Selena will be giving the aesthetic and functional design proposals for the Garden. Marco had to approve them first before they can start with the landscape but he was busy for the past two days and was not able to return to the estate. They already agreed and signed an agreement and the rules of the estate have been discussed.
Marco returned early to meet with Selena. He went to her room and found its door slightly opened. He was about to knock when he heard her talking to someone probably on the phone.
“Io so quello che sto facendo. Non è sicuro di discutere di questo qui. Call me usando una linea sicura o meglio ancora aspettare fino al mio ritorno. Non mettano a rischio quello che abbiamo già iniziato.”
{I know what I am doing. It is not safe to discuss this here. Call me using a secure line or better yet wait until my return. Do not jeopardize what we already started.}
He waited until the conversation was over then he went inside.
“Selena, Con chi stavi parlando?”
{Who were you talking to?}
“Hey Marco! I was just talking to my brother. Do you need anything?” Marco expected her to be nervous for being caught but she wasn’t. She was calm and collected when she answered his question.
“About your designs, I can see them now.” He went straight to the small receiving area inside the spacious room where he saw her MacBook laptop that contains her work.
“I didn’t know you speak Italian.” She asked, hoping to start a conversation. She wondered why Marco seemed serious all of a sudden. He seemed aloof and guarded.
“I don’t usually announce that I can speak nine languages.” He was still serious but was not able to stop himself from smiling when he saw her jaw open and close as if wanting to speak but don’t know what to say.
“Wow! Really?! You’re a genius then. I can only speak Italian and English and that is just because it was required in school.” She smiled at him then remembered about the designs. She took the laptop that Marco and his group retrieved from her apartment two days ago. She went with them to get her things since she need to stay on his estate until the Project was finished.
“Here are the designs based on your specifications.” She was staring at his handsome face wondering how the stubble on his chin would feel against her skin while he scroll down the designs.
“Like what you see?” Marco felt her gaze on him, which made him more aware of her distracting presence.
“Yes. How about you? Do you like what you see?” Selena was not a bold person but she can hold her ground when tested. Marco lifted his gaze to look at her face then lowered his gaze to her voluptuous chest down her exposed legs. She was wearing a peach V neck knee length figure hugging dress that made him almost lose his focus.
“Very much. Here I choose this.” He closed their gap and placed the MacBook on top of her lap, making sure to graze the exposed skin. He heard her gasp from the contact.
“I see. Nice choice. I would have chosen this myself.” It did not escape his eyes that she pressed her thighs closer together and moved a bit farther from him.
“You can start as soon as possible. Here, use this to contact me. My number and Denaris’ number were saved there. If I don’t answer and it is important as life or death, you may contact Denaris. He will know how to reach me.” Marco handed her a cellphone that will serve as a tracking device as well as means of communication for them.
“Can’t I just use my phone?”
“What is rule number 2 Selena?”
“Never ask questions.”
“Keep that in mind. It will make our lives easier.”
“I have to go but I will be back this evening to have Dinner with you.” That was Marco’s way of asking her for a Dinner Date. He is used to being approached by women and was not aware of the proper thing to say for a dinner invitation.
“Oh. Ok. See you later then.” Marco was irritated by her response. She was not even excited that he asked her to eat dinner with him.
After Marco left the room, Selena wondered what could have happened to Marco. He was sweet to her the previous days but now it seemed like he was a different person.
Marco was in a bad mood after talking to Selena. He went inside the car where Denaris was already waiting. They will be meeting with a sales agent for the new bar and restaurant they will soon be venturing.
“Denaris, the shipment will arrive tomorrow night. Make sure everything is according to plan.” He was scrolling on his phone to pass up the time.
“Why do you look like a stick went up your ass?”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“That’s a first. Marco the great is being an arse after talking to a girl. Usually, it was the other way around. Tell me what happened. Come on. I won’t laugh.” Denaris knew how to push Marco’s buttons.
“I asked her to go to Dinner tonight.”
“You’re such a nosy bastard.”
“Just cut the crap and tell me what she said.”
“She said Oh. Ok. See you later then.” Marco even mimicked Selena’s neutral and bored tone.
“That’s it? That’s your dilemma? Because she did not sound excited?” Denaris was preventing himself from laughing as it might earn him a punch or worse even a gunshot wound. He knew Marco’s temper when pushed to extreme.
“I was nice when I asked. I don’t know what she’s thinking. She seemed uninterested.”
“Just send her a dress for tonight then tell her you’ll be dining out. Maybe she thought that dinner with you was a normal thing at the house. You did tell her that you will be going out right?”
If Marco was not a dangerous man, Denaris would have laughed at his expression. He looked like he just had an important realization. He was really new with the date thing. Marco never asks for a date. He is flocked by women even when he was still in California, he was a playboy. He never took anyone seriously. Everyone was just for his pleasure.
“You think?” Now Marco looked like a weight has been lifted from his shoulders.
“I’m sure. Stop smiling. I am beginning to doubt your talents with women. Don’t worry too much about Selena. It looks like she is in to you too.”
“Well, I’ll be damned if she’s not.” He took out his phone and sent Selena a message.
We’ll be dining out tonight. Wear something special. I’ll see you at 7 pm.
“Brent, ask someone from the club to purchase a dress for Selena. Make sure it’s not slutty. Bring it to her before five pm.” He instructed Brent on the phone.
“You’re whipped man. I think you’re in deep shit.” Denaris was shaking his head at his friend.
“Shut up! I’ve never been whipped and will never be.”
“Let’s see about that.”