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(9) Wait! I'm sleeping with him already?!

I couldn't wait until morning and it took its sweet time coming knowing it was annoying me. I jumped out of bed at around seven the next morning and showered and dressed in a cute jumper and hopped down the stairs excitedly. The boys were in the kitchen sitting at the kitchen island in the middle of the kitchen eating pancakes and frowning intensely over papers.

There was also a seating area with a table a little way off and a glass door which lead to the pool. The papers were scattered all over the table and the boys were frowning so much that their sexy and handsome face looked really ugly at the moment. They looked up when they saw me and I took a step back.

"S-s-sorry to i-interupt." I stammered

They smiled.

"No worries." Jianan said

I sighed in relief and walked back into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I spotted the cake still in one piece and I took it out. I smiled so wide that you could wrap it twice around my face.

"What's so good?" Jianan asked

"Nothing much J-J." I said walking past him.

I called him J-J mostly. I put in on the counter and bent down and looked into the cupboard and pulled out a small plate. I felt the boys staring at my ass!

Those perverted boys.

I turned around then they laughed and I rolled my eyes. I carefully undid the foil and set the pie neatly on the plate. I went into the fridge and pulled out the whip cream and a few strawberries and a lemon. I got out a knife and slice a thing slice of lemon from the perfect middle. I tasted one side.

Shit! That thing was sour!

I thought quickly then went over to the cupboard and pulled down the white sugar and put a little in a cup and mixed it with a little water. I cut a slice of bread and popped that in the toaster with the lemon slice soaked in the syrup.

Two birds with one stone!

I placed the strawberries neatly on the plate and sprayed a little cream over that then stood back and admired my work while the boys watched me a little fascinated in my work.

"Let me guess...it's a boy." a sly voice said and I turned around to face Xavier.

"Uhh...um...no." I stammered

"Nice try Royalty I'm too smart for that!" Xavier said biting his lip a little

The boys looked at me.

"Who's the lucky dude?" Geovanni teased

"No one in particular." I lied "Can't a girl eat in style?"

"More like can a boy eat in style?" Xavier sarcastically said and rolled his eyes "C'mon spill Royalty. Who is it?"

I hesitated a little.

"D-Damanico." I answered shyly looking down at the floor and the boys cheered

I smiled and went back to what I was doing and the boys raised eyebrows at each other. I ate while I put the lemon in position and admired my work.

"Picture perfect." I said through I mouthful

I swallowed fast and looked at myself in the glass.

"My hair alright?" I asked

"Yep." Geovanni said "Good luck."

I took it and left. I looked at the number in my hand and up at the door I was standing in front of. I knocked shyly wand waited. I fussed with my hair a little then heard the door opening.

Damanico's POV

I heard someone knock shyly and I got out of bed and went to the door. I opened it and Royalty was there. I looked at her and smiled and I spotted the pie in her hand.

"Did I wake you up?" she asked

"No." I responded "You made that for me?"

"I had made limone pie so I thought I'll bring you the last slice." she shyly answered looking away a little "I hope it tastes good."

"I'm honored to have the last piece." I laughed "Come in."

She walked in shyly and I closed the door. Good thing I had cleaned my room early this morning. I sat down on the bed and motioned her over. She sat down and I took the cake from her and took off a chunk with the fork. I tasted it.

Shit! That thing was good!

"Delizioso!" I exclaimed "How old are you?"

"Sixteen." she answered

"Darn girl, you bake like a pro for sixteen!" I said

She smiled.

"Really?" she asked me excitedly

"Yeah." I replied

"How old are you?" she asked me as I ate the last piece of pie

"Eighteen." I answered

"I thought you were at least twenty." she said "You have to work now, right? I'll leave you to get dressed and ready. I'll see you later. Bye-bye."

She ran out and I smiled as she closed the door. She's really cute and something is attracting me to her.

Rpyalty's POV

I can't believe I just visited Damanico in his room.

I wanted to jump around she scream like mad. I was looking forward to seeing him later. I went back downstairs and hopped excitedly into the kitchen. The boys were still frowning over papers. I put the plate into the sink and crept up behind Xavier and poked him in the ribs and he jumped violently.

"Royalty what the heck?" he asked me

"I came in here like the loudest hurricane ever and you didn't hear me?" I added a little sass "Are you deaf or are you frowning over work so much that it's making you deaf?"

"Bitch why you being such a bitch?" he asked me

"Ass why you being such an asshole?" I shot back

He laughed and I smiled. The others looked at us confused.

