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The Nightlife: New York - Chapter 5

They stood outside a seedy strip club, the likes of which hadn’t appeared in the A-lists for decades. As the taxi left them at the curb, Aaron’s anxiety returned. The neon sign out front snapped and crackled electric sex into the darkness of the surrounding night with a flashing declaration, “Girls, Girls, Girls.” Felt like walking onto the film set of a bad eighties rock music video.

His low opinion of the place dropped several more notches upon entering. The smoky interior was covered in dark red upholstery and carpet, and populated with shifty-looking men stealing furtive glances in their direction. The kind of place you never wanted anyone you knew to catch you coming or going. He sensed relief from those who looked in his direction when they didn’t recognize him. He felt the same relief for not having recognized anyone.

Several scantily-clad girls slinked around eyeing him and Michelle for prospective targets. The rest of the girls were sitting with men, virtually naked. The topless girl dancing on the raised platform in the center of the room undulated with the pole sliding up and down between her thighs in an imitation of sex. Her generous, naked breasts jiggled and bounced with each shift of direction.

Aaron was gradually buried in the psychic wave crush of thoughts crashing over him from those in the room. The most prominent emotions were lust, desire, longing, and way too much indifference and greed from the girls. A moan of confusion escaped his lips. Michelle gripped his arm tightly, maintaining a hold on him physically and psychically. He felt the chains of her compulsive will power tightening around him.

She hissed in his ear, “Block it out!” With her compulsive prompt, a neat little bubble of silence slammed in place, effectively cutting off the bombardment of psychic noise. She had forced him to stop reaching out to people. He probably could do it without her help, if he quit scanning the room. His curiosity had triggered the barrage.

His internal storm quieted to background noise and he noticed Michelle whispering to the doorman. The man turned and led them to an alcove with several curtained areas. As they stood waiting, the doorman brought over a golden-skinned athletic girl. She had short, butch cut bleach-blonde hair slicked back into a manly spike but her body was all female. She wore only a powder blue dental-floss thong bikini. The blue fluorescent paint on her nipples left nothing to the imagination. They followed her into one of the curtained booths and she closed the drapes behind them. Aaron reached out tentatively to the dancer’s mind. Hoping to maintain a grip on his senses, he tried to focus on her alone. It worked for the most part. He could hear her thoughts and some noise from the man in a nearby booth, but he wasn’t swamped out by everyone.

With his scanning under control, he delved straight into her mind, rummaging around. She only had eyes for Michelle. Aaron might as well have been a shadow on the wall as far as the dancer was concerned. She had a serious itch to get intimate with Michelle. Unlike the girls that played with women at parties and stole kisses from their girlfriends, the dancer was full-on lesbian. Dancing for men was all about the money. She easily avoided her client’s advances, pushing their hands away––slapping them down with a smile on her face. She had no attraction to men.

The dancer turned her fake, I-think-you’re-so-sexy smile towards Aaron, but her thoughts centered on Michelle.

“Are you looking for a two on one?” She had a raised eyebrow, sexy and suggestive, but she was hoping to dance for Michelle alone. It was a rare treat when a woman as beautiful as Michelle visited a dive like this.

Michelle reassured her, “Non, just me.” The dancer smiled genuinely as she moved towards Michelle. She planned to thoroughly enjoy this dance, maybe even break the cardinal rule, no sex.

The girls sat together on the booth seat, and the ninety-nine percent nude dancer locked eyes with Michelle, never looking away. She danced for Michelle as if Aaron didn’t exist, moving to the rhythm of the music that pervaded the entire club. She climbed onto Michelle’s lap, swaying and grinding her hips, her legs spread wide. She stroked her fingertips over the soft fabric of Michelle’s top, encircling her nipples. The dancer grinned at Michelle’s reaction, her hard perky nipples––the dancers could touch and play all they wanted, but Michelle couldn’t touch back.

