Awake in bed at sunset of the following evening, Michelle lying next to him, Aaron knew he needed to contact his roommate Kyle. If Michelle wanted him to stay with her, he needed to get his stuff out of Kyle’s apartment.
He didn’t want to sleep anywhere but Michelle’s bed after the phenomenal sexual acrobatics of last night––insanely erotic things he’d never imagined in his wildest fantasies. The bonus part of the deal, he had no worries of STD’s or pregnancy. Another fringe benefit of vampire nightlife. Nothing but amazing bare-back sex and a whole lot of biting.
The downside? He was madly, irrevocably, undeniably, hooked on Michelle. It scared the crap out of him. His limited experience taught him one lesson very clearly. Women can destroy a man’s peace and turn the whole world on its head in a matter of seconds. Michelle was no exception. If she ever got truly angry with him he’d be royally fucked.
Despite this fear and uncertainty, he knew he’d never felt this strongly for another person. His relationship with Delia couldn’t hold a candle to his intense obsession with Michelle. His world revolved around Michelle. He could actually sense her thoughts, feelings and emotions. In a way he was Michelle, and she him. It was becoming difficult to tell where she ended and he began.
He wasn’t sure how to bring it up without sounding like a lovesick puke. So he put it out there to see what happened. “Should I assume I’m living here now, permanently?”
Michelle was engrossed in her iPhone, texting like mad. “Oui. Is necessary for the moment.” She paused, sent another flurry of text flying through the airwaves, and continued, “I have a new job for you. I sent your pictures to the escort service and they like you. There are several women scheduling appointments to see you.”
She has pictures of me? When were those taken? OMG––I hope I had clothes on. He opened his mouth to protest and thought better of it. It seemed prudent to say as little as possible when it came to Michelle. She already knew way too much about his thoughts and feelings.
“You have a date Thursday night with an older woman who likes sexy, young boy toys. Five hundred dollars an hour. Much better than strip clubs. The ladies pay and you feed. C’est parfait. But no sex. Maybe later, when you learn control. One good bite is enough to satisfy. Is easy when they look you in the eyes, you have dominance. You lead with suggestion.” Michelle dropped this bombshell in his lap without ceasing her flurry of text activity or one moment of eye contact.
“Remember to be very careful not to cause the addiction. Is very important. We practice more tonight.” There it was again, the veiled threat. She didn’t say it, but he knew she was thinking about how she’d kill him if he proved uncontrollable.
“Is there a problème?” After seconds of stunned silence from him, she jumped up and pecked him on the cheek with her most sincere look of innocence. He was fast learning to regard that look with suspicion. It seemed her faux innocence became more convincing when she was up to something, like roping him into a job as a male escort.
He shrugged, trying to pretend her shocking news didn’t faze him. “No big deal … but don’t you think you should ask before making plans on my behalf? I do have a job. I had a life before I met you.” Her tendency to make snap decisions that affected his life scared the shit out him.
She popped her head up to peg him with a stare that communicated her irritation. “This restaurant is no good. You must sever ties with people you knew. You are very much changed now. People are not stupid. They notice the difference.” She spoke with an air of impatience as though telling him something he should already know.
He scowled, his mind awhirl at the prospect of working as an escort. He knew escorts were rarely ever just an escort. It was basically a legal term for prostitution. Escort rolled off the tongue a little easier, but it still left a sour taste in his mouth.
She continued explaining that which he should have understood by now. “Is better we live the nightlife alone. No friends. No family. They are cattle. We feed from them, but nothing more. Is a dangerous game to play. You will risk they learn the truth?” She surveyed him with the raised eyebrow of you-know-I’m right-and-you’re-wrong.
He shook his head in denial of her truth.
“Le prix à payer est lourd. The price of this life is obscurity. People can never know our true natures. We would be hunted. We take many pains to avoid this. No relationships with the food! It cannot be.”
Her logic began to sink home.
He sighed in resignation. “I suppose you’re right. I should have seen this for myself. I didn’t think about it. It’s probably best to break all connections now. I should go to my apartment, get my things, and give my roommate some excuse. Maybe I’ll tell him I’m living with you now, and I work with as an escort for lonely, wealthy women.”
He was being sarcastic, but Michelle took him seriously. “Oui, is a good idea. Tomorrow. Tonight is more training. You have much to learn.”
