" Stop all these hallucinations jenny!!! They are not helping right now okay?"
Anna screamed at me, fuming furiously as she pace around the room searching for her golden wrist watch.
" Am sure Anna, someone was here today, inside our room; it was the moving shadow!"
I shouted, terror written all over my face; I was sure someone broke into our apartment, he didn't broke the padlock, neither force the window open; he got in somehow.
" Shut your trash jenny!! Someone broke in, the door, the windows, the celling, our stuffs, something got to be out of shape here. But take a good look around you, nothing is missing or stolen."
She pointed out, using her hands to demonstrate, staring directly into my eyes.
" He didn't came to steal Anna, he came for something else." I said, fear visible in my trembling voice.
" What?" She asked with an irritated voice.
"I don't know! probably to set up hidden cameras in the house,in nice spot;that we couldn't even think of."
I said, feeling xxx the walls and searching the drawers; looking for something new or hidden;I was behaving like a crazy woman.
Anna just stare at me,rage written all over her ;she couldn't believe me,and she never did. She always felt I was possessed or something.
"It the Stalker right?"
"Yes!it got to be him;I don't know what he wants from me........"
"Enough jenny! enough of all this stalker no nonsense,am sick;am sick and tired of this case."
"Evidence jenny,point out any evidence to back up your claims."
She said, Crossing her hands patiently and waiting for my response;
I slowly drop the books in my hands and stare at the empty space, thinking and racking my head for evidence.
"Your watch!your golden wrist watch,you kept it on the lamp stool last night right?"
"it's gone,I still saw it there this morning before leaving for work,but now it gone."
I said, bending around to search for the wrist watch;under the chair, table, television set or anywhere.
"so are you Saying the stalker stole it?"
she asked ironically,am certain she doesn't believe me yet.
"No!He didn't steal it,he didn't come here to steal. He probably knock it off somewhere while trying to cover his tracks".
"Stop playing around jenny......it..."
"Have found it ."
I shouted, interrupting Anna's speech;I quickly stood up and showed her the precious golden wrist watch.
"Can you believe me now?"
I asked, stretching the wrist watch to her.
"Hell No jenny!you might have mistakenly knock off the watch from the lamp stool this morning before leaving for work,then it fell under the sofa."
"No!I didn't even touch it this morning,I just saw it there before I left the house."
"You know what jenny,since you know much about your so called stalker;why don't you date him?"
She said mockingly;she was completely getting on my nerves.
"Anna stop, that's not funny."
"I can't help but wonder,if you are the real stalker that frame all these up or you are simply hallucinating."
"Anna.......you have to believe me....!...."
"Hush,hand me my watch,I can't afford to be late for Bella party."
She said, interrupting and snatching the watch from my hands.
"Make dinner."