Aaron sat a couple feet away from the show, eyes glued to the girls. Definitely the most erotic thing he’d ever witnessed. He was already achingly hard in his pants, and the action barely started.

Michelle maintained her unblinking gaze, inviting the girl in with fuck-me-raw eyes. Michelle seduced the seducer. The girl didn’t have a clue she sat in the lap of a hungry predator.

Michelle leaned forward whispering with a hypnotic suggestion, “Come closer.” The dancer leaned in and Michelle struck swift and hard, biting her neck with a soft, wet, sucking sound. As Michelle clutched the girl, arm locked around the back of her neck, the dancer began grinding hard and fast against Michelle’s lap.

The girl wasn’t dancing anymore … she was trying to fuck Michelle, getting herself off by rubbing her pussy up and down Michelle’s legs. The dancer breathed in desperate gasps and hit two quick, heaving spasms. Grinding and humping atop Michelle, she cried out, “Oh my God! Oh yes!”

Aaron watched in awe as the stripper’s orgasm detonated. Her body shook with the power of her climax as she keened and whimpered.

Michelle released her bite and the girl slumped against her chest, panting heavily. Her fingers slid up Michelle’s chest, feeling her up through the light fabric of her top. Squeezing Michelle’s hard nipples, the dancer tried and failed to regain her composure. After a straight minute of quivering aftershocks, the dancer stood on shaky legs and stepped away from Michelle’s lap with a confused, embarrassed grin. Michelle breathed a lazy sigh of contentment and licked a touch of red blood off her lips.

Michelle stood and faced the dancer, maintaining her freaky, unblinking gaze, and handed her a couple twenties. “Thank you. Send another girl for him.”

Michelle gestured towards Aaron, and the dancer looked at him confused. She had forgotten he was sitting five feet away, witnessing her back-arching orgasm on Michelle’s lap. The dancer smiled nervously, looking back and forth between them. “Of course.”

She exited quickly, resentful for being dismissed.

Michelle leaned towards Aaron and patted his leg reassuringly. “You see? I did not hurt the girl. Feeding is pleasure. Trust me. Is all eye contact. Do not look away. Hold her with your eyes and tell her what you want. She is yours. Do exactly as I did. Release your bite after one minute, no more. The girls come close here. Is very easy.”

Aaron sucked in a breath and tried to calm himself for his turn at the vampire game. Anticipation and anxiety warred in his gut, but his erection was ready for the games to begin.

Next entered a cute, brown-haired, brown-eyed girl, with a shy grin. She closed the curtain behind her and eyed both of them, unsure who had requested her to dance. She seemed way too young … younger than Aaron.

Michelle gestured in his direction and the girl took the hint. She turned her sweet smile on him. “What do you have in mind?”

“A lap dance.” He pretended his cock wasn’t stretching the fabric of his pants and tried not to smile like an idiot.

Her eyes trailed down to the lump at his crotch. She winked at him, untied her robe, and set it aside. “My name is Lisa.”

Apart from one of those powder blue dental-floss bikinis, she was naked. Her tanned body was soft and curvy––barely of age.

Lisa moved slowly and sensually to the music, sliding into Aaron’s lap. He held her gaze as she mounted him. His erection somehow got harder and punched up the crotch of his pants, pitching a tent. Lisa rubbed her tight little brown nipples and handful breasts on his chest. She curled her hips, curving her warm, wet center, back and forth over his raised pants, an agonizing massage to the tip of his engorged cock. For a young woman, she certainly knew her job well.

He dug into her mind and read her sincere desire to tear his pants open and fuck him right there, rules be damned. She was completely enthralled, and all he’d done was stare at her.

She dry-humped him with a wonderfully torturous pelvic grind, rubbing her warm crotch on him. A mere inch from his face, nose to nose, she was perfect for a solid bite. His senses heightened with arousal. Lisa’s pulse beat throughout her body with a fluttering at her throat just under the skin. He felt an itch from his fangs. His new, larger teeth were fully exposed and needed to sink into this girl. He so wanted to take a chunk out of her.

