started beating very fast.

"I-I asked the other maids, they said that they haven't seen him for hours." she added. "Everyone is inside the mansion as the law demanded but not him, sir."

He's outside..

Badum, badum..

I put down my fork and got up.

"Sir, you need to ea-" the chef couldn't stop me from walking away from the dining room.

"Jimin!" I shouted while climbing the stairs, hoping I would have an answer.

A part of me couldn't understand why I was acting this way.

Everyone knows I'm a cold-hearted man but why am I worried? About a slave?

"Jimin!" I was running like crazy, opening room after room.

He wasn't here.

I looked through the window, it was completely dark outside.

I sighed and ran to the garden. I guessed he would be watering the flowers, knowing that he had a special love for them.


I only found the gardener, Hyungsik sitting on a bench, reading his book. "Anything wrong, sir?"

"Where is Jimin?" I asked coldly.

At that moment, I looked like those dads asking their child's kidnapper where he is.

"Jimin?" he furrowed his eyebrows. "It's past 9, shouldn't he be inside?"

"He's not inside!" I shouted and immediately regretted it because I looked like an idiot. "Anyways, what are you doing here? You shouldn't be outside either."

"Oh, I just like reading books in the garden." he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Go back inside." I mumbled before heading behind the mansion where there was an immense empty field.

"Jimin!" I had to use my werewolf vision to look where I was walking.

Suddenly, a gunshot cracked into the air as loud as thunder.

My heart was about to burst inside my chest.

I couldn't speak. The only word my lips mumbled was, "Jimin."

I clenched my fists, knowing who are in possession of guns.


I quickly shifted to my original form and ran looking for where the sound came from.

I ran and ran until I finally spotted a grey wolf surrounded with three men dressed in black.

Only a Beta wolf could look so gorgeous.

I saw one of the men shoot his knife on Jimin's leg and was ready to end it for him.

I groaned and attacked them.


3rd pers POV:

"Something odd is happening in the other side." the butler said.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked.

"Your brother, master Yoongi was running everywhere shouting the name of 'Jimin'."

Jungkook stared at Taehyung who looked as confused as him.

"Apparently, one of the servants was outside after the curfew."

"Damn that idiot." Taehyung mumbled.

"Haven't you heard a gunshot earlier?" Wonho asked.

"A GUNSHOT?!" Both Jungkook and his slave shouted.

"I think some hunters succeeded to enter our zone."

"B-but Jimin was outside." the silver haired said.

"He was surely shot."

"Don't say that!" Taehyung grabbed Wonho by the collar. "You don't know anything!" he shouted.

"Please Tae calm down." Jungkook grabbed his arm but the older slapped it. "I need to see my brother."

"But you can't go out."

"I don't care! A-and that brother of yours haha! So irresponsible, leaving his servants in danger."

"My brother didn't do anything wrong!" Jungkook protested. "I'm sure he didn't know about Jimin leaving the house. I mean, he was with us during the entire afternoon, wasn't he?"

"Still." the older mumbled. "I'll go." he headed to the door which separated the houses.

"Tae! You can't go there!" Jungkook ran behind him.


"One of my employees was attacked by hunters." Yoongi was speaking to Namjoon through the cellphone.

"Those assholes managed to enter our zone without getting caught huh."

"We need to do something, I don't know we need to stop them." Yoongi nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah I know but how? We can't cross the borders."

"Well we need to find a solution. Sooner or later."

"Yoongi, I know that's a delicate situation but I've never felt you that nervous before."

"They hurt him! How I am expected to act!"

"Him? Who?"

"They hurt Jimin."

"Jimin? That cutie from the other day?"

"They wounded his leg. I had to stitch it."

"You did!?" Yoongi could hear Namjoon's surprise. "You healing a servant? Min Yoongi?"

"Why? What's the matter?"

"You never cared about anyone before. You even chuckled and left when I was badly hurt during our trainings."


"Yoongi, I must ask you. How do you feel when you're around Jimin?"

"What kind of question is this shit?" Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"I'm serious, answer me."

"The hell.. well I don't know it feels kinda weird every time I get close to him. He's annoying as fuck, he does everything to make me hate him but a part of me just can't do so."

"Uhm I see. What about sexual desire?"

"Namjoon for god's sake!"

The younger chuckled. "Anyways, I think I have an assumption."

"What kind?"

"I think Jimin is your mate."

The black haired Alpha almost stumbled. "Namjoon, I think you're drunk." he mumbled.

"I'm not my friend. Think about it, just the fact that you were worried about him this way, a guy you barely know, is a big proof that he's your mate."

"There is no way." Yoongi mumbled before ending the call.

"WHERE IS HE?!" he heard a loud scream coming from the hall.

He left his office and headed downstairs.

"What's wrong? What's this noise?"

"S-sir, someone came from the other house." Jinyoung said, pointing at an angry Taehyung and Jungkook nervously playing with his hands behind.

Yoongi kept staring at his younger brother. It has been a long time since he last saw him, 6 months approximately.

"You! You are the leader, right?!" Taehyung pointed at him. "Irresponsible brat."