And that was that, subject closed.
An hour later they exited her apartment building for vampire training. She stopped him with her hand on his chest. “Wait for me here, cher.” She darted back inside the building.
Ten minutes passed, and then ten more. He stood in the wet drizzle, on the sidewalk where she’d instructed him to wait. He waited, and waited some more. At the point he was ready to head back up and find out what the hell was keeping her, it happened.
{{Come to me.}}
The command hit him with a massive adrenaline surge. He needed to be with Michelle now, now, now. He darted into the alleyway, zinged past a stack of pallets and dived over the top of the dumpster in his way. In another second, he’d leaped in the air and snatched the metal railing of the fire escape. Up and over, and he was running. His feet pounded out a rapid fire staccato beat up the metal stairs and his mind filled with the urgent need to get to Michelle on the roof. Within seconds he reached the top level catwalk of the fire escape, leaping to the roof, thirty feet above. With a desperate scrabble of hands and elbows he made it over the edge. She was right there, he could feel it. His vision zoomed in on her as he ran balls out to reach her.
He almost plowed right into her, barely skidding to a stop inches away. He felt an aggression he’d never known before, an urge to attack-defend. His enhanced senses ranged out over the roof top, seeking sounds, smells, or telepathic signature of some nameless threat. He felt primed for battle, a powerful, exhilarating experience.
Michelle congratulated him with a quirky, lopsided grin, “Impressive! Only forty seconds to reach me. I’m very proud of you.” She squeezed his biceps and kissed him on the lips––the conquering hero welcomed home.
He huffed and panted heavily to catch his breath. “What was that all about?” His nerves were stretched taut, a bowstring ready to snap.
“A test to see how quickly you respond to my call. You passed beautifully. Is good exercise to learn coordination. You are faster and stronger than I am, you know?”
He had to admit she was right. He’d moved pretty damn fast. It was fucking awesome. He felt proud and powerful. Both feelings were quickly swamped by his rising irritation. Michelle had that effect on him regularly, an assault of mixed signals and emotions.
She touched him, holding his gaze without blinking while sending a strong sense of calm and approval. It hit like a tranquilizer, draining his aggression and relaxing his tension.
Realization soured his belly. This had been a convenient demonstration. She held the power to order him around, and then influence his emotions after the fact. He felt like a dog playing fetch. Michelle rubbed his arm as if to say, good boy, while he stood there like an idiot, waiting to do it all over again. As much as her manipulations bothered him, he couldn’t shake a lingering sense of pride at her praise.
They returned to the street level with the same high-flying acrobatic maneuvers of the night before. Michelle stepped off the side of the building, and he followed right behind her, without even being asked. The difference now, as he mimicked Michelle’s descending switch-back game, he moved with confidence and grace. He had learned to coordinate his new strength and speed, and he had to admit he felt invincible. He couldn’t maintain a bitter attitude about Michelle’s little training exercise. Her test had served a purpose. He was flying high on his exhibition of masculine power. All other petty concerns became meaningless.
Rolling through the streets in a taxi, Michelle explained her plans. “We waited until one a.m. The clubs are full. People are drunk.” Her fingers slid over her his lap, teasing across the tip of his cock.
“We find the women dancing together. Is too easy. Feed quick. Thirty seconds, no more. You must learn to count. Is good exercise for control.” She snapped her fingers. “Bite and move on to another girl.” Her tongue licked her lips in a flicker. He sensed her excitement at having a hunting partner.
Upon entering the club, Michelle weaved through the crowd to the dance floor, pulling Aaron along. She maneuvered them to a group of girls dancing together wedged into the center of the dance floor. Michelle and Aaron slipped into the middle of them, swaying seductively to the music, maintaining constant eye contact.
He began to notice something different. These girls were watching him, and they were interested. Women never looked at him that way. Not unless they were so drunk they looked at everyone that way. These girls wanted him. They moved in closer. Before he knew it, two girls sandwiched him and began grinding him front to back. He’d never been singled out by two women for anything. It was an incredible sensation to command the attention of several beautiful women.
He could get used to this real fast. Their affection was intoxicating. He felt like a rock star partying with his entourage in the VIP section. He looked over at his rock-star-vampire-master. She was getting down to business.