Michelle gave a slight nod he perceived as the signal. He broke the no-touching rule when he gripped the back of Lisa’s neck and lashed out to bite down on that beautiful, little pounding pulse. His fangs punctured her skin with a yucky squish sound. Seemed the most natural thing in the world––like he’d been doing this all his life. The instinct and know-how to bite was second nature.

No denying the truth, he was officially a vampire.

Lisa tensed up at the sting of his bite, and then relaxed as his venom dumped magical endorphins into her bloodstream. Her blood coated his tongue in delicious syrup. He sucked hard and fast, gulping whole mouthfuls. Her strong heart pumped blood as fast as he could swallow. The experience was exquisite. Simply the richest, sweetest delight of flavor he had ever known.

With the blood came a new flood of Lisa’s emotions, passions, and a sense of her life essence. His connection to her mind sunk in deep through the flow of her blood. He immersed in her psyche, everything Lisa. She washed away his sense of identity. There was only Lisa and her fantastic euphoria brought on by the venom coursing through her blood stream and the constant pressure of his straining erection rubbing against her wet pussy. Lisa panted and gasped. Her whole body rocked with the force of her grinding thrusts on his lap. Her entry engulfed the tip of his cock.

“You must stop, now.” Michelle urged him gently.

Aaron sucked harder.

Psychic waves of ecstasy poured off Lisa. The wet juices of her orgasm gushed onto his pants, soaking his erection and he penetrated another inch, having sex fully-clothed.

Lisa’s peak struck again and again, each eruption slamming gasps and cries from her lips. Michelle battered him with demands to stop. Aaron ignored her.

Lisa shoved her hips down hard, trying with all her strength to force him deeper inside her. The blood high, the rush of Lisa’s ecstasy, and his near climax, hit a total sensory overload. A divine religious experience. The kingdom of Heaven shone down with all its hosts and choir singing praises to God.

“No more, stop now!” Michelle shut the pearly gates to Heaven in Aaron’s face with her compulsory command.

He released Lisa involuntarily. She collapsed against his chest with heaving gasps and panting-whimpering sounds at each exhale. Her body molded to his torso like gelatin and she continued grinding her pussy down onto the spike of his rock-hard cock, trying to fuck him. Shockwaves rolled over her from the intense, life-changing experience she’d undergone.

Lisa looked upon Aaron in adoration, kissing his neck and face with love. After a time, she stopped shaking and moaning with orgasmic spasms, still planted on his lap, hot and soaking wet.

Michelle lifted Lisa off Aaron from behind like a mother removing a babe from her father’s arms. Lisa looked as though she’d leap back into his lap, like she couldn’t stand to be apart from him. Michelle set the girl on her feet and entrapped her in a commanding gaze.

She mesmerized Lisa while shoving twenty dollar bills into her hand. “Go to the restroom and clean up.” Lisa suddenly remembered herself and looked down at her glistening wet thighs soaked by her multiple orgasms. She looked up at Michelle, embarrassed, and rushed out the curtain towards the back restrooms.

Michelle leaped toward Aaron hissing. “Imbécile. Look what you did!”

He slammed his fists on the couch in frustration. His eyes hurled daggers of malice at the evil bitch who denied his needs. Sexual frustration and bloodlust drove him to the edge of hysteria. He wanted to throttle Michelle. He glanced at the closed curtains … no one would see him strangle her.

He’d never experienced such severe, aching, unfulfilled desire. He now understood the stupid jokes about blue balls. Michelle had ordered him to stop right before he popped off. He was painfully hard and so frustrated he thought his cock might break off in his pants. No happy endings for Aaron.

Michelle threw a napkin at him from her purse and spit rapid fire. “Wipe yourself. Quickly! We must go now!” He looked at her as if she was insane. How could she force him to leave after what just happened?

“Tu es bêtes comme te pieds!” She glared at him, letting him know he was no more intelligent than the bottom of his feet. “I will explain when we leave. Hurry, she will return any minute. She is now your bloodslave. We cannot stay!”

