Days passed by and Adrian was back to his routine. Yes, he still remembered the person that saved him and his brothers and also killed a hundred men as if some superman.
As expected, after the revelation of Klaus' real identity, Adrian was more attentive to him, not in a bad way. But he became more protective of the younger one. Ashley was strictly ordered not to take Klaus on any mission or anywhere, where it would be risky or maybe dangerous.
Meanwhile, in LA, Bella was stuck on Adrian. Other than her own brothers she hadn't seen a man so handsome and his blue eyes, deeper than the ocean. She was in her own thoughts sitting by the window when she was interrupted by someone.
"Belle, can I come in?" Came a voice and she knew who it was.
"Yea, come in." She replied and then awaited for the person to enter.
There entered her elder brother, Noah. He had his hands in the pockets and eyes looking everywhere but her. Bella found this weird. She knew something was up. She patted the space besides her asking him to sit there and he did.
"Noah, are you alright? And before you lie, I know something is wrong." She made sure Noah had no chance to lie.
"Yeah. I'm fine actually. But you have a job to do. Only if you're okay with it." Noah replied turning to sit facing her.
"It's been a few weeks now, since I had my last mission. What did Dad say about Rhys dying?" She asked Noah who hesitated but later told her.
"Oh.. that's fine then. We still have to be more careful with my identity as Dad wouldn't allow me to do anything like these, plus, if he ever has to find out about it, I will be shot dead on point." She made herself clear and Noah nodded.
"I get you. But this time, it's not for our sake. The mission is being handed over to you by someone whom you saved last time at the hotel." Noah said and looked at her.
"Someone I saved??" Bella asked and then looked out of the window. Turning back to face her brother, she said, "You mean, Adrian?" And Noah nodded.
"Right. Adrian. The thing is, it's his step father and step mother. So he was basically adopted. I don't know much about his birth parents or what happened to them. And also these step parents were very good to him and loved him more than their own son. But Adrian discovered a fact and now he is in danger. But he can't really confront his parents, because they have raised up him to what he is today, so he wants you to do it for him. On the grounds that one, he will promise you one thing and he will do it no matter what, even if you ask for his life." Noah explained and Bella was listening carefully.
"And what's the second one?" Bella asked him and he replied. "Second and last one is, that you will only do it if you wish to." Noah told her.
"But how did he know that you know Black Rose?" Bella asked confused.
"Because we got it through our secret post, where people who hire you send us mails. I don't know how he found out, but he sent it through the mail. I found it this morning. I have no idea when he sent it, nor it was dated." Noah replied and Bella nodded.
"Oh, through the mail you said, then it's fine. No wonder. Fine. Get me his number and address at San Francisco, I will visit him personally." Bella told Noah and he assured to arrange everything before leaving.
Bella looked out of the window. "How did you even know I was thinking of you right now? But anyways, it's also a good opportunity to find you in your own gang and see what you are exactly." Bella muttered to herself.
And Noah who was observing her, smiled.
"I know you've fallen for him. It's only a while before you realise. And this mission will give you a chance to know him firsthand. Grab it Belle." He almost whispered to himself and then left.
Bella would now go to San Francisco to meet Adrian and that's how their story will take a new turn.