"Tae!" Jungkook covered his mouth.

"Brat?" Yoongi chuckled. "Do you know who you're talking to?"

"Yeah, the fuxking arrogant asshole who let my brother get hurt!"


"Who's the brother you're talking about?"

"Jimin." the silver haired said.

Yoongi widened his eyes and remembered something. "Say Beta, what's your name?"

"Huh!" Taehyung chuckled. "Does it even matter!"

"Rude like your brother, I see." the older smirked. "Isn't your name Taehyung?"

The Beta raised an eyebrow. "How do you know?"

Yoongi nodded, relieved about something that happened earlier after he saved Jimin.

He shifted back to his human form and picked Jimin's body up.

He ran back to the mansion and went directly to the guest room.

He put him on the bed and went looking for the first aid kit.

When he came back, he heard the younger calling a name, "Taehyung."

What confused Yoongi is that he repeated it several times.

He felt his chest tighten because he thought Taehyung must be his lover or something. Maybe his mate.

But now everything was clear. He was only his brother.

"Follow me." he quickly glanced at his young brother, who was staring at him with a hopeful face, wishing he could only say a word to him but he ignored it and asked Taehyung to go upstairs with him.

"Tae?" Jimin widened his eyes when his brother entered his room. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard that you got hurt." the younger said and gasped when he saw the wound. "You idiot! Why did you go out?!"

"Well haha!" the blond laughed.

"Damn, look at this." Taehyung kept staring at the wound. "It must hurt a lot."

"Yeah it does but the medication kinda calms it."

"It's all because of you!" Taehyung shouted to Yoongi. "You Alphas love to get in trouble! We always lived peacefully and because of one of your stupid people provocated the hunters our lives are now in danger! You stupid Alphas! Me and my brother always hated you and that's not gonna change!"

Yoongi gulped and stared at Jimin, who was sadly staring at his younger brother.

"Tae.." the blond sighed. "Yoongi was the one who saved me from them."

The silver haired looked surprised.

"He's the one who took care of my wound. He did this." Jimin pointed at the sutures.

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders. "I still don't trust him." he mumbled.

"Trusting me or not is your choice." Yoongi said. "But those words you said, I won't allow you to repeat it again, Beta." he sent him a death glare.

"See? He's just an asshole." Taehyung told his brother.

"Leave my house." the leader mumbled. "Now."

"I'm taking Jimin with me." the beta faced him. "I'm not gonna let him in your hands."

"Taehyung, stop this bullshit." Jimin groaned.

"Jimin you can't stay with an Alpha like him! I know that we can't escape them because of the law but at least be with me."

"He's not gonna move from here." Yoongi said. "He shouldn't move his leg, he just had a surgery."

"I'll lift him up and take care of him by myself." Taehyung said coldly.

Jimin felt his head explose. He was already feeling tired because of the medication and his brother's nagging just made it worse.

"PARK TAEHYUNG WILL YOU STOP!" he shouted, making both his brother and his master jump from surprise. "Leave the house for now."



Taehyung sighed from frustration and left angrily.

"What a character!" Yoongi chuckled.

"I know, my brother can be so annoying sometimes."

"It's not like you don't."

"Tsk." the younger rolled his eyes.

They kept staring at each other silently for a moment. Then, Yoongi finally decided to speak. "Your brother said that you both hate Alphas. May I know the reason?"

Jimin passed his hand through his sweaty blond hair. "Last year, our mother was murdered by an Alpha." he said quietly.

The black haired male flinched at the word "murder".

He stared at the beta's sad face and sat on the edge of the bed. "How did it happen?"

"I'm not sure. We just found her in a terrible state in the middle of the woods." the blond answered. "I still can't take that image of my eyes. It was shocking and horrible." he felt tears burning his eyes.

"Did your mother have any ennemies?"

"No, of course not. She was kind to everyone in the village and she didn't know many Alphas."

"That's strange."

"But I'll catch him one day, for sure." the younger clenched his fists. "I'll take revenge for her. I'm gonna show him what it's like to leave two young males without their only family."

Yoongi just nodded. "I should change your compress." he opened the kit and took the small Betadin bottle and a new compress.

Jimin groaned with pain when the older touched his wound.

"Just a moment."

Yoongi gently cleaned it and covered it. "Alright. I'll ask Jinyoung to bring your dinner and make sure to take your medication before sleeping."

"Yeah doctor." Jimin rolled his eyes.

The master got up and was ready to leave but he stopped and faced him again. "You said you hate Alphas." he started. "Do you hate me too?"

Jimin wasn't expecting this question. He never thought about it to be honest.

He stared at his sheets, ignoring what to tell him.

"Do you?"

"I.. I just.." Jimin mentally cursed himself for hesitating. His brother just reminded him how they hated the Alphas after their mother's assassination.

They promised not to get involved with them and always despise them.

"Y-yes, I do." he finally answered.

Yoongi approached him slowly and leaned closer until his lips reached his ears. "You stuttered," he whispered. "It means that you don't hate me," he smirked and left the room.

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