"I like pussy so the opposite would be ass." he answered my rhetorical question "You?"

I shook my head.

"The opposite of diva to me is bitch and I'm not a diva." I said trying to make sense out of shit "Anything else your honor?"

"Yeah." he responded with one dirty smirk and I felt a little uneasy

"W-what?" I asked a little frightened

"Sleep with me tonight babes." he said biting him lip and making the sledgehammer act up down south

"XAVIER!" Crissy yelled at him and slapped him at the back of his head

"She asked if there was anything else so I told her." Xavier said rubbing his head where Crissy slapped him

"Geez Xav." Crissy groaned "She's an innocent girl! Leave her alone!"

I laughed.

"I'm just kidding Royalty." he joked "Geo when you go into the lounge tell Tara I want her tonight."

Why was Xavier being so easy on me and saying I'm so innocent? Did he see me a little less than the other girls? Why am I worrying about such things?

I pushed the thought out of my head and he looked at me.

"You alright?" he asked me

"Yeah I'm fine." I replied instantly

Xavier's POV

She answered quickly and I sensed something was wrong but what? I nodded at her and focused my attention back to the paper in front of me. Royalty looked over my shoulder.

"Is that what you're all frowning over?" she asked

"Yep." Geo answered popping the 'p' "We can't figure the code. This paper was delivered in the mail and I believe it is a message from the Russian but we can't figure it out."

"Are they enemies?" Royalty asked

"No they're allies." Cristiano responded "We're really close and help each other out."

"From the looks of it they're in trouble and send us a warning message but in codes." I frowned "We've been up all morning trying to figure it out but we can't."

"That's because you're sillies." Royalty laughed

We looked at her confused.

"Punish me after Xav." she said picking up a pencil and looking at the paper in Russian in front of me "There's a pattern which I read about in a book a long time ago. It's really ancient and I believe the Russian have used this method in sending this letter to you. It looks like nonsense but the words are hidden inside it. Look here. Cross out the first two, skip five then cross one."

I looked down at the paper in amazement. In the first bundle of letter a word came out clear. 'Shvedskiy'.

No way! Royalty's a genius.

"Shvedskiy?" Jianan asked thinking hard "Normally they write in Italian."

"Something must be happening so they had to write in their own language." Cristiano said "What the heck does 'Shvedskiy' mean?"

"Swedish." I answered "It mean Swedish. I was thought Russian when I was seven remember. To be a mafia boss you've got to know the languages of your allies. The first word is Swedish. Royalty keep going."

Royalty continued until we had this remaining: 'Shvedskiy oni do dobra ne.' I translated it.

"It says 'The Swedish are up to no good.'" I translated then looked confused but I was stopped when Damanico rushed in

"Maestro Xavier." Damanico said out of breath "Money went missing from the safe in the club downtown. Several of the men down there reported that money went missing without a trace. The alarms didn't go off and when they checked the security cameras they had been cut off."

"WHAT!" I yelled slamming my hand down on the table making everything bounce up then fall back down "How much?"

"At least $200,000 went missing." Damien replied

"No trace?" I yelled

"None Sir." Damien answered back

My mind flashed back to the message. 'The Swedish are up to no good'. I clenched my fist in anger and my jaw tensed.Rei put her arm on my back and I felt myself calm a little.

"D. leave!" I said and he left instantly

Cristiano looked at me worried

"What now?" he asked

"They're after something." I answered "I just can't put my finger on it but I know for a fact it isn't Royalty. They want something else from us."

"So I'm safe?" she asked "I can go out?"

"No!" I yelled at her and she jumped "They'll question you and they might take you hostage for ransom or they could kill you or something. Don't you EVER step foot out this house! EVER! Understand?"

She winced a little and looked down and I say tears flow down her face.

"You people have me living in a blasted prison! I can't even have a life! I hate you Xavier!" she yelled at me then ran off

"ROYALTY!" I said making a grab of her hand but she pulled away from me.

I groaned in absolute frustration and picked up the glass on the table and threw it at the wall. Geovanni grabbed my hand.

"Calm down Xavier!" he said sternly "Getting angry now won't solve a thing."

"He's right." Cristiano said to me

I looked at him. Something was killing me slowly inside and it had something to do with Reil.

Why was I hurting because she got mad at me?

"I just don't want her killed." I said softly "Why the fuck doesn't she understand that?"

"Give her time." Cristiano said "She'll understand soon enough that you're protecting her."

