"Mumma, Mumma, where are you?" Little Bella cried, but no one answered.
Scared, Bella walked out of the room to see a woman and a man on the floor lying motionless. She walked upto the woman and moved her hairs from her face.
"Mumma, Mumma wake up, Mumma," she called out to the woman but the woman didn't move a bit.
Bella walked upto the man and with all her strength she moved him so that now he was on his back and face up. "Daddy, wake up Daddy. Mumma is not saying anything. Wake up Daddy." Little Bella shook the man who was still as well.
Bella walked up and brought water and sprinkled on the faces of both the man and woman, but no response. Afraid she started finding something for defending herself. But what and how can a 10 year girl child defend herself in the face of danger?
She pulled both the man and woman close to her and lied in between them holding each hand in her both hands. She heard the door knob turn, so she got up and crouched under the table. She saw a light being flashed everywhere.
"Letty, look for the child." Said a man with deep gruff voice and the woman answered with, "yes, poor child".
"Arthur, Arthur, come here quick. They both are dead. I can't see Isabelle. Oh god, did they kill her as well? Those b*stards will rot in hell I swear." Said the lady who was now looking at the bodies lying on the floor.
Just then a sob left Bella mouth and everyone went quiet. "Shh, there's someone there. Be careful." The man said.
"Who is it? Is it Bella? Isabelle? Is it you, baby? Come out, we are your parent's friends, little one. Come out, don't be scared." Said the woman and suddenly a small voice was heard.
"Aunty, I'm here... under the table." Bella finally spoke up.
Letty bent down and saw her crouching under and she quickly took her hand and pulled her into a hug and held her tightly for a while.
"Oh my god, baby. How long were you there? Were you scared baby? Oh my God, Arthur. She's burning hot. We need to get her to the hospital now." Letty told her husband, Arthur who agreed.
"I will ask my man to secure this place and take care of them. Come on, before anyone comes back." Arthur guided his wife and the child back and they all left in the Rolls Royce which was ready for them.
Arthur and Letty were friends with Bella's parents. But none of them had expected this sudden attack or death. Till today it was a mystery for all of them. Arthur and Letty had two sons, who happily accepted Bella as their sister as they so badly wanted one and they got one in Bella.
Upon reaching hospital, the doctor examined Bella and after a few tests, he came out and asked Arthur and Letty to go to his office. He closed the door and then took a seat in front of the couple.
"What is it, doctor? Is everything okay with Bella? She's just seen her parents dead and she was with them for God only knows how long." Arthur told the doctor who shook his head and waved his hand.
"It isn't about it, Arthur. There is something else we found out. Was she hurt as well? Did the attackers do anything to her, or maybe inject her with anything?" The doctor asked and they both shook heads.
"No idea. We found her under the table crouched with some toy in her hand for defending herself, my baby.." Letty said and she almost cried while her husband side hugged her to comfort.
"Letty, Arthur, brace yourself to hear what I will tell you now." The doctor said and the couple exchanged confused looks.
"Bella was definitely injected with something, that will make you extremely powerful and dangerous. It's a kind of a drug for acquiring strength and power. It shouldn't cause a normal human any harm, but for kids at her age, it's very dangerous." The doctor explained.
"What do you mean, its dangerous and makes people powerful?" Letty asked almost yelling.
"That means once that drug is injected in a person, the person becomes powerful and gains inhuman strength. Kinda like superpowers." The doctor explained ahead.
"But, will it be harmful for my baby? I mean will she..." Letty gulped back a sob.
"Nope. She won't die. She will just become powerful and sronger than any normal human. But there is one problem. You can call it a disadvantage and if its known to a enemy, it will be the end of her." The doctor said.
"What?? What is it??" Both Arthur and Letty asked at the same time.
"She can't bleed. If she gets injured or wounded or bleeds heavily, no one, not even god can save her." Hearing this the couple became more worried.
"Of course it will be difficult for her during menstruation. Especially her first time will be very dangerous for her. She will be fine after that. It will be a battle between life and death for her. She is not allowed to get pregnant going ahead. She will lose her life once the baby starts growing in her uterus. I know it's difficult, but if she still would want to conceive, then we can always find some way to keep her and her baby safe and sound. I can give you my word on that. We still have time, so till that time comes, I will definitely find a solution for that..." The doctor told the couple who smiled happy tears..
"Thank you so much, doctor. Thanks alot. My baby.. Can we take her home? Or does she still need to be under observation?" Arthur asked and the doctor, "Yes, she can go home. The fever was a result of excessive emotional or mental stress. She might develop PTSD, but I am sure, she will recover if she has such a loving family around her." The doctor told the couple and then they all left..
"Arthur, should we tell the boys about Letty? How will they react to her? I am worried." Letty told her husband who was now holding Bella in her arms.
"They will be happy, you see. Dom't worry so much love. What if you get wrinkles?" Arthur teased his wife who smiled and that's how they passed time and finally were home.
Noah and Ian were already jumping up and down happily seeing Bella, who was all scared right now judging the situation was back from.
"Henlo," she said in her tiny voice and the boys' joy knew no bounds.
"Mum, Dad, she is so tiny and her voice so delicate." Ian said with a smile.
"Hello, princess. I am Noah, your elder brother. And this is Ian. I know you are a bit scared and unfamiliar right now, but I promise you will love here once a few days pass." Noah promised her holding her tiny hands very delicately.
"Looks who's being all gentleman!" Letty teased.
"Mum... she is so delicate like a glass. I'm just scared I will hurt her anyway so.." Noah said with a pout. Letty pulled Noah in a hug, "I know baby. From now on, Bella is your responsibility, of you both. She is your sister. You will have to love her, take care of her and protect her with yojr life, if needed. Okay?" And both the boys promised their parents.