I followed Xavier out the club. I stopped short when we reached outside. I was looking at a 2015 Porsche 918 Spyder in silver.
"No way." I exclaimed "We're riding in that?!"
"Yep." Xavier said laughing at me shock "Like it Cinderella?"
"I love it." I laughed "Is that Chrissy's."
"No it's mine." Xavier said leaning on the expensive car
"Wow." I said dropping my jaw
Xavier laughed.
"I'm a billionaire so I have all the cars I want." he said then opened the door on the passenger side for me "Shall we go Nobildonna?"
"We sure shall." I said letting him take my hand and seat me inside the car before gently closing the door.
He whipped his keys out his pants pocket and got in the driver's side.
"Ready?" he asked me starting the car
"Y-yeah." I answered raising and eyebrow as to why he was asking me that.
Well I soon found out. I remembered Aria told me Xavier was a drag racer and that is why he had extremely fast cars. He stepped down on the pedal and we speed through the streets of Italy. He was driving with one hand and was pretty controlled and I let the wind blow threw my hair as I gazed about at Italy as we drove through.
"Wow." I gasped "Is this really Italy?"
"Yes it is mia cara." Xavier smiled at me "Like what you see?"
"I love it." I replied looking at the huge mall and the big pizza restaurant in awe
We drove for five minutes through the streets which hardly had anyone that night and we parked at a very expensive restaurant.
"We're going in there?" I asked looking at him in excitement
"Why are you so excited?" he asked me laughing
I blushed.
"It's my first time actually riding in car and actually wearing something so pretty and going somewhere so fancy." I replied blushing a little and looking down at my hands "All this is sort of new to me."
I felt his warm finger turn my head to face him so I was looking into his sexy half blue half gold eyes.
"I want you o completely forget about you past life in Miami." he said to me softly "You're here now in Italy with me and the others who will protect you at any cost. Lighten up a bit and enjoy being a teenage girl who's living with a mafia boss. Stop bringing up your past. If you do it again I'll make you regret it."
I nodded.
He was threatening me for a good cause. He was right. I had to move on from there now. They're in Miami and I'm half way across the world. I should be happy.
"Let's go." Xavier said smiling at me 'I'm hungry."
I giggled.
He got out and opened the door for me and I gracefully took his hand. He put his keys in his pocket then led me up the stairs of the building. I then entered a fancy restaurant. Xavier led me through the crowd of happy diners then up the back stairs.
"Why aren't we eating with them?" I asked as he pulled me up the stairs gently
"For one thing it's a risk for you to be discovered and for another thing I love dinning privately away from everyone." he explained opening a door and leading me to the roof top
There was chairs and table set for two. It was pretty expensive and luxurious.
Well he's a freaking billionaire so why not!
He pulled out my chair and I sat down before he sat down in front of me.
Xavier's.....a real gentle man.
Note to self: You've just met another side of Xavier.
The waiters then came up bringing us our food. It was the first time I've eaten Italian food but it tasted good.
"What do you love doing?" I asked casually "You know....when you're not being a boss."
"I go drag racing or boxing." he answered "You?"
"I read and I go surfing, water skiing or any other water sports." I replied
"We've got a cool beach at the back of the mansion." Xavier stated twirling his spaghetti around his fork "I'll take you there one day."
"I'd be honored." I smiled "What exactly do you do you know where?"
"Everything a normal mafia does." Xavier said to me softly and I looked around to make sure no one was listening "We're the biggest and most deadly mafia in Italy. We don't deal with drugs though. We leave that out the mix but we do everything else."
"You kill people then?" I asked shyly
"No." he answered "Our bullets are advanced technology made in our secret lab. They electrify the body when made in contact but those don't kill. There are ones made to paralyze and there are ones used in war to temporarily shut down the body and one that instantly erases memory. The mafias now are not into bloodshed but there are a few who do use real bullets."
I was relieved that they weren't into bloodshed.
Their weapons must be really advanced for them to be so deadly without bloodshed. I guess it's a good thing. I think they capture the men from the opponent's team and take them. They must be really successful in doing so that's why they're so big now. I guess I'm warming up to this mafia. It's not so bad.
I took a mouthful as he looked at me.
"You zoned out on me." he stated "What were you thinking?"
