Sequel to The Unknown Mate(Completed)10 years after the rogue attack, and the kidnapping of Bryn everyone's moved on. Th...
Chapter 1
Today is the day I've been waiting for, for a very long time. Years of sitting in a cold dark room was over and I was finally free. Well as free as being dumped in the most deserted country in North America could be. I believe after years of keeping me hostage, they grew bored of taunting and teasing and want to dump me somewhere. Why they aren't going to simply kill me puzzles me, but I'll take the chance to live a little longer.
Honestly, I didn't care that lost springs had the population of 4 people, it will have fresh clean air and the gorgeous blue sky. The sky's still blue right, it's hasn't gone green or anything? Thick long grass that I will spend nights on end just lying in, enjoying the soft feeling of it all. Of course, I won't be completely alone since my daughter will be coming with me. Now before you judge and go YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER! She's 3 years old and it wasn't entirely my fault. Over the years I've gotten to know Mason better, he was the rogue I met on the very first day here and we are best friends. One day I fell into heat, and it was extremely painful. Since neither of my mates were there, Mason helped me out since he was my best friend. Him helping me out resulted in Jennifer.
I named her after my mother, my mother's name was Jennifer. So, Jennifer and I will be released from captivity later on today and honestly, I'm just excited to see the sun. For so many years I've only ever seen very little light coming from light bulbs hanging outside my room. It has always been artificial light never real sun rays. So that's what I'm looking forward to the most about being free, is the sun, that and being able to see Jennifer clearly in the new lighting. I've only seen her in the small light from the room outside my cell, but from what I did see she was a beautiful girl, with hazel eyes, brown hair, a button nose, and freckles!
Even without the outside world, I've taught her to talk and taught her to read from the single picture book Mason snuck into the room for me. Having the book was a blessing, and every time someone who wasn't Mason comes in to feed us food, I'd have to hide the book otherwise they'd surely take it from me.
Jennifer owned nothing except from the clothes on her back, so she loved the book as dearly as I do. I grabbed the book from under the woollen rug, and the small torch from the table so I could read to Jennifer. Even though rogues are vicious creatures, whenever I behaved, they gave me small gifts. So far, they've given me a woollen rug for Jennifer to sleep on, a small torch for when I used to change Jennifer's diapers, an entire outfit including underwear, a shirt, a pair of shorts, a raincoat, and old sneakers. Don't forget Jennifer's sun dress, a medium sized blanket, and a small backpack to hold every we own.
"Jennifer sweetie come hear the story" I whispered out to her and she walked out of the dark shadows and ran over to me giggling and I smile. I swear this little girl brings the smile on my face and makes me want to live. Since Jake or Nick never got the chance to mark me, I should have died, but for some lucky reason only my wolf did. So, with no wolf, no mind link to contact my family, and with no hope to be free I had no reason to live. But Jennifer here gives me a reason every day.
She sits herself down on the rug and smiled down at the book. Every day I read the book once, and every time I do, she remains interested in the story. I opened the book and used the torch to read the book, "Once upon a time in a land far, far away, there lived a young girl called Cinderella with her stepmother and stepsisters. Every day her horrible stepmother and hideous stepsisters would make her do all the dishes, cook all the food, and clean the house till the late hours of the night. There was a prince in this kingdom and his father wished for him to marry a girl and settle down. So, he hosted a ball, and all the women in the kingdom had to attend. The invitations where sent out to every house in the kingdom. Cinderella's family received a letter in the mail, inviting them to the ball and Cinderella was so excited. Her evil stepmother said she could go to the ball if she found something to wear and finished all her chores. While Cinderella spent all day doing her chores, her friends the mice that lived in the house worked on fixing up an old dress that belonged to Cinderella’s real mother" I was about to continue with the story but the cell door started opening. I stuffed the book into the bag, out of sight and sighed in relief when Mason entered the room.
"Hi Mason" I say placing Jennifer down on my lap, and he smiled at me and especially Jennifer. "Daddy!" Jennifer giggled putting her hands up in the air wanting to be picked up, and he chuckled scooping her up off my lap and placing her on his hip.
"Hey sweetie" He says kissing her cheek and she giggles, "What are you doing here daddy?" She asks and his smile vanished completely, and a frown appeared. "I'm here to tell your mummy it's time to go" He says hinting to me, and I nod excitedly putting everything in the bag which took a matter of seconds. I stood up and walked towards the door for the first time ever and Mason handed me Jennifer. He smiled sadly at us and I could tell he was happy that I was free, but he would miss me.
"Outside there will be a taxi that will drive you to lost springs" He tells me, and I nod placing Jennifer on the ground beside me. I wrapped my arm around his waist and gave him a hug, he stiffened in surprise, which was understandable since I never touch him. But soon he responds to the hug and wraps his arms around my waist. He kisses the top of my head and whispers into my hair, "I'm going to miss you prisoner" He says using my nickname and I smile. "I'll miss you too kidnapper" I say pulling away from him and smiling. "Thanks for everything Mason, I mean it" I say, and he nods, "You better get going" He whispers sadly and I grab onto Jennifer's hand. I reached up and kissed his cheek before walking out of the room.
There was only one door in this hallway, so it was easy to find a way out. The instant I opened the door, I was blinded. I squealed and covered my eyes, slowly my eyes adjusted to the light and I smiled so bright. The sun was utterly beautiful, and the sky was still blue. It was a pretty day, with big fluffy clouds floating across the sky. I turned to face the building and I was surprised to see it was just a small room with a cell attached. It pained me to think that this whole time I could have easily escaped into the woods. There weren’t even any guards, they must come up here to feed me then they leave.
I turned back around and saw the yellow taxi, and I tugged on Jennifer's hand walking her over to the car. "What's that mummy" Jennifer asks, and I frown at how much she doesn't know. "It's a car sweetie, they take you places" I tell her, and she nods processing that I had said. "Where's it taking us mummy" She asks, and I smile, "Somewhere beautiful sweetie, with lots of light, clean water to bath in and gorgeous flowers" I tell her, and she smiles brightly as we hop into the taxi car.
The driver gives us an odd look, but starts the car and Jennifer snuggles down into my side and fell asleep. I smiled down at her and played with her hair as the driver took us to our new life...