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Yoongi gently knocked on the door and entered the guest room.

Jimin was still sleeping peacefully.

He approached him slowly and saw all the sweat on his face and neck. The young Beta must have had a rough night because of the wound. It always hurts like crazy during the first days.

He put the silver tray on the bedside table. He had asked the cook to prepare a hot milk with Marialuisa for him (It's a sweet plant), and some cinnamon rolls.

He took a wooden chair and sat next to the bed, observing the younger's features.

It looked like his face was capturing the sunlight because it was shining bright and radiant. His golden blond hair was hiding his eyes, it looked so soft that Yoongi had a hard time resisting to touch it. He could see a few scratches on his collarbone.

Yoongi bit his lip when he remembered that Jimin was almost fully naked under his blue sheet.

When he saved him from the hunters and brought him home, he saw his naked body when he shifted to the human form.

He couldn't concentrate well on the wound because his gaze would rest each time on a part of his body. He had a hard time controlling his desire for him, he felt his eyes become redder every time he touched him.

He thought back to what his friend Namjoon told him the night before. "I think he's your mate."

He doesn't know much about who mates are and how to recognize them but from what his father taught him before, he's suspecting the blond Beta to be his. Judging from how he feels around him.

He shook his head, chasing the thoughts from his head.

He kept staring at him, his wounded leg had a pillow under it, and was wrapped in bandages.

He stood up and got a clean towel from the bathroom and came back to gently wipe the sweat from his body.

After a few moments, Jimin finally caught his scent and opened an eye to confirm his identity. Yes, it was exactly who he thought he was.

"Good morning." Yoongi said with his husky voice.

"Morning." the younger groaned when he tried to move. "Damn it hurts."

"Just lay down, don't try to move until it starts to heal."

"But I'm a wolf, why isn't it healing faster?"

"That asshole put poison on the blade. That's why it'll take time."

"I'll definitely kill him." the younger clenched his fists.

"Of course you will." Yoongi chuckled. "I can quite see it." he pointed at the wound. "Sure you will."

The Beta sent him a death glare then spotted the tray. "That's for me?"

"Mm." Yoongi nodded. "Hot milk and cinnamon rolls."

Jimin was internally screaming because if you ask him about his weakness he would definitely answer, cinnamon rolls.

But he decided to keep a cool face, as usual.

"I see. Thanks." he mumbled quietly before eating the first roll. "Oh shit." he cursed when the sweet taste of cinnamon and cream cheese stroked his tongue.

"Delicious isn't?" the black haired male chuckled.

Jimin just nodded, he was too busy eating and drinking his milk.

"Isn't it the moment when you should ask me if I'd like to have some?"

The blond shook his head, not taking his eyes out of the silver tray. "I don't want you to have some so.."

"Rude." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Not as much as you are."

"Excuse you sir!" Yoongi raised his arms. "Who do you think brought you this?"

"Pftt doesn't count."

"Oh so I'll let that wound rot."

The younger bit the inside of his cheek and stared at the older. "Okay, you're not that rude." he mumbled.

Yoongi chuckled and went to look through the window. "It's snowing." he said, staring at the white flakes falling slowly and harmoniously, covering the floor.

"Oh, the first snow?!" Jimin exclaimed. "Damn I wanted to see it."

"You're not moving from that bed."

"But I wanna see it.." the blond pouted.

Yoongi couldn't resist the cuteness so he walked to him and put a silky night robe around his naked shoulders before lifting him up, bridal style.

"What?! Are you crazy? Put me down!" Jimin whined and tapped on the older's chest.

"You said you wanted to see the snow." Yoongi smirked.

"I was just talking and y- oh my god!" Jimin widened his eyes when Yoongi stood in front of the large window. "Beautiful." he mumbled, staring at how gorgeous the nature looked covered with snow.

"Mm it is." Yoongi sighed. "It's been a long time since I last admired it this way."


"I'm always busy with pack stuff. I never get the time for such luxury."

"But you're the leader, the pack is yours, you can ask people to help you."

"I know but there are some things only I can do."

"I see." Jimin nodded and felt himself relaxing in the older's body warmth.

He didn't understand why but he suddenly felt calm and peaceful in his arms.

"Oh, damn. You can put me down."

"Already tired of the snow?"

