Marco handed me a bag of clothes. His endearing and heart-stopping smile did not help my wayward heart. It’s erratic beating never faltered every time I looked at him at it made me feel weak.
It was a wrong move for me to have looked into his deep blue eyes and appreciate his perfectly sculpted face that will make every Greek God insecure about their appearance. I have never seen a more handsome man than him. And I have seen many men in my entire life to not have any comparison.
He smells nice too. I think his smell and enticing gaze might have caused me a dizzy spell.
“Are you ok? You look as if you were about to faint.” He took my hands and pulled me again towards him. It didn’t help me since he was the one causing it. But I let him hold me in his arms.
“I’m fine. “ I didn’t want that moment to end, the way he held me like I was a fragile thing made me feel like I was special.
“Selena. . .”
Another knock on the door.
“Damn! Can’t they wait until I go down!” His voice seemed mad but he did not stop stroking my hair. I almost jumped out of my skin when he whispered in my ears.
“Go shower and dress. There’s towel in the closet. I will come back here for you then we will have breakfast.”
I was not aware I was hugging him but I felt him gently free himself from me and took his leave.
I was attracted to him at first sight. This should not have happened. I walked towards the bathroom. I have not even appreciated the beauty and elegance of the room because of his presence.
While I lather myself with soap, I wondered if he uses the same brand. I took a sniff and it was not his scent. I must have taken too much time in the shower. I turned off the water and dried myself with a towel.
I forgot to bring the clothes inside the bathroom. I just hope he is not back yet. I wound the white fluffy but short towel around my body, it covered just my chest until the mid of my thighs, my hair still dripping, I opened the door and peered outside. Marco is not in the room. I walked out, bent down and picked the bag of clothes I dropped on the floor. I was about to straighten up and return to the bathroom when the door opened.
“Sele. . .Oh! Ah. . . Sorry. . .I thought. . . Ah. . . I’ll be. . . I’ll be back in a while.” The door closed abruptly and I saw myself in the mirror beet red from embarrassment by what he could have seen to make him flee the room in haste.
After I dressed up. I actually found the clothes comfortable and a perfect fit. I wondered how he knew my size. A fitted black jeans and red sleeveless turtleneck blouse. I was looking for my shoes when he returned inside the room.
“Selena. . .Please stop bending like that.” I heard agony in his voice. What could have been agonizing?
“I was just looking for my shoes.”
“Here.” He handed me my shoes he got from a nearby closet.
“How did you know it was there?” I asked when he still was not looking at me.
“That is a shoe cabinet.”
“Oh. I see. . .I’m done.”
“Come on.” He was about to exit the room when he looked back and smiled at me.
“You look good Selena.” Tongue-tied and surprised, I just smiled back at him.
“Thank you.” I realized he also showered and changed. He was now wearing a dark blue long sleeved shirt and faded jeans that hugged his burly muscles in all the right places. The color of his shirt also matched his eyes.
“Let’s go?” His smile could weaken even the strongest and fearless amazon in the world.
“Lets.” He offered me his hand. Who am I to refuse? With the grand staircase, I figured he was just assisting me on our way down. But he did not let go of my hands until he pulled up a chair for me from the dining table.
“Good morning.” A man greeted me. He looked handsome but not as gorgeous as Marco. When I looked around the room, I saw at least ten men around me, looking at me like I was a puzzle for them to solve.
“Good. . . morning. . .” I might have sounded scared since Marco smiled at me for to appease me before he moved to the end of the table. I was seated on his left while the other man was seated on his right.
“Selena, this is Denaris Morelli. Denaris, Selena Rossi.”
“Pleased to make your acquaintance Selena.” He earned a warning side-glance from Marco.
“This is the rest of our group. Brent, Ian, Donny, Al, Vinny. . . “ He mentioned all their names but I got lost along the way. I was never good with names. I just smiled at each of them as their names were introduced.
“Now that we are all acquainted, let’s eat.”
French toast, Ham, Eggs, Cereals, Salad and various cheeses. There was also rice, some spicy looking dishes and noodles. It was like eating breakfast in a buffet. I guess if they all have to eat what they wanted, then variety is essential. I opted to eat ham and toast while for Marco, ham, eggs and toast.
When the men finished eating, they excused themselves from the table. When Marco, Denaris and myself were left, my hunch told me that I would be in some kind of interrogation. And my hunch was never wrong.