There I saw my mom all decked up up for my wedding. She was wearing a light gold colored dress with jewellery that complemented it. Her lips had a coat of light red lipstick while her face had a light coat of makeup.
She looked extremely beautiful but for the wrong occasion. This occasion was not a happy one at all. I could not believe what was happening.
“Carmen, sweetie! Are you still not ready for your big day?” my mom asked with her melodious voice.
She was a caring mom, but it was not as if she took care of me at all when I was desperate for it. She was quite a silent person who obediently listened to my dad’s orders and also stood up to his decisions no matter what they were.
This feature of my mother was something I could not understand! It was not as if she was dependent on him. She herself came from a rich family and was a female alpha herself! But after marrying my dad, I did not know what happen to her!
“Mom, I told you countless times that I do not care about this marriage at all! Dad and you are just forcing me to do this!” I yelled at her!
Her expression turned into a shocked one and she immediately shut the door behind her while approaching me!
“Carmen do not start this again! If your father would have heard this, he would get extremely mad at you!” she whispered furiously in my ears.
I got annoyed at my mom’s response! It was the same thing she kept on telling me! She started to sound like a broken record at this point!
“Mom, you and I both know that this is not right! I actually am not scared at dad anymore! Both of you are ruining my life by making me marry Ivan!” I yelled while panting.
“Ivan is your mate!” my mom yelled with angered eyes.
“No, he is not!” I screamed at her!
In the middle of our argument, the both of us heard a knock at my door with a voice that sounded like dad’s! “Honey, is Carmen ready? I’m coming in!”
Mom and I were both panicked at the thought of dad seeing me not ready yet! He for sure was going to scream at the both of us.
What were we going to do? And how should I get myself out of this mess?