"No, but I must be heavy."

"Did you forget that I'm an Alpha?" Yoongi chuckled. "I'm naturally strong."

"Pfft. Show off." the blond rolled his eyes.

"I need to change your compress again."

"Mm okay."


"Jungkook, dinner is ready." Taehyung found his master staring through his room's window, thinking deeply about something. "Jungkook!"

The younger jumped and looked at Taehyung with surprise. His eyes were slightly red and puffy, he looked like he cried. "Y-you called?"

"Yeah dinner is ready."

"I see."

The silver haired furrowed his eyebrows and approached him. "Anything wrong?" he asked.

"No.. I'm alright. Don't worry." he wiped a tear from his cheek.

"You were crying. You can't lie to me."

Jungkook bit his lower lip and sat on the edge of the bed, his hands shaking.

The older sat next to him and something inside surged him to put his warm hand on the younger's, calming it down. "Tell me what's wrong."

"It's just." Jungkook started crying again. "I.. I miss my brother."

Taehyung stared at him sadly and sighed.

"When I saw him yesterday, I felt too far from him, like we were strangers. When I saw you concerned about your brother and him smiling to you I asked myself why Yoongi and I aren't like this. He barely glanced at me." he chuckled. "I couldn't even talk to him."

"Why not?"

"I don't know, I just feel like a burden to his life. I feel like if I talk to him I'll just waste his time."

"Are you serious?" Taehyung frowned. "You're his brother, you should be the closest and most important person to him, why are you saying such nonsense?"

"This is how we grew up Tae.." Jungkook sighed. "My parents taught me to respect my brother and not to burden him because he was busy with the training. I considered him more like our next pack leader than my older brother. It has always been like this. I was always just a burden."

"You are not." the older mumbled. "And to be honest, my relationship with my own brother isn't the best." he added.

"You gotta be kidding me." Jungkook laughed. "I saw you guys."

"No, I'm serious." the Beta shook his head. "I'm the real burden."

"Why do you say this?"

"When our mother died, I would just lock myself in my room and not to anything. Jimin was the one who took care of the guests, our and me. He would clean the house, do shopping and cook all meals. He would force me to eat and help me clean my body. He would brush my hair and massage my feet. He did everything for me and I was just an asshole. The only thing I did for me is being rude. I didn't even say thank you..or I love you." he gulped, feeling tears burning his eyes." I seriously regret it. "

Jungkook gently patted his back." Do you think we should have a serious talk with our brothers?"

"I do." Taehyung nodded. "Especially you. You need to start from zero with him."

"I just hope he'll spare me some time."

"He will." the silver haired said. "And if he doesn't I'll punch him so hard until he forgets his real name."

"Hahah!" the younger started laughing out loud, forgetting his tears and his heart ache. "You're so funny Tae."

The older didn't say anything. He was just staring at him, thinking he looked like a bunny when he smiled.

"Your dinner will get cold, you should go eat." he told him.

"Join me."

"I can't, I should eat with the servants."

"I insist. I already told you that I don't like eating alone."

"Wonho won't like it."

"I'm Wonho's employer so he can't say anything."

Taehyung chuckled. "Playing the bossy master huh."

"If it'll get you to have dinner with me then why not?" Jungkook smiled.

"Alright, alright." Taehyung stood up. "I'll eat with you but only if you promise to speak to your brother."

"I will."


Yoongi's POV:

"What a great day! Our leader is here!" the same white hair styled to the back, the same round glasses, the same warm smile. The old man took me in his arms, making me feel uncomfortable.

"It's been a long time uncle Jiyong." I gently bowed to him and entered inside the library that belonged to our pack for centuries.

The interior was very old, Victoria style.

I don't know why but for some reason, I always felt like a power of knowledge and imagination every time I stepped inside a library. I could hear the laying dusty untouched books on the shelves asking for me to read them.

People of my pack consider this library as the best place to read in peace and gather more information on our history.

Even in my personal life, this library has a great influence on me. I became a member of it when I was only eight years old. I started with encyclopedias and guides on wolfs and training and ended being a passionate reader of books and novels.

"Black tea for my dear nephew." my uncle put an old porcelain cup on his desk.

"Thank you." I kindly accepted it and took a sip of it.