"Nothing much." I blushed "I don't mind belonging to your mafia. There's no bloodshed so I guess it's still deadly but at the same time safe."
He smiled at me.
"When my father came into leadership he changed the rules and when I came in I help strengthened the rules he made." Xavier said "I won't want to kill an innocent soul or I'll be guilty for the rest of my life. I'm glad father changed the rules. It's fair to everyone here."
I nodded.
"You're really different from the scary mafia boss I was thinking about." I admitted softly
He looked at me.
"You thought I would have hurt you, right?" he questioned me
"I hate to admit it but yes." I replied looking down at the food on my plate "But I guess I judged the book by its cover. I'm sorry."
"Its fine." he smiled at me "I'll admit that I was thinking you'd me one difficult girl but when I saw you I changed my mind."
I looked at him.
"I'm glad you're not." he smiled "You make my job a little easier."
I nodded.
Don't give trouble Royalty. Running a mafia is hard enough. He's probably stressed out with work so be a good girl as much as you can.
"Zoning out on me again?" his sexy voice interrupted my thoughts
"I'm sorry. I have a habit of doing that." I blushed "I'll work on it a little."
"We'll see." he smiled
His smiled is so angelic to his face. He's such a masterpiece.
We finished eating talking over absolutely random crap. From food to our favorite shows to celebrities to just anything random.
"I'm going down stairs for a little bit." Xavier said getting up "There's something I've got to check. I won't be long."
I nodded as he left. I got up and went over to the wall and looked out down at the streets which were slowly starting to become busy. I let the wind rush through my hair and blow it around wildly. I didn't hear someone in a mask creeping up behind me until it was too late. I felt a hand cover my mouth and I struggled to break free as the attacker held on to me. I realized a scarf was being held to my nose and mouth and I tried to scream although no one heard me.
What's going on? Xavier.....help! Xavier! Where are you? Don't tell me they attacked you too? XAVIER!!
I felt my body getting weak.
I'm being drugged.
My knees felt week and I desperately fought to break free. My efforts were in absolute vain. I began to slowly sink to the floor and the hand loosened around my nose and mouth. My vision began to get blurry until everything was spinning. Then everything went absolutely black.
Xavier's POV
"I'm going down stairs for a little bit." I said getting up "There's something I've got to check. I won't be long."
She nodded at me and I left her. I didn't want to do it but I had no choice. I walked out and closed the door to the roof behind me. I took out my cell phone and dialed Cristiano.
"It's time Crissy." I said to him
I ended the call with my brother and took out the mask I had in my back pocket. I threw my hat off and put on the mask. I pulled my scarf out my pocket which was already soaked with the substance.
I'm sorry Royalty. I hate to bring you here just for this. I hate to get your hopes up but I have absolutely no choice.
I opened the door quietly to where she was leaning over the railing looking down and letting the wind blow her hair wildly.
She looked really cute and sexy tonight. Alright Xavier focus!
I crept up silently behind her. Years of being a mafia and secretly ambushing could pay off. She didn't realize until it was too late. I put my hand over her mouth with the scarf and held it there tightly while she struggled under my grasped. She began to get desperate but I held her tightly until I began to feel her sinking down weakly. I let her go slowly as she dropped lifelessly down.
I caught her and I took off my mask and put it away. I laid her down on the ground and collected my hat. The waiters had already cleared up and left us to ourselves. I then heard the familiar sound of a helicopter and I looked up as Geo grinned at me and I shook my head and smiled.
"Is she out?" he asked looking down at me
"Yes." I answered
"Let's go." Cristiano said and I nodded.
I picked up Royalty gently and looked down at her face.
Forgive mia cara. I'll tell you one day.
"Get Weston to get my car." I said and Geovanni nodded and pulled out his cell phone.
Jianan bought the helicopter as low as he could then Crissy threw down as rope as he and Geo held it. I had Royalty standing up next to me and my hand was around her waist. Jianan flew over me and I caught the rope as he went and my feet left the railing. Cristiano and Geo pulled hard bringing me into the copter. We put Reidown on the seat and Geo and Cristaino sat on the floor. I had Fel's head resting on my lap.
I brushed the loose strands of hair away from her face. Her lashes were really long and she was so beautiful while she slept. Her juicy light pink lips had me dying to bite them. Something about her was pulling me in.
What the heck is it?