Exactly as Michelle predicted, Lisa caught up with them at the exit before they could escape. Lisa latched onto him with a mile-wide smile, slipping her hand into his pocket with her phone number, stroking him intimately from inside his pants.

She looked him in the eyes with her free hand holding his chin. “Call me … seriously. I want you to call me tonight. I don’t say this to men who come here. I’m saying it now. Totally serious. You better not forget me, okay? I mean it.”

She considered her words for a second, trying to prove her sincerity. “It’s not about money. I don’t want money. I want to see you. Tonight. I’m off work at three a.m. Meet me in the parking lot.” She begged him with her eyes and stroked the length of him, a promised offering. “I don’t even know your name.” She gave him a puppy dog needy look.

“My name is Aaron. And I’ll call you. Don’t worry, okay?”

He grinned like an idiot. She had stroked him the entire time. She had his cock so hard and ready, still damp from her explosion on his lap. He wanted to throw her down on the floor and have his way with her. She’d probably let him. The power he held over this beautiful, young, half-naked stripper was a heady experience. Felt fantastic to finally be the one in control of the situation.

She aligned her body with his, pressing up on him with all her lovely curvaceous parts. “Please don’t forget me, okay?” Her eyes held unshed tears, as if she might cry because he was leaving her behind.

He almost begged Michelle to let him stay but thought better of it. She seemed pissed off, and he knew he’d catch an earful on the way out. He reassured Lisa twice more that he would not forget her while Michelle dragged him out the door to their next set of adventures in vampiring.

In the taxi, Michelle turned to him with a steady, controlling hand on his thigh. “I know how you feel, but listen. What you did was horrible. Your bite is a drug. Your venom is too potent.” She held his gaze as she flicked her fingertip at his teeth, pointing out the obvious.

“Is intense sexual excitement. Too much causes instant addiction, like heroin. You must never feed more than two minutes or you risk the addiction. You held this poor girl for too long. She had many orgasms, oui?” He nodded slowly, seeing the truth of her words.

“She will be anemic. You took too much blood. But the real problème is her addiction for you.” She poked her finger at his chest in accusation. “It is psychological and physical addiction. Never bite this girl again. Never see this girl again. We cannot return to her. Given the chance, she will pursue and stalk you. You marked her forever. She will think of you always. Is very important you understand. Is a serious problème. Très mal.”

Michelle paused to let the import of her words sink in. “She is now your bloodslave. She will suffer withdrawals from you for weeks. Constant pain. Depression may drive her to suicide. You should be ashamed.”

He was ashamed, yet frustrated enough to scream. “Why didn’t you tell me before? Why did you let me do this?” He felt like a complete asshat once he understood the ramifications of what he’d done to Lisa, and he wasn’t above laying the blame on Michelle.

Michelle cupped his face with her hands. “Oui, is my fault. You were not prepared, but now you know. There will be no excuse next time. Never make this mistake again. This is your lesson.” She was dead serious. He caught the flow of her emotions leaking through their psychic bond. She had an unwavering resolve to ensure Aaron never abused another woman––a deadly resolve.

He followed the thread of thought in Michelle’s mind via their connection. This bloodslave thing was a real sore spot for her. She’d seen it happen many times before. He caught a shadowy glimpse of numerous faces. Thin, emaciated faces. A great heap of sadness and grief hid under the surface of her mind. He almost reached into that pile of writhing snakes, but thought better of it. He shied away from her pain and leaned back to the other side of the bench seat.

She held him with her calm, unnerving gaze. He’d dug a little too deep, traveling through unwelcome corridors of her mind.

“You will respect these women when feeding. Do not test me.” There it was in her mind, plain as day for Aaron to read. She would ensure he was careful, even if it meant killing him. This mistake was on her, a freebie. If he continued abusing women there would be consequences. He sensed a dark gruesome history underlay Michelle’s strong feelings on the matter.

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