I snuck up to the living room in the dead of night only to find Mr. and Mrs Wesley supposedly in some banter, and the subject of discussion—Me.
"Don't you think it's fair to at least let me know you were bringing in a maid?" The words of Mr. Wesley came pouring.
He was now clad in a white tee which clung so tightly to his body, I was lost on wondering whatever he would look like underneath that piece. Paired with a white velveteen pant, which flowed down his feet, he looked even better than the last time I saw him which I, was this noon.
I gazed at the man, taking in the intricacies of his profile, and f I was to guess correctly, I would say the fellow was in his early thirties. He looked not a day older than that, with scruff of hairs scattered around his upper lip, which was a plus to the definition of that face he bore.
And now stood by the couch, figure opposing that of Mrs Wesley, they both engaged in a round of back and forth.
"And I should be informing you of my every move, why?"
"I deserve to know that you brought a lady into our home to begin working as a help" Came his words.
"I don't see what the fuss is about" Uttered Mrs Wesley.
"Oh, now I'm making a fuss?" Chortled the man.
"First you bring in that baby, and now a maid?..."
"Don't you dare bring Will into this" I heard the bellow follow from the lady.
Her eyes had gone heinous, and with a tut of her lips, she began walking away from him.
The duo were only a young couple, and picking up on the words of Pavla that morning when she sought to enlighten me on the woman whom I was to be working for, she spoke on Mrs Wesley being in her late twenties, yet the woman bore a character that could only be attributed to that of a Forty-five year old.
"You know what...I can't handle all of this tonight" I heard the words leave the lips of Mrs Wesley, as she stormed up the stairs.
"All I require at the moment is a minute of peace, so you best leave me be!" And with that, she was already gone out of sight, with the sound of her curses echoing afterwards.
I settled into the silence which came lasting, and the instant I shifted my stare off the murk, I was met with the gaze of Mr Wesley peering back at me.
There he stayed, all the while gazing at me.
"I'm sorry you had to witness that" He muttered, running his hands through his hair, in a motion that stated he was plainly exhausted.
"No, it's...it's fine, Sir" I stuttered.
"I only came down to get some water" I made mention to him.
He gave a nod in response, gaze still laden in mine.
A minute there, I tried swallowing the words which came heavy in my tongue, but with curiosity peaking at me, it came pouring without warning.
"You look distressed" I spoke. "Is all well?"
"I'm fine" He spoke, refusing to meet my eyes.
"I'd rather be alone, please"
And at his utterance, I felt the sting in my chest.
I remained paused there, perhaps I thought would be enough whom I had only come to know few hours ago, and soon deciding I couldn't ridicule myself by just standing there, moping at the fellow, I spun around, making my way to leave the room, but paused at the sound of his voice.
I couldn't decide the call of my name rolling off his tongue was most fetching, or if it was just the way those eyes of his settled in mine.
"I do appreciate your care" I heard his words, and in a second, he was making his way out of the house, with the sound of his car following afterwards as he drove out of the driveway and into the night.
I was jolted to the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs, and when I spun around, I only found the figure of Mrs Wesley now approaching, with a baby secured in her hold.
I never realized the Wesleys had a child.
"Camila!" She snapped, eyes gone livid on me.
"Come get this baby out of my hands and get him to a calm" those were the words I heard from the fretting lady right before she dumped the little boy into my hold, and the next minute, she was already storming up the stairs, leaving me to the wails of the kid.
I stared at the child.
It was a boy, and judging from how little he was, I could tell he wouldn't be a day older than one.
"está bien pequeña. tus preocupaciones han terminado ahora"
(It's okay, little one. Your worries are over now"
I cooed him to hush, yet not matter how much I tried, I just couldn't get the little fella to a calm.
Oh, how much Mrs Wesley was testing my patience, having to dump the child on me.
Why have a baby if you couldn't take care of the kid? I sneered.
I lifted him into my arms, and making way to the kitchen, I poured out a glass of water hoping the child would have something to take, since I wasn't spared a bottle feeder, or even a pacifier for the kid.
It would be a miracle if I didn't give up and pack my things leaving come dawn.
"Here, take it" I spoke to a child whose wails were now threatening to bring down the roof, but he only pushed the glass out of my hands have it shatter into shards on the floor.
"Coño!" I emitted in a shriek, but the sound of my voice had only caused the kid's cries growing even louder.
And at that, I gripped the kid in one arm, using the other to fetch a carton of milk off the refrigerator, and soon come I was making way into the living room with the little monster in my hands.
I settled him onto the couch, going to mimic his cries, as they grew louder, and in that moment, he paused watching as I imitated his wails.
He stared at me those doe-eyes laden in confusion, and in a minute, he resumed crying, but upon cue, I did as such, and his wails soon came to a halt.
We went on the same routine for a couple minutes, and the instant I realized his wails were beginning to wither, I opened up the carton of milk, helping him to multiple gulps.
His little fingers gripped onto the carton, while he drank to his fill, and with those eyes of his now filled with satiation, he relaxed back in my arms, eyes slowly fluttering shut.
I laid the carton onto the coffee table, rocking the little one side to side, while singing those tunes I used to sing to the little kids on my street back in Monterrey.
It worked like a charm as usual, and in a minute, I found myself laying the little boy onto the couch, and with the warms hands of sleep soon coming to claim me, I got in right next to him.