"Well! Why do I have the honour for you to visit me?" he widely smiled.

I kinda felt bad because I rarely visit him. I have always been the worst at socialising with my family.

I stared at him nervously and gathered my courage to tell him what I came to the library for. "I need you to tell me about mates."

"Oh." he smirked. "You found yours."

"I'm not sure if it's him or not."

"Oh, it's a him!" he clapped his hands. "A first in our pack!"

"I know." I shyly rubbed the back of my neck.

All the men in our pack are married to women and have kids so as my uncle said, it's a first.

I don't know how people will react if they know that their leader's mate is a man.


"But I don't know if it's him that's why I came to ask you about it."

"I see." he rubbed his chin. "There are a lot of things to say about this."

"First of all, how do you feel when you're around him?"

The same question Namjoon asked.

"Be honest Yoongi." he added.

I blushed. "Well, I feel kinda different. I can hear my heartbeats get faster every time he gets closer."

"Mm. How about his scent?"

"Oh, yes. From all the scents, his is the strongest. I easily localize him and my senses get crazy because of it." I said, feeling his gentle coconut smell caress my nostrils.

"How about when he's around other people? Or when he's in danger? Do you feel the need to protect him?"

How does he know how I exactly feel?

"Yes. Lately, he was in danger and I was about to go crazy when I knew it. I looked for him everywhere and went to his rescue. To be honest uncle I'm not the kind of person who cares a lot about people."

"Like my late brother." he chuckled.

I was always told that I am the exact copy of my father.

"How about sexual desire?" he added, making my heart skip a beat.


"Do you get horny around him? You feel your body get hotter and the irresistible need to touch him?"

Seriously uncle. Seriously?

"Say the truth Yoongi." he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and just nodded.

"Alright!" he tapped his dark wooden desk with his fist. "Congratulations my dear nephew. You found your mate!" he smiled widely, showing his fangs.

Oh, shit.

"Even if I just knew him like two weeks ago?" I asked, very confused about the entire thing.

"Even if you met him in the same day, that guy would have been your mate. It is destiny my dear."

I sighed heavily, still not completely swallowing it.

"Now let me explain what a mate is." he said, fixing his glasses on the edge of his nose.

"Your mate will be your partner for life." he started, already scaring me. That guy who once woke me up by spilling cold water on my body will stay with me for life? Damn me.

"He'll be the most important person in your life. The person you won't be able to abandon. Someone you'll love more than your family."

Love? What's this bullshit?

"Your mate is the man you will need the most in your life. You'll always want him by your side, always need his warmth and touch."

I just rubbed my chin.

"Tell me, is he an Alpha or maybe an Omega?" he asked.

"He's a Beta." I simply answered.

His eyes suddenly shone bright. "Beta! Oh lovely Betas!" he exclaimed. "You are so lucky my dear nephew!"

"Why is that?"

"Alpha plus Beta is the equation which has the best result." he smiled. "I'll explain. When two Alphas are mate, there is always the issue of power. One would want to look stronger than the other and one would want to have full authority. It always ends with disputes and distance."

Reminds me of my own parents.

"When an Alpha and an Omega are together, it's the riskiest relationship because the Alpha is way stronger. The latter's weakness can be annoying and most of the time dangerous for the Alpha because he would always have to protect him from bad people like sexual abusers, killers etc. "

"How about an Alpha plus a Beta?" I asked, curious.

"Ah! The best relationship!" he smiled. "Reminds me of mine and my late wife."

"Aunt Chaelin." I smiled back, remembering how cool she was during trainings. She was the best archer and the fastest she-wolf.

"A Beta mate wouldn't only be your lover but also your right hand." he started. "He'll always be by your side when you'll need him. He'll protect you when you'll feel the weakest. He'll fight by your side and lead the pack with you. A Beta will also be your best friend, the man who'll listen to your concerns and give you the best advices. Oh such a beautiful relationship."

I imagined Jimin being all the things my uncle just said. Is it even possible? Jimin listening to me, Jimin fighting with me, Jimin staying by my side, Jimin protecting me? Can you believe it?

Just yesterday, he confessed that he hated Alphas because of his mother. Can you believe he would be my mate?

"You are worried about his reaction?" my uncle asked.

I nodded.

