Those eyes the intruder bore, appealed to me so well, I tell you, I was most concerned on knowing the color of those eyes, than settling on the reality that this stranger whom I knew not just walked in on me getting comfortable in Mrs Wesley's bath.
It was a man.
But if I was to put it that way, I just would be cruel in laying description of who this somewhat divine being of a mister was.
His hair stayed fallen in ruffles, of a dark color. And while the lad remained staring at me with nothing but confusion claiming him, I chose to take in the features of his face.
Oh, how prominent they were.
He had a nose hanging so high, well structured for the angles of his face, and with those lips of his left gaping, they stayed beckoning for my focus.
I was only about leaping off the waters, but soon came to realize that I was in fact stark naked.
Perhaps, the stranger had grasped how I couldn't make a move, for in a second, he reached for a white towel hanging on a rack, and soon tossing it over to me, he turned around, sparing me the privacy of getting properly dressed.
In a moment, I was out of the bath, going over to where he stood, and with hair dripping with water, eyes gone livid, I came around to face him.
"Who the hell are you to go walking into people's homes unannounced?" I demanded of him, tone gone raised.
And for a minute, I couldn't tell if I was most gutted on how he chose to remain silent, or of the fact that his eyes went skimming me.
He paused in the silence, only watching me, as I did him, and in a moment, there came the sound of that voice, which had the same effect it did earlier on me.
"I never knew I was to be invited into my own home" I heard the words which slapped the life off my face, and my jaw gone dropped.
"Perhaps, my wife should have enlightened me on the new happenings in our house" He chortled.
"Well, do forgive me..." He stretched a hand for me to take, "I am Mr Wesley, and I believe you're the one intruding in my home"
Here I was, still numb on my feet, plainly staring at the man with nothing but horror laden in my gaze.
This striking looking lad stood here was in Fact Mrs Wesley's husband, and however long I sought to stay back there going about how gorgeous of a mister he was, I felt myself withering, knowing so well the situation of our meet.
I struggled for the words, yet, none came, and with the water dripping off my hair onto the spick of the rug, I watched the eyes of Mr Wesley trail after, watching the patters of the water.
Perhaps it irked him that I was staining his floors with my 'rubbish' as Mrs Wesley deemed, and maybe he was just as his wife, ever too conscious, and ready to berate a low-life stranger who arrived off the borders of Mexico.
But I heard not a word from him, and in a moment, he raised a brow, eyes laden on my figure.
"You still haven't told me who you are"
"Camila" I gulped, soon fastening my arms around my body, like that would kill the fact that my Employer's husband had walked in on me naked.
The upside to it though, was that he was every bit majestic, but I couldn't ponder on that now if I wished to keep my job.
"Forgive me, Sir. I'm Camila" I introduced better.
"I'm the new maid" I foretold.