I looked at him and he smiled at me. Yep that was my really cool brother. He always gave me advice and I listened and followed sometimes even if I was boss and he wasn't. I smiled at him.

"Thanks C." I smiled back then my voice got serious "Right now we've got to hold a meeting. We've got to find out the Swedish are up to. Meeting tonight at nine after dinner. Don't be late."

The boys nodded and I left and went back up to room. I sat down on the couch and looked up at the ceiling.

Why did I want to protect Rei more than ever? Xavier what the hell is going on with you? What's she doing to me?

Royalty's POV

I ran out the kitchen and up the stairs.

Xavier is such an asshole! Why couldn't I go out? Not once had I seen what Italy looked like.

I bumped into someone and I looked up.

Damanico! Yeah! I bumped into him again.

I looked up at him with tears running down my face.

"Are you alright Royalty?" he asked me worried

I just cried into him arms

I felt trapped and lonely even though there were so much people around me.

I felt his strong muscular arms around my waist and he lifted me up bride style. He then carried me along to his room. The corridor was empty.

Thank heaven!

He opened his door and walked in and closed the door with his foot. He then laid me down and sat down next to me.

"What's wrong Royalty?" he asked me

"X- Xavier." I said through tears

"Xavier?" Damanico asked me puzzled "What did he do? I don't know him to be harsh on girls."

"He forbid me to step foot out the mansion but I want to see outside." I cried "I want OUT!"

I cried again and Damanico looked at me sadly.

"Well with the money issue." Damien said softly "I bet he's get over protective of you since you're wanted by the Swedish. He doesn't want you killed so he's threatening you so don't dare to disobey. When Xavier threatens someone out of love it's because he wants you safe and those who disobey...."

He voice trailed off. I looked at him.

"What?" I curiously asked 'What happens?"

"They...end up killed or captured or they meet a horrible end." Damien said softly "My older sister Diane was one such person. Like you she was sold. Xavier had warned her not to leave this house but she disobeyed his orders and went out and she was caught and shot twelve times."

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked." I said softly realizing he was sad

"Its fine." he smiled at me

I smiled back.

He's so nice.

Am I falling love with him? His bed smells so nice. Like spring! His bed is so soft that I...

I didn't finish as I fell asleep on his bed.

Damanico's POV

I saw her close her eyes then fall asleep peacefully. I smiled and got up of the bed softly. I went out the door and closed it quietly. I went back to work then passed by the cook in the kitchen where we ate. We didn't eat with the bosses. I picked up food for Rei and myself.

I hope she didn't leave yet. Wait why am I anxious to see her?

I shook away my thought and went back up to my room. I met the bosses on the way up.

"Have you seen Royalty?" Crissy asked my worriedly "She just disappeared and she's not in her room."

"She's asleep in mine." I answered and their jaws dropped

"Fingered her yet?" Xavier asked me slyly and I laughed

"No maestro." I answered "I haven't touched her."

"Uh huh." Xavier said slyly "How long will he hold out on her?"

He said the last part to himself and walked passed me and winked. I chuckled and shook my head. The others laughed and winked at me as they walked passed.

I went to my room. Royalty was still sleeping but she woke up when I came in.

"I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?" I asked

"No." she smiled "How long was I asleep?"

"Four hours." I answered "It's after one. I bought lunch so if you're hungry you can eat."

She sat up excitedly.

"Really?' she asked in surprise "You actually bought lunch for me?"

I held up the sandwiches and sodas and she laughed.

"Thank you Damanico." she said

We sat down on the floor watching a movie while eating and laughing. I found her quite easy to talk to and she was honest and open.

"Are you a virgin?" I asked her and she blushed and looked down

"It's embarrassing to say but yes." she answered shyly

I leaned closer to her.

"I wish I still was." I told her "Being a virgin is a good thing. It means someone worthy gets the special shot. Don't be embarrassed by that."

She blushed bright red and I chuckled and rubbed her bottom lip.

Royalty looks so cute blushing

"I've only got a few more hours of work." I said "Stay here with me tonight if you want."

"I don't want to see that asshole at all!" she said fiercely and I know she was talking about Xavier "I-I-I d-don't mind staying here if you r-really want me to."

She went shy at the ending and blushed so much her face was like a tomato. I chuckled and picked up our garbage.

"I won't keep you waiting more than I could help it." I said and she nodded

I left her and went back to work thinking about her all the way.

She's so cute!

Royalty's POV

Wait! I'm sleeping with him ALREADY?!!!

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