While the ladies got funky, grinding all over him, he gawked at Michelle in morbid fascination. She had already bit into one girl for a few seconds, and immediately turned towards another girl behind her for a second bite, making short work of anyone in reach. Nobody seemed to notice what he saw. They were being tapped, one right after the other, all oblivious. She was an illusionist of the highest order, sleight of hand and fang. The cattle were blinded by her splendor.
The girl in front of Aaron leaned back into him with her backside, offering the juicy target of her neck and shoulder. She looked up with a seductive smile, giving him the eye contact he needed. Her petite, golden-brown Latina curves begged to be bitten. She licked her lips suggestively, an invitation he could hardly refuse. He struck hard and fast, letting the feeding instinct take over as he sunk into her exposed neck and swallowed down her red, delicious life. The girl reached up to run her fingers through his hair, cupping his cheek in her palm.
“Mas, mas, don’t stop!” She fisted her hand in his hair.
He didn’t want to let go. Every instinct in his body said to hold on, suck until there was nothing left to take. He dug down deep to find the strength of will to release her after what seemed like thirty seconds. He pulled back leaving her hot and bothered, unsatisfied. Reading her mind was a lesson in desire. She wanted more. She wanted him to do it again. She didn’t have a clue what he’d done, but she wanted him to keep doing it. The girl smiled with a drugged, dazed look, a light sheen of perspiration on her forehead, her dark iris faded to solid black from dilation. He had made a new friend.
Michelle flashed her eyes at him, sending a psychic kick through their mutual bond, silently urging him to move on. He turned away from the Latina to face a tall, willowy blonde who matched him in height. In seconds his unwavering eye contact gave him the control he needed. When he beckoned, she came. She moved right in, aligning her slim curves with his body as they both swayed to the music. She wore a short blue dress and easily straddled his thigh, spreading her legs to place her most intimate flesh on his leg, her hips rolling in time with the music. The Latina behind him refused to be dismissed so easily. She wrapped around his backside and began working to regain his attention. Her fingertips slipped into the front waistband of his pants.
He bit down into the delicious pulse of the blonde grinding her warm mound on his leg. He tried his best to focus on only one girl at a time, though they both struggled to hold his attention. Within seconds the blonde pulled his fingers down between her legs, inviting him to touch where she needed him most. Her dress had hiked up exposing her inner thighs to his caress. While he drank deeply, she used his hand to massage her swollen wet pussy, leaking her juices onto his fingers.
The Latina hadn’t given up the battle for Aaron’s affections––she worked harder to regain his attention. Her hand reached farther down the front of his pants and tugged his cock to a full-blown erection. He was so drunk on the overlapping sensations of blood and seduction that he fed from the blonde for almost an entire minute. As he released her neck, she became more aggressive, pulling her underwear aside to shove his two fingers into her slippery wet warmth. She worked him in deeper and deeper, grinding to the beat as she came all over his hand. At the same time, the Latina spooning him from behind worked him harder, faster, a skilled hand job.
For the second night in a row, Michelle abruptly cut into his erotic fun when she grabbed his free arm and yanked him out of the clutches of the sex sandwich. She plowed through the wall-to-wall dancers with Aaron in tow. He looked over his shoulder to see two disappointed faces scowling at him.
When they reached the exit, Michelle turned to him with a sly smile. “Sorry to interrupt, but you were out of control. You did good with timing, but you cannot engage sexually in public. You attract the wrong attention. You don’t want security and police.” She smooched him on the cheek and led him outside to another taxi.
In the back of the taxi, her arm curled around his. She didn’t seem angry. In fact she appeared aroused. Her eyes were dilated with pleasure and she had a slight smirk, still showing a hint of fang.
“Arousal from the bite and your natural attraction will drive women to rape you in public. Is a sexual frenzy. Use your control over them. You must learn moderation.” One hand stroking his arm, her other hand rubbed his crotch seductively. A study in contradictions––to speak of restraint while arousing him to the point of explosion.
“I know it is difficult. Is very exciting. Even to me, watching you is exciting. I will take good care of you tonight.” She punctuated the promise by unzipping his pants to grip his erection. Then she kissed him.
This new life with Michelle? Pretty damn cool so far. He hoped that someday her affections might be genuine, something more than just sex. Maybe one day she’d feel as strongly about him as he felt about her.