"You need to tell him soon." he said. "Don't hide it. He's a wolf and he knows mating is unavoidable."

"I don't think he'll accept it easily."

"I know." he passed his hand through his white hair. "You also need to know that refusing a mate leads to very dangerous consequences."


"Like what?"

"As I told you, mates can't live without each other. There is a strong bond between them so breaking it is like cutting a computer's cables, it'll obviously stop working. If your mate refuses you, both will suffer. It might even lead to a heart attack."

I gulped.


Jimin's POV:

"Hello there." Hyungsik's handsome face appeared in front of the door. "I heard you got hurt."

"Yeah just a little." I pointed to my leg.

"It's not healing fast, must be poison." he mumbled.

"It is." I said.

"Damn." he cursed. "Those shit heads need some lesson." he frowned. "Does it hurt so much? Do you take any medication?"

"Well it hurts yes, especially during the night but Yoongi gave me some medication to relax my muscles."

"The master did?" he looked surprised. "He's not the type to care about his employees."

"Why is everyone telling me this?" I rolled my eyes. "What do you have behind your back?" I asked.

"Oh." he offered me a bouquet of fresh red roses. My favorite. "For you." he gave me his most charming smile.

"Thanks." I smiled back and asked to put the flowers in a cup of water. "They smell good."

"I'm glad you like them. Can I sit?" he asked, pointing at the wooden chair Yoongi left this morning.

"Yeah sure."

"I guess you couldn't watch the first snow." he said.

"I did. But just from the window."

"That's good then. It was beautiful." he said. "I wished you would be with me." he added, piercing my eyes with his gentle gaze.

"That's too bad then."

"I thought about taking you to the village tomorrow." he said.

"Seriously man?" I rolled my eyes. "I'm just a wolf, I can't fly you know."

"Wheelchairs exist for a reason." he smirked. "I'll take you with me, okay?"

"Well if you say s-"

"He's not going anywhere." Yoongi's deep voice interrupted us.

"Master." Hyungsik stood up quickly and awkwardly bowed to him.

"Where do you think you're taking him?"

"I just thought he'd love to see the village as he's new here. I'm sure he won't like staying in his room during the entire week."

One point for the beautiful gardener.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll know how to take care of him if the wound ever opens."

One point for the grumpy Alpha.

"I'll go gently with him, I'll make sure he doesn't get hurt." Hyungsik said, smiling to me.

Yoongi frowned and opened the door widely. "He doesn't need a ride to the village, he needs to rest." he mumbled coldly, signalling to Hyungsik to get out.

The latter sighed and stared at me with sad eyes. He approached me and left a gentle kiss on my forehead. "I promise I'll take you after you completely heal." he whispered.

I saw Yoongi giving him the scariest stares ever before the gardener left.

"What was that?" he asked coldly.

"What was what?"

"That kiss."

"It's none of your business?"

He clenched his fists. Why is he getting so angry?

"He kissed your forehead."

"Woah oh my god I need holy water to clean my face!" I dramatically put a hand on my heart. "Seriously what's wrong about it? It just proves that he's the perfect gentleman."

"The perfect gentl-agh!" he groaned and his eye's startes shifting to their red original color.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you getting angry?" I raised an eyebrow.

He sighed heavily and nervously rubbed the back of his neck. I could see sweat all over his face, I felt his nervousness and fear.

What the hell is happening?

"I need to talk to you about something." he said.

"What is it?" I asked, fearing his answer.

He sat on the edge of the bed and stared right into my eyes. "Have you heard about mates?" he asked.

The hell?

"I don't know much about them to be honest. I just know that they get married and shit." I said.

"Yeah well mates become partners for life, they mark themselves as each other's and spend the rest of their life together. They become lovers and get married." he explained quietly.

"Okay.. but why are we talking about this?" I asked. "You found your mate?"

"Yeah." he nodded.

I felt a sudden pain in my chest.

"Oh well.. what should I say.. congrats?" I faked a smile.

"Jimin you need to know that.."

"That I'll have to serve both of you?" I rolled my eyes. "I don't even get paid for my work and you're asking me to do the double work seriously.."

"No what the fuck are you saying?" he shook his head. "What I wanted to say is that.." he stopped for a moment then continued, "That my mate is you Park Jimin." he breathed.

Fucking hell.

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