Bryn's POV
We were still in the car an hour later, wherever this lost spring was it was a while away. Jennifer was still snoozing away in my lap, her light angel like snores warmed my heart. I looked up at the driver, his gaze focused on the road.
"Excuse me?" I ask and he looks at me in the rear vision mirror, "Yes mam?" He asked and I sighed biting my lip, hoping the answer I want won't be extravagant. "What's the date today?" I ask, I have a rough estimate of the years that have gone by, I predict that there had been 6 years since I was kidnapped.
"It's the 4th of the May 2024" He said, and my jaw hit the floor and I was in shock. 10 years!? I slapped my hand over my mouth and took deep breaths trying to hold back the water well of tears frightening to come out. "Are you OK miss?" He asked glancing at my mortified face. "I'm fine" I mumbled removing my hand from my mouth and settling back into my seat. Even though I was nowhere near settled inside, my heart was racing, and my thought were jumbled. What my main question was, what do we do now. The instant we get out of this taxi, we're on my own. How do I even know where to begin, the world can change so much in 10 years?
I'm glad we still speak English still, and cabs are still the same. I presume there's new technology, such as flasher phones, bigger TV’s, and faster internet. Is Facebook still popular? Is 5SOS, One Direction and the Vamps still popular boy bands. Are my grandparent's still alive, is any one I know still alive? The boys, Nick, or Jake? I can only hope so, it's time like this I wished I had my mind link. There's absolutely no way to get it back, and I'll have to face the fact every day. Plus, the fact that when Jennifer grows older and shifts for the first time, I won't be able to go on her first run.
That's would hurt me the most, not being able to connect with my wolf and go on runs through the forest. So, I guess I'll just be a nature loving, tree hugging human for a while. Sounds like a plan, I say to myself. Suddenly the taxi stopped along the side of the road and turned in his seat to face me. "We're here miss, your part of the wolf club, right?" He asks and I nod, wolf club was a secret code word for either being a werewolf or related to one.
"There's a pack 20 minutes from here so be careful, and as of now an official rogue so good luck" He says with a genuine smile and I nod smiling. "Thanks" I say shaking Jennifer little body as she slowly stirred awake. "Just to being curious here, what's your name?" He asks and I smile, it's been a while since I've said my own name. "Bryn Lockwood and this is Jennifer" I say unbuckling my seat belt and smiling at the taxi man who had a shocked expression before carrying the sleeping Jennifer out of the car. With the bag on my back and Jennifer in my arms I close the taxi door and it drives away.
I rub Jennifer's shoulder and she jerks awake and lets out a cute little yawn. I place her down on her feet as she wakes up. "Are we here yet mummy?" She asks as her eyes look around at our surroundings. "Yes sweetie, we're here" I say, and she squeal running off into the empty field of nothing but wildflowers. She looked so happy here and honestly, I was too. I sprinted after her and enjoyed the feeling of the moist grass underneath my toes.
The long grass tickled my calf's as I ran after Jennifer, "Rggh!| I roared chasing after her like a monster, and she screamed playfully running away. I wasn't chasing her full speed, just fast enough so she stayed just out of my reach. "Gotcha!" I roared grabbing onto her little waist, and she squeals in surprise as I start tickling her. She falls to the ground laughing as I tickle her tummy.
I stop allowing her to get her breath back and she smiles up a me. "I like it here mummy" She whispers, and I smile, "Me too sweetie" I say kissing her forehead, before standing up helping her up off the ground. I took her hand and we started walking towards the tiny town, maybe there will be a diner and I could steal some delicious food for Jennifer and me.
"Where we are going now mummy?" She asks as we walk alongside the road. "Well we're going to find some food" I told her, and she smiled. If she asked what we were going to do afterwards I wouldn't have an answer. Our plan now, is to steal food, avoid packs and live in the wild.
"Cool" She said, and I smiled, gripping her hand tightly as we reached the town. There were two small farmhouses and that was it. No shops, or diners just houses. I guess breaking and entering is today's plan. Maybe I can even steal a car, so that we could find a human populated town, where I can get a job and feed ourselves.
We walked up to the house and I knocked on the door. Luckily, there was no rely, so no one was home. "What are we doing mummy?" She asked as I shoulder barged the front door down. "Shh sweetie" I said dragging her into the house. I sat her down on the couch in the living room, "Stay here, I'll be back" I say, and she nods. I run off into the kitchen and open the cupboards. I grab a few packets of food, a chocolate bar, a bottle of water and a loaf of bread. I chucked it all into the backpack which was getting quite full.
I walked out of the kitchen and into the master bedroom. There was a double bed beside a bed side table, and a walk in closest. The open the closet and smiled when I say one of those huge back packs made for tramping. I pull it out and leave it on the bed while I empty all our belongings into it and swung the tramping bag onto my back.
Walking back into the lounge I find a pen and paper and write a note for the occupants of this house.
Dear House owners
I have stolen food, a bag and hopefully your car
I hope you don't mind thanks
I left it on the kitchen bench and came back into the lounge to see Jennifer waiting on the couch. She smiled when she saw me, "Did you find food mummy?" She asks and I nod, "Yes sweetie, come on we're going now" I say, and she nods following me as I walk into the garage. I smirk happily when I see a giant black hummer parked on the concrete. What a strange place to own a hummer, but I wasn't complaining.
I picked Jennifer up and put her into the back seat of the car and did her seat belt. She looked so confused and I hurt me that she knew so little of the world. I wish there were a car seat though for Jennifer, but it would have to do for now. I climb into the driver’s seat and chuck the bag on the passenger. Using the remote from the centre console, I open the garage door and drive away.
I knew from this moment on, I'd never be the same. I've become a thieving rogue, and I didn't like it one bit. But I swore to Mason that I would protect Jennifer with my life, he wanted to keep his daughter with him forever but we both knew she'd be safer away from the rogues and Mason was in too deep to ever escape.
Even though I wished Mason could come with us, he can't and that made me sad. He saved my life and I could never repay him. A werewolf without a wolf going into heat was deadly, but he saved me from it all. I never loved Mason anything more than you would love a brother or a friend. It was going to be hard for Jennifer, without a father all her life. If he were here, he could teach her how to shift and understand everything while I'm bloody useless in that area.
Wiping a stray tear out of my eyes I drive down a road I've never heard of, traveling towards an unknown place I've never been to and I pray that something will go right...